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Тест "Притяжательные местоимения"

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Тест на тему "Притяжательные местоимения". К учебнику "Spotlight 6" модуль 4

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«Тест "Притяжательные местоимения"»

Exercise 1
Назови по-английски как основные, так и абсолютные формы следующих местоимений.

твой, наш, их, его, ваш, мой, её

Exercise 2
Переделай предложения по образцу.

Example: This is your house - This house is yours

1. This is my life - ... ;
2. This is his watch - ... ;
3. That's our money - ... ;
4. This is her plan - ... ;
5. These are their clothes - ... ;
6. Is this your land? - ... ;
7. These aren't her children - ... .

Exercise 3
Вставь в пропуски правильные притяжательные местоимения, выбирая между основными и абсолютными формами.

1. ... (you) friends are very nice;
2. Is that ... (she) hotel?
3. ... (I) country is bigger than ... (you);
4. This car isn't ... (they);
5. ... (he) mother is a teacher and (she) is a judge;
6. Where is ... (they) restaurant?
7. How many people are there in ... (you) city? - About two million and in ... (you)?
8. I'm going to visit a friend of ... (I) tomorrow;
9. These are not ... (you) shoes. Those are ... (you).

Exercise 4

В некоторых предложениях указаны неверные притяжательные местоимения. Найдите и исправьте их.

Example: Theirs toys were on the floor. – Their toys were on the floor.

1. The photos on the table are my.

2. Jane is watching her favorite film.

3. Anna loves his husband very much.

4. We talked about ours problems.

5. I met my friends at the café.

6. That camera is their.

7. This sandwich is his.

8. Mine relatives live far from me.

9. Hers garden is more beautiful than yours.

10. Robert likes to spend her money on clothes.


Exercise 1
Назови по-английски как основные, так и абсолютные формы следующих местоимений.

твой, наш, их, его, ваш, мой, её

Exercise 2
Переделай предложения по образцу.

Example: This is your house - This house is yours

1. This is my life - ... ;
2. This is his watch - ... ;
3. That's our money - ... ;
4. This is her plan - ... ;
5. These are their clothes - ... ;
6. Is this your land? - ... ;
7. These aren't her children - ... .

Exercise 3
Вставь в пропуски правильные притяжательные местоимения, выбирая между основными и абсолютными формами.

1. ... (you) friends are very nice;
2. Is that ... (she) hotel?
3. ... (I) country is bigger than ... (you);
4. This car isn't ... (they);
5. ... (he) mother is a teacher and (she) is a judge;
6. Where is ... (they) restaurant?
7. How many people are there in ... (you) city? - About two million and in ... (you)?
8. I'm going to visit a friend of ... (I) tomorrow;
9. These are not ... (you) shoes. Those are ... (you).

Exercise 4

В некоторых предложениях указаны неверные притяжательные местоимения. Найдите и исправьте их.

Example: Theirs toys were on the floor. – Their toys were on the floor.

1. The photos on the table are my.

2. Jane is watching her favorite film.

3. Anna loves his husband very much.

4. We talked about ours problems.

5. I met my friends at the café.

6. That camera is their.

7. This sandwich is his.

8. Mine relatives live far from me.

9. Hers garden is more beautiful than yours.

10. Robert likes to spend her money on clothes.



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