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Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего образования Московской области «Государственный гуманитарно-технологический университет»

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Лексико-грамматические контрольные работы

по дисциплине


для студентов 2 – 4 курсов

Специальности: 09.02.03 Программирование в компьютерных системах

09.02.01 Компьютерные системы и комплексы

Орехово-Зуево 2016


Аннотация 3

Лексико-грамматическая контрольная работа № 1 4

Лексико-грамматическая контрольная работа № 2 9

Лексико-грамматическая контрольная работа № 3 14

Лексико-грамматическая контрольная работа № 4 19

Лексико-грамматическая контрольная работа № 5 24

Лексико-грамматическая контрольная работа № 6 29

Лексико-грамматическая контрольная работа № 7 34

Лексико-грамматическая контрольная работа № 8 39

Лексико-грамматическая контрольная работа № 9 44

Лексико-грамматическая контрольная работа № 10 49


Данное учебно-методическое пособие включает 10 лексико-грамматических контрольных работ, необходимых для контроля и закрепления изученного тематического и грамматического материала.

Предназначено для студентов 2 - 4 курсов очной формы обучения для специальностей: 09.02.03 Программирование в компьютерных системах и 09.02.01 Компьютерные системы и комплексы

Оно может быть использовано как для аудиторной, так и для дистанционной формы контроля.

Цель учебно-методического пособия – закрепление изученной лексики и грамматики по техническим специальностям для формирования навыков работы с технической литературой и на активное усвоение лексического и грамматического минимума.

Пособие включает задания на подстановку и сопоставление, задания на знание значения профессиональных аббревиатур, задания на знание профессиональной терминологии, контрольные вопросы по профессиональным технологиям.

При составлении учебно-методического пособия использовался страноведческий материал, научно-техническая и популярная литература, справочники по грамматике и отраслевые словари.

Составители: Капустина И.А., преподаватель

Курбашнова И.В., преподаватель

Рецензент Москвичева Ю.Ю., преподаватель.

Лексико-грамматическая контрольная работа № 1

Test 1.

Task 1.

Insert the missing words:

1. The hardware is the mechanical, magnetic, electronic and electrical devices composing______

2. Input hardware consists of a _______________________ .

3. The computer input device reads ________________ .

4. A printer is a computer output device that produces _______________ .

5. A modem is a piece of equipment that allows a computer to ______________ .


Write down the abbreviation in words and give Russian equivalents of the following:

1. the ALU –

2. The CU –

3. RAM –

4. ROM –

5. HDD -


Put in the articles where necessary:

There is … picture of my room. There is … window in my … room. … ceiling is white, … floor is brown, … walls are blue.

There is … writing-table near … window and … chair near it. You can see … telephone on … writing-table. I often speak on … telephone. There is … bookcase to … right of … writing-table. There are not many books in … bookcase, but there are … lot of magazines in it. I usually spend … lot of time in my … room.


Open the brackets, using the verbs in Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple or Present Perfect.

1. She just (to read) an interesting book .

2. Last June I (to go) to Paris.

3. At our English lessons we (to translate) new texts.

4. I (to cook) dinner yesterday.

Test 2.

Task 1.

Insert the missing words:

1. A monitor is a component with display screen for _______________ .

2. Output hardware provides the user with the ____________________ .

3. The mouse is a hand held device connected to the computer by a _____________ .

4. Computer hardware can be divided into 4 categories : ___________________ .

5. In digital computers the CPU can be divided into two functional units called __________ .


Write down the abbreviation in words and give Russian equivalents of the following:

1. DVD –

2. CAD -

3. WWW –

4. DARPA –

5. IAB –


Put in the articles where necessary.

My sister lives in … Kharkiv. She is … doctor. She works at … hospital. … hospital is … new and … modern building. … hospital is near my sister’s … house. My sister has got … family. She has got … husband and … son.

Her husband is … teacher. He works at … school. My sister’s son is … pupil. He is … pupil of … second form. He goes to … school every day except … Sunday.


