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Тестовые работы 7 класса

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Контрльные тестовые задание по английскому языку  за 1, 2, 3 и 4 четверти и 1 контрольная работа стартова .

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«Тестовые работы 7 класса»

7 -TEST YOURSELF №1 __________________________________

1)to climb                a) sunbathing
2)to take                  b) money
3)to go                    c) seaside
4)to spend              d) free time
5)to earn                  e) records
6)brilliant                f) weather
7)to listen to            g) photos
8)at the                    b) mountains

2. Translate. 
1)  наука
2) искусство
3) химия
4) география
5) английская литература
6)физическре обучение

3.Fill in the correct verb.
1)I... to the seaside with my family.
a) went                    b) gone
2)The weather … brilliant.
a) be                        b) was
3)We … at the hotel.
a) stayed                  b) had stayed
4)Every day my family and I … to the beach.
a) gone                    b)went
5)We...and...in the sea.
a)sunbathed, swam  b)sunbathed, swum
6)We ...back at the end of August.
a)returns                  b)returned

4.Chose the correct word.
1) ...did you go on holidays?
2)...went with you?
3) ...was the weather like?
4)...much time did you stay here?

      5.Add nouns to the adjectives.

7-TEST YOURSELF- №2 _______________________________
1.Choose the correct translation.
1) первоклассный ученик
a) an ace pupil b) a beautiful pupil
a) to go b) to achieve
a) an ambition b) an aim
4) чемпионат
a) a championship b) competition
5) игрок номер один
a) the number two player
b) the number one player
6) профессионал
a) a pro b) a winner
7) как следует
a) great b) properly
8) стипендия
a) a scholarship b) money
9) набрать наибольшее количество очков
a) to get a lot of scores
b) to score the most points
10) установить рекорд
a) to set a record b) to make a record
11) играть главную роль
a) to star b) play a star
12) талантливый
a) talented b) clever
13) лучший спортсмен
a) the champion b) a top sportman
14) стараться изо всез сил
a) to try hard b) to make o'key

2.Form pronouns from the adjectives.
1) brillant
2) beautiful
3) good
4) hard
5) quick
6) fast
7) smart
3.Open the brackets.
1) He ( to be) great at drawing comics.
2) I can't ( to do) without practicing more carefully.
3) The young driver must ( to study) the rules more carefully.
4) Some children don't ( to know) how to behave in public places.
5) You should ( to work) more properly to impress people with your spoken English.

4.Choose the prepositions where necessary.
1) His laziness prevented him...winning a scholarship.
a) of b) from
2) Mel Gibson starred ...many Hollywood films.
a) at b) in
3) Seigei Bubka set ...many world records.
a) in b) -
4) The travellers try hard ...to cross the river.
a) up b) -
5) She has an ambition … to become a pro.
a) on b) -
6) My brother has trained properly to win...the championship.
a) - b) away

1) Мы встали рано, чтобы успеть на поезд.
2) Моя мама прекрасно готовит.
3) «Битлз» очень быстро стали известными.

7-TEST YOURSELF №3 ___________________________
1.Match with the Russian equivalents.
1) to show sympathy a) сделать вклад
2) to support needy people b) быть вовлеченным
3) to make contribution c) получить жизненный опыт
4) to get involved in d) проявлять сочувствие
5) to make a difference e) поддерживать нуждающихся
6) to get life experience f) обеспечивать приют
7) to give a helping hand g) протянуть руку помощи
8) to provide a shelter h) иметь различие

1) nursing homes
2) lonely
3) elderly
4) a volunteer
5) a charity
6) orphans
7) disabled
8) volunteer work
9) to raise money
10) to make donations

3.Choose the proper variant and complete the sentences.
1) Our people celebrate 8 March by... .
a) to giving women flowers
b) giving women flowers
2) Planting trees …, because it gives it more fresh air.
a) to be very important for every city
b) is very important for every city
3) Christmas is the best time for ...relatives.
a) to visiting b) visiting
4) We can help homeless animals by … .
a) finding them homes
b) to finding them homes
5) Evening is a perfect time for..., ...and... .
a) reading, watch TV and have rest
b) reading, watching TV and having rest.

4.Open the brackets.
1) She ( to do) babysitting.
2) His business ( to be) washing cars.
3) He ( to sell) things at the car boot sale.
4) He helps ( to walk) the dog.

5.Choose the correct translation.
1) We are living in a big world.
a) Наш мир большой.
b) Мы живем в большом мире.
2) They need our care and help.
a) Они нуждаютсяв нашей заботе и помощи.
b) Они нужны нам для заботы и внимания.
3) British children help them in different ways.
a) Британские дети помогают им разными способами.
b) Британские дети требуют заботу и внимания по-разно

7-TEST YOURSELF № 4 _______________________________

1-variant ________________________________
1.Match with the translation.
1) to pollute the environment a) выбрасывать мусор
2) to damage trees b) сажать деревья
3) to disturb wild animals c) повреждать деревья
4) to throw away litter d) мусор
5) to protect nature e) загрязнять окружающую среду
6) to reduce pollution f)беспокоить диких животных
7) to hurt animals g) охранять природу
8) garbage h) использовать бутылки заново
9) to cut down baby trees i) сократить загрязнение
10) to reuse bottles j) перерабатывать макулатуру
11) to recycle waste paper k) обижать животных
12) to plant trees l) рубить деревья

2. Translate.
1) the ozone layer
2) the greenhouse effect
3) wildlife specialists
4) an otter
5) holes in the sky
6) aerosol cans
7) oxygen
8) rain forest
9) plastic products
10) Friends of the Earth

