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Тест по 10 главе книги Дж. К. Роулинг "Гарри Поттер и философский камень".

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Тест на проверку понимания содержания 10 главы книги Дж.К.Роулинг "Гарри Поттер и философский камень"

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«Тест по 10 главе книги Дж. К. Роулинг "Гарри Поттер и философский камень".»

Harry Potter and Philosopher’s stone

Chapter 10 Halloween


  1. How did Harry and Ron feel about Hermione at the beginning of Chapter 10?

  1. that she was their best friend

  2. that she was very clever

  3. that she would be a good person to get to know better

  4. that she was a bossy know-it-all

2. What did Harry receive in the mail ?

  1. a Comet Two Sixty b) a new Nimbus Two Thousand

  1. a Remembrall d) a letter from the Dursleys

  1. How many players were on each Quidditch team?

  1. 7 b)10 c) 12 d) 5

4. How many balls were used to play Quidditch?

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

5. Professor Flitwick had the students ----.

a) baking pumpkin pasties b) starting fires

c) floating feathers d)catching bats

6. Who broke into the dungeons at Hogwarts during the Halloween feast?

a) the three-headed dog b) a goblin c) a dragon d) a troll

7. Ron and Harry went to the bathroom to ----.

a) see the action taking place b) save Hermione

c) hide from the troll d) change their clothes

8. How did Ron and Harry know the troll was near?

a) They could smell him.

b) They could hear him.

c) They saw him.

d) The felt the vibrations of his heavy footsteps.

9. Ron used a spell to -----.

a) build a wall around the troll to cage him in

b) freeze the troll's arms where he couldn't move them

c) hit the troll over the head with its own club

d) shrink the troll to the size of a toothpick

10. Ron and Harry's feelings towards Hermione changed when she ----.

a) told them she was sorry

b) was in danger

c) killed the troll

d) lied to keep them from getting into trouble


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