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Test yourself 4 Enjoy English 5

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Предлагаю мой вариант проверочной работы 4 по лексике и грамматике в 5 классе (УМК Enjoy Eglish). 

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«Test yourself 4 Enjoy English 5»

EE 5 U 2 Test yourself 4 Date ________ Name ____________________________________

Task 1

Complete the letter with the words: Christmas tree, meal, celebrated, December, wishes, decorated, presents



10th January

Dear Julia,

Thank you for your letter. I also want to tell you how we ……………. New Year. On the 27th of ………….. my dad and I …………. our Christmas tree. We also made some nice decorations for the windows and rooms. I lake to give presents so I made a lot of ……….. for my friends and family. On the 31st of December my mom cooked a special …… . At midnight we made our ……….., set up fireworks and found our presents under the ……………… . I enjoyed my presents and New Year.

Write back soon.

Best wishes,


Task 2

Complete the sentences

  1. British people celebrate Christmas …. The 25th of December.

  2. We have a big Christmas tree … the centre of the city.

  3. When are you leaving ….. London?

  4. Our test consists …. four tasks.

  5. We start school year … September.

  6. We usually put our presents ……. The Christmas tree.

Task 3

Complete the sentences. Fill in am, is, are.

  1. It … raining now.

  2. The baby …. not sleeping at the moment.

  3. What …. you doing?

  4. I … writing a postcard.

  5. …. they watching TV now?

Task 4

Complete the sentences with the verbs in the correct form.

  1. Listen! What …..she ………(play)? – It’s my favourite music.

  2. The children usually ………. (write), ……….. (read) and ………. (count) during the lesson at school.

  3. We ….. not ……….. (draw) now, we …… …………. (make) a poster.

  4. Alice and her dad ………………………. (decorate) the tree now.

  5. My friends often ……………. (go) to the park to have a picnic.

  6. What … you …….. (do), Tom? – I ……………… (watch) TV. There is an interesting film on.

  7. Where is Jim? – He ……………… (do) his homework. He always ……….. (do) his homework at this time.

Task 5

Make up sentences.

  1. is, crying, Why, Billy? ______________________________________________

  2. for, The, children, decorating, are, room, the, New Year, the. ______________________


  1. it, Is, now, snowing? ______________________________________________________

  2. is, She, not, sleeping, at, moment, the. ________________________________________

  3. you, are, What, doing? ___________________________________________________


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