Open the brackets, using the verbs in Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple or Past Progressive.

1. She (to read) an interesting book last week.

2. In June I (to go) to Greece.

3. At our English lessons we (to learn) new words.

4. My mother (to cook) dinner from12 till 2 yesterday.

Test 3.

Task 1.

Insert the missing words:

1. A flash card is a little device for _____________________________.

2. CD-ROM is a compact disk on which ________________________ .

3. Storage hardware serves ____________________ .

4. Programming languages must convey _________________ .

5. System software controls _________________________ .


Write down the abbreviation in words and give Russian equivalents of the following:

1. IETF –

2. NICs –

3. BASIC –

4. CPU –

5. IC –


Put in the articles where necessary.

In … United States of … America … national language is … English. Four hundred years ago … some English people sailed to … North America, and they brought … English language to …new country. Now in … USA people speak … American English. Many … words are … same in … American English and in … British English.


Open the brackets, using the verbs in Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple or Present Progressive.

1. Last summer we (to live) in the country and (to go) to the river every day.

2. We (to be) students of the Technological Department.

3. Next year I (to visit) my relatives in Kiev.

4. Now we (to discuss) an interesting film.

Test 4.

Task 1.

Insert the missing words:

1. Application software satisfies ________________________ .

2. Software is the program for directing ________________________ .

3. A computer system consists of _________________ .

4. A personal computer is a small ________________ .

5. The CPU controls _____________________________ .


Write down the abbreviation in words and give Russian equivalents of the following:

1. IBM –

2. DARPA –

3. IETF –

4. WWW –

5. NICs –


Put in the articles where necessary.

One of … first novels in … history of … literature was written in … England in 1719. It was “Robinson Crusoe” by Daniel Defoe. … Daniel Defoe was born in … London in … family of … rich man. When he was … schoolboy, he began to write … stories. At … age of … sixty he wrote … novel “Robinson Crusoe”. … novel made him famous.


Open the brackets, using the verbs in Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple or Present Perfect.

1. They (to play) football tomorrow.

2. I (to write) a letter yesterday.

3. My parents (to work) at the office in Moscow.

4. I already (to read) this book.

Время на подготовку и выполнение:

подготовка 2 мин.;

выполнение 0 часов 40 мин.;

оформление и сдача 3 мин.;

всего 0 часов 45 мин.

По каждому показателю оценки результата выставляется 1 балл (соответствие эталону) или 0 баллов (несоответствие эталону).

Шкала оценки образовательных достижений

Процент результативности (правильных ответов)

Оценка уровня подготовки

балл (отметка)

вербальный аналог

90 ÷ 100



80 ÷ 89



70 ÷ 79



менее 70



3.3. Перечень материалов, оборудования и информационных источников, используемых в аттестации


Virginia Evance, Genny Dooley, Stanley Wright “Information Technology”: Express Publishing, 2011

А.П.Голубев, Н.В.Балюк, И.Б.Смирнова. Английский язык. Учебное пособие для средн. проф.учеб. заведений. – М.: издательский центр «Академия», 2008.

Л.В.Хведченя. Английский язык для поступающих в вузы. Мн.: Высшая школа. 2002.

Ю.Б.Голицынский. Английский язык. Грамматика: сборник упражнений. СПб.: КАРО, 2009.

Лексико-грамматическая контрольная работа № 2

Test 1.


Give the definition to the following:

1. Code –

2. Data processing –

3. Information security –

4. Technical support –

5. Encoding –


Answer the questions:

1. Name three sections of IT department.

2. Name the responsibilities of each section.


Choose the Pronoun.

1. (We, us, our) students study a lot. (They, them, their) have four lessons every day. (They, them, their) lessons begin at eight o’clock in the morning. At the lessons (they, them, their) teacher asks (they, them, their) a lot of questions.

2. (I, me, my) elder sister has a new flat. (She, her) flat is very good. (She, her) likes (it, its) very much.


Fill in the blanks with prepositions.

