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Тест по английскому языку 11 класс

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Данный тест разработан для учащихся 11 класса.

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«Тест по английскому языку 11 класс»

Английский язык, 11 класс

*Внимание! Во всех вопросах только один правильный ответ

1. Choose the correct form:

Would you mind my … the window?

  1. to open

  2. open

  3. opened

  4. opening

2. Choose the correct form:

Where would you rather … your holidays?

  1. to spend

  2. spend

  3. spending

  4. spent

3. Choose the correct form:

Why not … to the party tonight?

  1. go

  2. to go

  3. going

  4. went

4. Choose the correct form:

We are going hiking! What about … us?

  1. join

  2. to join

  3. joining

  4. joined

5. Choose the correct form:

How long … you … here?

  1. has … lived

  2. have … been living

  3. did ... live

  4. do ... live

6. Tell where it is:

The main ports are Dublin and Cork.

  1. Great Britain

  2. The Republic of Ireland

  3. India

  4. Australia

7. Tell where it is:

This country is known for its social system of castes.

  1. Great Britain

  2. New Zealand

  3. India

  4. Australia

8. Tell where it is:

The state is a federative republic which consists of 29 states and 7 territories.

  1. Great Britain

  2. India

  3. Ireland

  4. Australia

9. Tell where it is:

In this country there is Lake Eyre which is more than 10 meters below the sea level.

  1. Great Britain

  2. The Republic of Ireland

  3. India

  4. Australia

10. Translate into Russian

Yield to pedestrians!

  1. Пешеход, пропусти машину!

  2. Внимание, пешеход!

  3. Уступи дорогу пешеходам!

  4. Внимание пешеходам!

11. Translate into Russian

The Tube

  1. подземный переход

  2. подвал

  3. пешеходный туннель

  4. метро в Лондоне

12. Translate into Russian

amber light

  1. желтый сигнал светофора

  2. янтарь

  3. украшение на елку

  4. лампочка желтого цвета

13. Complete the sentence with the correct variant of the main verb.

Do you think the book is worth ...?

A) reading

B) read

C) to read

D) be read

14. Сhoose the right preposition.

They were always interested ______ watching history films.

  1. in

  2. on

  3. for

  4. about

15. Сhoose the right preposition.

Tom is looking _________ to seeing his friend.

  1. at

  2. after

  3. forward

  4. for to


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