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Тест по теме "What's in the news?"

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Тест для 9 класса по теме "What's in the news?" Раздел 6 

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«Тест по теме "What's in the news?"»


Unit 6 (What’s in the news?)

  1. Vocabulary

Match the people who work in the mass media with their explanations.

1. a journalist

2. a cartoonist

3. an editor

4. a photographer

5. a newsreader

  1. decides what should be included in a newspaper

  2. writes articles for newspapers, magazines, TV and radio

  3. take pictures of events for a newspaper or a magazine

  4. read news or information on the TV or radio

  5. illustrates news events or characters with funny drawings

  1. Reading

Read the text and fill the gaps with the words (a-e).

a) plunged (упасть)

b) swam (плавать)

c) rescue (спасать)

d) slipped (скользить)

e) swum up (подплыть)

Once my friends and I went to the river. As they were able to swim they quickly came into water, and I badly (1) therefore I remained with the coast. When I came into water, suddenly I (2) and (3) into the water. It was very deep though I was not far from the coast. My friends heard my screams and (4) to me. They began to (5) me. I held on to them and we swam to the side of coast.

  1. Writing

Put the words in right forms using Present Perfect and Past Simple.

  1. Oh, no! I  _____ (lose) my money!

  2. We (to work) part-time.

  3. Mike (to be) a student.

  4. My mum _____ (write) shopping list. It's on the kitchen table.

  5. Helen (to have) a car.

  6. Dad, you _____ (eat) my biscuit!

4. Speaking

Give the advices if your friend is waiter. Using the modal word – should.

Example: A bus driver should have good concentration.


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