1. Sunday is the only Day … in our college.

2. The book is … the table.

3. I don’t want to go … party. I am going to work … Sunday.

4. We decided to meet … the airport.

5. He stood at the door and don’t let me go … .

Test 2.


Give the definition to the following:

1. Heat sink –

2. Expansion card –

3. Hard drive –

4. Motherboard –

5. Processor -


Answer the questions:

1. Name the kinds of computers.

2. What do we use computers for?


Choose the Pronoun.

1. (I, me, my) parents are old people. (They, them, their) do not work. (They, them their) have a house in the country. (They, them, their) house is small. (I, me, my) go to see (they, them, their) on Sunday.

2. (I, me, my) brother and (he, him, his) family live in Moscow. Sometimes (I, me, my) go to see (they, them, their).


Fill in the blanks with prepositions.

1. We decided to meet … 7 o’clock … the bank.

2. This book is … famous painter.

3. She is a pretty little girl … golden hair.

4. He is keen … animals.

5. She is fond … music.

Test 3.


Give the definition to the following:

1. Keyboard –

2. Mouse –

3. Scanner –

4. Microphone –

5. Monitor -


Answer the questions:

1. Name the main components of a typical desktop computer.

2. What are the main steps for assembling of a computer?


Choose the Pronoun.

1. (I, my, me) have a little daughter. (She, her) name is Nina. (She, her) is five years old. (She, her) is a nice girl. (I, me, my) like playing with (her, she). Every day (I, me, my) take Nina to the nursery school.

2.Ann is (we, us our) student. (I, me, my) know (she, her) well. (I, me, my) see (she, her) at (we, us our) lessons.


Fill in the blanks with prepositions.

1. They looked … each other.

2. I go … college.

3. He isn’t … home now. He is … work.

4. This book was written … L.N.Tolstoy.

5. The studying … college starts … September and ends … June.

Test 4.


Give the definition to the following:

1. Server -

2. Desktop computer–

3. Workstation –

4. Cell phone –

5. Mainframe -


Answer the questions:

1. Name the main peripherals.

2. What documents does an Ep320 scanner read ?


Use the correct form of the pronouns.

1. She works at (her, hers) report every day. A friend of (my, mine) is reading for (him, his) exam.

2. Speak to (him, his) about (me, my) term-paper. (Me, I) want to know what (him, he) thinks about (it, its).


Fill in the blanks with prepositions.

1. They got … … the car.

2. He stood … his father.

3. They had coffee … a bun … breakfast.

4. They decided to meet … 5 o’clock … the station/

5. He took a book … the table, looked … it, then put it … .

Время на подготовку и выполнение:

подготовка 2 мин.;

выполнение 0 часов 40 мин.;

оформление и сдача 3 мин.;

всего 0 часов 45 мин.

По каждому показателю оценки результата выставляется 1 балл (соответствие эталону) или 0 баллов (несоответствие эталону).

Шкала оценки образовательных достижений

Процент результативности (правильных ответов)

Оценка уровня подготовки

балл (отметка)

вербальный аналог

90 ÷ 100



80 ÷ 89



70 ÷ 79



менее 70



3.3. Перечень материалов, оборудования и информационных источников, используемых в аттестации


Virginia Evance, Genny Dooley, Stanley Wright “Information Technology”: Express Publishing, 2011

А.П.Голубев, Н.В.Балюк, И.Б.Смирнова. Английский язык. Учебное пособие для средн. проф.учеб. заведений. – М.: издательский центр «Академия», 2008.

Л.В.Хведченя. Английский язык для поступающих в вузы. Мн.: Высшая школа. 2002.

Ю.Б.Голицынский. Английский язык. Грамматика: сборник упражнений. СПб.: КАРО, 2009.

Лексико-грамматическая контрольная работа № 3

Test 1.


Give the definition to the following:

1. Router –

2. Network –

3. Folder –

4. Pointer –

5. Icons –


1. Give a description of a device ‘S57 Keyboard’.

2. Name some components of a computer network.


Make up sentences putting the words in the correct order:

1. hard/English/work/we/ our/at.