3.Choose the correct variant.
1) The car …, so we had to walk.
a) was broken b) braked c) brake
2) His coat … by the tailor.
a) made b) was made c) makes
3) Fresh vegetables … at the market every week.
a) were brought b)are buy c) are brought
4) Do not ...wild animals!
a) is disturbed b) disturbs c) disturb
4.Begin the question.
1) ...is the national park?
2) ...is it situated as a rule?
3) … animals live in a national park?
4) ...do people care about it?
1) Машины загрязняют воздух в больших городах.
2) Рыба погибает в озерах, реках и морях.
3) Животных беспокоят.
4) Пожары уничтожают леса

7-TEST YOURSELF №4 ______________________________
2- variant ______________________________
1.Match with the translation.
1) It's one of the kind! a) Это великолепное зрелище!
2) It's better compared to others! b) Это лучше посравнению с другими!
3) It's the tops! c) Было бы глупо упустить шанс и не посмотреть это!
4) It's a marvellous sight! d) Это высший класс!
5) Nothing can beat it ! e) Единственное в своем роде!
6) You'd be nuts to miss f) Нет ничего лучше этого!
a chance to see it!

2.Write the opposites.
1) easy -
2) comfortable-
3) possible-
4) boring-
5) cheap -
6) beautiful -
7) safe-
8) good-
3.Fill in articles where necessary.
1) Every country has ...museums.
2) History museums tell us about ...past.
3) ...Natural history museums tell us about animals and plants.
4) ...London and ...New York, Moscow and Berlin open their museums for many tourists.
5) They learn about … culture of these cities.
6) They take photos, buy ...souvenirs to remember about their visit.
4.Choose the correct variant.
1) Every country is … .
a) proud of its past b)proud of its present
2) Nations... .
a) keep their money b)keep their heritage
3) Different museums... .
a) exhibit animals b) exhibit various things
4) The British Museum has … .
a) the largest library b) the largest carteen
5) It' s well- known for … .
a) mummies b)puppies
6) The British Museum is … all over the world.
a) famous b) unknown
1) телефонная будка
2) почтовые ящики
3) главные туристические места
4) скучный
5) трудный
6) прекрасный
7) сложный
8) опасный
9) готовый
10) безопасный
11) дорогой
12) удобный
13) невозможный

7- TEST YOURSELF № 5 ______________________________
1-variant ______________________________
1.Match the translation.
1) to get together a) полагаться друг на друга
2) to care about each other b) собираться вместе
3) to worry about c) обращаться к друг другу за помощью
4) easy to get along with d) беспокоиться о
5) to talk smb's problems through e) быть всегда рядом
6) to turn for each other for help f) хранить секреты друг друга
7) to have a good laugh together g) весело проводить время
8) to have a similar interest i) прощать
9) to rely on each other j) делиться секретами с
10) to cheer each other up k) несмотря ни на что
11) to keep each other's secrets l) иметь схожие интересы
12) to share secrets with m) заступаться друг за друга
13) to stand by each other n) легко общаться с
14) no matter what o) поддерживать друг друга
15) to forgive p) обсужать проблемы
16) to be always there q) предать
17) to betray r)заботиться друг о друге.

 2.Combine two sentences using who, which, that.
1) Jim is my classmate. He lives next door.
2) Dean is my friend. He is from the USA.
3) Charlie Chaplin has a lot of films. They are funny.
4) Great Britain is a small country. It's situated on the islands.
5) My mum is a doc. She works in the hospital.
6) He has ideas. They are very clever.

3.Begin the questions.
1)... did you make new friends?
2) ...did it happend?
3) ...were you first impressions of the place and the kids?
4) ...made the first move to make friends?
5) ...many friends did you make?

4.Open the brackets.
1)My friend ( to get) into troubles and I helped him.
2)You can ( to work) out of the problems together with your friends.
3)He ( to feel) nervous when he comes to any unfamiliar place.
4)It ( to take) time to find new friends.
5)Our friendship ( to need) time to grow.

5.Give the English equivalents.
1) Вы думаете это будет хорошая идея?
2) Почему бы не...
3) Мы могли бы...
4) Нет проблем. Хорошая мысль

7-TEST YOURSELF №5 _______________________________
2-variant _______________________________
1.Match with the translation.
1) to take up a) почти
2) to swap b) начинать
3) to be amused by c) рекламировать
4) a sticker d) делать много фокусов
5) to do a lot of tricks e) игрушка на резинке
6) nearly f) стремиться к чему -то
7) a yo-yo g) меняться
8) a pen pal h) наклейка
9) to be keen on i) друг по переписке
10) a riding horse j) курс верховой езды
11) to advertise k) быть увлеченным чем- то

2.Choose the correct form of the verb.
1) My sister is fond of ...tests.
a) writing b) written
2) Our grandparents enjoy... letters.
a) written b) writing
3) Pam's pets like ...food from the pet shop.
a) eating b) are eating
4) These films ...everybody.
a) amuse b) are amusing
5) Those who...things have big collections.
a) collect b) are collecting
6) My parents ...the apples in the gardens.
a) are collecting b) collects

3.Open the brackets using the verbs in a future meaning.
1) What you ( to do) tomorrow afternoon?
2) We ( to go) shopping next Friday.
3) She ( to relax) on Saturday.
4) I ( to have) a rest tonight.

4.Fill in the Participle I or the Participle II of the given word.
1) I'm so ...because my Dad has won the first prize in lottery.( to excite)
2) Ann's always … when she watches horror films. (bore)
3) There's animal...in the pond, it has eaten all the fish. (to live)
4)The water ...in the kettle is hot, be careful. ( to boil)

5.Translate the sentences into Russian.
1)Они не любят собирать марки.
2) Я имею много свободного времени и провожу его с друзьями.
3) Англичане смотрят телевизор очень часто.
4) Что бы вы хотели делать в свободное время?


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