2. likes/she/time/spare/to/when/friend/my/dance/some/has.

3. sisters/always/do/so/work/late/your/finish?

4. like/but/meat/vegetables/they/not/do/like

5. students/are/teacher-training/we/of/the/college/


Determine the tense-form of the noun and put 5 questions (general, special, alternative, tail-question, to the subject).

I have already come from college.

Test 2.


Give the definition to the following:

1. Shortcuts-

2. Windows –

3. Graphical user interface –

4. Font –

5. Word processing programs –

Task 2.

1. Name the key terms of the operating system.

2. Give a description of a standard mouse.


Make up sentences putting the words in the correct order:

1. English/am/school/a/at/student/language/I/an.

2. good-looking/ and/are/very/they/tall.

3. brothers/a/my/company/work/at/electronics/big.

4. go/Academy/they/they/the/geberally/bus/by.

5. school/him/takes/minutes/to/five/it/get/to.


Determine the tense-form of the noun and put 5 questions (general, special, alternative, tail-question, to the subject).

I have just received a telegram from my friend.

Test 3.


Give the definition to the following:

1. Format –

2. Font –

3. Email address –

4. Domain name –

5. Email client -

Task 2.

1. Name the main peripherals of a computer.

2. Give a description of a touch screen.


Make up sentences putting the words in the correct order:

1. got/you/brothers/any/have?

2. are/brother/in/my/London/and/friend/her.

3. me/is/Ann/name/excuse/your/Smith?

4. from/where/Philip’s/is/father?

5. Lucy/are/her/students/and/brother?


Determine the tense-form of the noun and put 5 questions (general, special, alternative, tail-question, to the subject).

He worked here two months ago.

Test 4.


Give the definition to the following:

1. Username password –

2. Attachment –

3. Template –

4. Document –

5. Word processing program -

Task 2.

1. Name the main steps while creating the company email account.

2. Write down the abbreviation in words and give Russian equivalents of the following:



Make up sentences putting the words in the correct order:

1. know/use/do/a/how/you/computer/to?

2. yesterday/your/I/letter/received.

3. family/to/used/together/our/have/lunch.

4. many/yesterday/he/mistakes/made.

5. was/money/off/she/short.


Determine the tense-form of the noun and put 5 questions (general, special, alternative, tail-question, to the subject).

I saw him at college last week.

Время на подготовку и выполнение:

подготовка 2 мин.;

выполнение 0 часов 40 мин.;

оформление и сдача 3 мин.;

всего 0 часов 45 мин.

По каждому показателю оценки результата выставляется 1 балл (соответствие эталону) или 0 баллов (несоответствие эталону).

Шкала оценки образовательных достижений

Процент результативности (правильных ответов)

Оценка уровня подготовки

балл (отметка)

вербальный аналог

90 ÷ 100



80 ÷ 89



70 ÷ 79



менее 70



3.3. Перечень материалов, оборудования и информационных источников, используемых в аттестации


Virginia Evance, Genny Dooley, Stanley Wright “Information Technology”: Express Publishing, 2011

А.П.Голубев, Н.В.Балюк, И.Б.Смирнова. Английский язык. Учебное пособие для средн. проф.учеб. заведений. – М.: издательский центр «Академия», 2008.

Л.В.Хведченя. Английский язык для поступающих в вузы. Мн.: Высшая школа. 2002.

Ю.Б.Голицынский. Английский язык. Грамматика: сборник упражнений. СПб.: КАРО, 2009.

Лексико-грамматическая контрольная работа № 4

Test 1.


Give the definition to the following:

1. Web-design –

2. Web-development-

3. Navigation –

4. Coding –

5. Desktop publishing software –

Task 2.

Write down a letter.

You have received a letter from you English-speaking pen-friend John who writes:

Last week my mom went to New York to help my aunt with her new baby. My dad and I had to do all the housework ourselves. What kind of family chores do you normally have, if at all? What would you cook for yourself, if you had to? Do you think boys should be able to cook and to keep house, and why?
Next weekend I’m going hiking with my classmates…

Write a letter to John.

In your letter

  • Answer his questions

  • Ask 3 questions about his hiking plans

Write 100-140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

Test 2.


Give the definition to the following:

1. Electrostatic printing –

2. Offset lithography –

3. Electronic paper –

4. Desktop publishing –

5. Graphic communication -

Task 2.

Write down a letter.

You have received a letter from your English-Speaking pen-friend Nancy who writes:

…I hope you liked my New Year card. Where and how did you celebrate New year this time? What was the weather like? What’s your secret wish or at least hopes and expectations for the coming year?

I’ve redecorated my room and it looks much nicer now…

Write a letter to Nancy.

In your letter

  • Answer his questions

  • Ask 3 questions about his hiking plans

Write 100-140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

Test 3.


Give the definition to the following:

1. Multipoint video conference –

2. Dedicated system –

3. Video conferencing –

4. Video bridge –

5. Document sharing -

Task 2.

Write down a letter.

You have received a letter from you English-speaking pen-friend Jane who writes:

…I like to go shopping with my friends when we have free time. There is a big mall not far from where I live, but sometimes I prefer small show-rooms and shops to buy clothes there. I’m fond of discussing fashion with my friends.

How often do you go shopping? What do you like buying when you go shopping? What kind of shops are there in the place where you live?

Write a letter to Jane.

In your letter

  • Answer her questions

  • Ask 3 questions about her holiday plans

Write 100-140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

Test 4.


Give the definition to the following:

1. E-commerce –

2. Shopping cart –

3. Certificate authority –

4. Digital certificate –

5. Electrostatic printing -

Task 2.

Write down a letter.

You have received a letter from you English-speaking pen-friend Mark who writes:

…As I am in the second year, I have only from one to two hours of homework every evening. Could you tell if schools in Russia differ greatly from our comprehensive school? Do you have much homework to do? What is your favourite subject at school?

As for my plans for the summer, I am going to France! I’ll be studying French at a summer school. It’s really great!

Write a letter to Mark.

In your letter

  • Answer his questions

  • Ask 3 questions about his trip to France

Write 100-140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

Время на подготовку и выполнение:

подготовка 2 мин.;

выполнение 0 часов 40 мин.;

оформление и сдача 3 мин.;

всего 0 часов 45 мин.

По каждому показателю оценки результата выставляется 1 балл (соответствие эталону) или 0 баллов (несоответствие эталону).

Письмо оценивается по критериям (содержание – 0,1,2; организация – 0,1,2; языковое оформление – 0,1,2)

Шкала оценки образовательных достижений

Процент результативности (правильных ответов)

Оценка уровня подготовки

балл (отметка)

вербальный аналог

90 ÷ 100



80 ÷ 89



70 ÷ 79



менее 70



3.3. Перечень материалов, оборудования и информационных источников, используемых в аттестации


Virginia Evance, Genny Dooley, Stanley Wright “Information Technology”: Express Publishing, 2011

А.П.Голубев, Н.В.Балюк, И.Б.Смирнова. Английский язык. Учебное пособие для средн. проф.учеб. заведений. – М.: издательский центр «Академия», 2008.

Л.В.Хведченя. Английский язык для поступающих в вузы. Мн.: Высшая школа. 2002.

Ю.Б.Голицынский. Английский язык. Грамматика: сборник упражнений. СПб.: КАРО, 2009.

Лексико-грамматическая контрольная работа № 5

Test 1.


Write down the abbreviation in words and give Russian equivalents of the following:

1. SIMM –

2. DIMM –

3. RAM –

4. CPU –

5. PC –


Give the definition to the following:

1. Automatic document feeder –

2. Digital camera –

3. Flash memory –

4. Inkjet printer –

5. Optical zoom -


Choose the right variant and translate the sentences:

  1. He … (can’t/couldn’t) open the window as it was stuck.

  2. Interpreters … (may/must) translate without dictionaries.

  3. … (Can/May) I use me your bike for today?

  4. … (May/Could) you give me the recipe for this cake?

  5. I hardly ever see Jane, she … (may/might) have moved to Africa.


Translate the English proverb paying attention to the modal verbs:

  1. A man can do no more than he can.

  2. Anyone who has to ask the price cannot afford it.

Test 2.


Write down the abbreviation in words and give Russian equivalents of the following:

1. BASIC –

2. C# -

3. C++ -

4. CPU –

5. ISP –


Give the definition to the following:

1. Antivirus software –

2. Wireless router –

3. Modem –

4. Hotspot –

5. Machine code -


Choose the right variant and translate the sentences:

  1. Take an umbrella. It … (may/can) rain.

  2. You … (could/should) stop smoking. You know you … (cannot/must not) buy health.

  3. You … (may/must) finish the article as soon as possible.

  4. Liz doesn’t … (ought to/have to) keep to a diet anymore.

  5. Lara … (can/might) get a playstation for her birthday.


Translate the English proverb paying attention to the modal verbs:

1. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones at their neighbours.

2. You must learn to walk before you can run.

Test 3.


Write down the abbreviation in words and give Russian equivalents of the following:

1. ISP –

2. T-3 –

3. T 1 –

4. DSL –

5. RAM –


Give the definition to the following:

1. Compiler –

2. Machine code –

3. Magnetic tape –

4. Array –

5. Zip drive -


Choose the right variant and translate the sentences:

  1. You … (must not/needn’t) read in the dark.

  2. My grandfather is retired, so he … (shouldn’t/doesn’t have to) go to work.

  3. The fridge is full, so we … (must not/needn’t) go shopping.

  4. Our employees … (can/must) sign this agreement.

  5. We … (may/ought to) reserve a table in advance if we want to have dinner there.


Translate the English proverb paying attention to the modal verbs:

1. He who falls today may rise tomorrow.

2. A bird may be known by its song.

Test 4.


Write down the abbreviation in words and give Russian equivalents of the following:

1. Wi-Fi –

2.CD-R –

3. CD-RW –

4. USB –

5. RAID –


Give the definition to the following:

1. Java computer languages –

2. Motherboard –

3. Virtual memory –

4. Paging file –

5. Hard drive –


Choose the right variant and translate the sentences:

  1. I … (can’t/needn’t) believe it! You … (have to/must) be joking.

  2. Ann … (must/is to) finish school next year.

  3. Sorry, I’m late. I … (needed to/had to) wait for the plumber.

  4. What time do we … (should/have to) be at the railway station?

  5. Don’t wait for me tonight. I … (might/must) be late.


Translate the English proverb paying attention to the modal verbs:

1. He who laughs at crooked men should need to walk very straight.

2. Talk of the devil and he is to appear.

Время на подготовку и выполнение:

подготовка 2 мин.;

выполнение 0 часов 40 мин.;

оформление и сдача 3 мин.;

всего 0 часов 45 мин.

По каждому показателю оценки результата выставляется 1 балл (соответствие эталону) или 0 баллов (несоответствие эталону).

Шкала оценки образовательных достижений

Процент результативности (правильных ответов)

Оценка уровня подготовки

балл (отметка)

вербальный аналог

90 ÷ 100



80 ÷ 89



70 ÷ 79



менее 70



3.3. Перечень материалов, оборудования и информационных источников, используемых в аттестации


Virginia Evance, Genny Dooley, Stanley Wright “Information Technology”: Express Publishing, 2011

А.П.Голубев, Н.В.Балюк, И.Б.Смирнова. Английский язык. Учебное пособие для средн. проф.учеб. заведений. – М.: издательский центр «Академия», 2008.

Л.В.Хведченя. Английский язык для поступающих в вузы. Мн.: Высшая школа. 2002.

Ю.Б.Голицынский. Английский язык. Грамматика: сборник упражнений. СПб.: КАРО, 2009.

Лексико-грамматическая контрольная работа № 6



Give the definition to the following:

1. Inkjet printer –

2. Flash memory –

3. Digital camera –

4. Automatic document feeder –

5. Digital zoom -


Write down the abbreviation in words and give Russian equivalents of the following:

1. RAID –

2. CD-RW –

3. CD-R –

4. PDI –

5. UPC –


Change from Direct speech into Indirect and translate the sentences into Russian. See the example.

He said, “I work in New York.” (Он сказал: «Я работаю в Нью-Йорке.»)

– He said that he … . (He said that he worked in New York. – Он сказал, что работает в Нью-Йорке.)

  1. She said, “I speak French.” – She said that she …

  2. He said, “I worked at a factory many years ago.”

  3. Kate said, “I will go to Moscow tomorrow.”


Match the right part with the left and translate the sentences.

For example:

  1 – с  (Мы бы испекли торт, если бы мы купили немного яиц вчера.)

1) We would have made a cake                     a) if he hadn’t shouted at them.

2) If it rains much                                         b) if she loses weight.

3) If I knew English well                              c) if we had bought some eggs yesterday.

4) My kids wouldn’t have cried                    d) if I were you.

5) I would call him                                        e) I would be an interpreter.

6) She will put this dress on                          f) the flowers will grow very fast.




Give the definition to the following:

1. Cell phone –

2. Bluetooth –

3. Lithium-ion battery –

4. Caller ID –

5. Email –


Write down the abbreviation in words and give Russian equivalents of the following:

1. PC –

2. CCD –

3. MP3 –

4. DPI –

5. SATA –


Change from Direct speech into Indirect and translate the sentences into Russian. See the example.

  1. They said, “We want to answer your questions.”

  2. She said, “I don’t read books.”

  3. Ann, “I have done this work.”

Task 4.

Open the brackets using the 3-d type of conditional sentences putting the verbs in the right form. Translate the sentences. See the example.

For example:  John … (not have) a car accident if he … (choose) another road. – John wouldn’t have had a car accident if he had chosen another road.

(Джон не попал бы в автомобильную аварию, если бы выбрал другую дорогу.)

  1. I … (visit) Sarah yesterday if I … (know) that she was ill.

  2. If you … (go) with me to Paris last month, you … (see) the Eifel Tower too.

  3. We … (not get wet) if you … (take) an umbrella.

  4. If Mum … (not open) the windows, our room … (not be) full of mosquitoes.

  5. Nick … (not be) so tired this morning if he … (go to bed) early last night. (Ник не был бы таким уставшим этим утром, если бы рано лег спать прошлой ночью.)




Give the definition to the following:

1. Instant message –

2. Barcode –

3. smartphone –

4. Data plan –

5. Scanning -


Write down the abbreviation in words and give Russian equivalents of the following:

1. UPC –

2. 3G –

3. AAC –

4. MP3 –

5. RAM -


Change from Direct speech into Indirect and translate the sentences into Russian. See the example.

  1. Andrew said, “I won’t come to your place next week.”

  2. She said, “I can help my brother to make up the story.”

  3. He said, “I did this exercise last Monday.”

Task 4.

Open the brackets using the 2-d type of conditional sentences putting the verbs in the right form. Translate the sentences. See the example.

For example: If Susan … (move) to Tokyo, she … (live) near her sister. (Если бы Сюзан переехала в Токио, она бы жила рядом со своей сестрой.) – If Susan moved to Tokyo, she would live near her sister.

  1. If you … (have) a driving license, you … (get) this job.

  2. My dog … (be) 20 years old today if it … (be) alive.

  3. I … (go) to the police if I … (be) you.

  4. If people … (not buy) guns, the world … (become) safer.

  5. Tom ... (not eat) much “fast food” if his wife … (cook) at home.



Give the definition to the following:

1. Voice activation –

2. Touchscreen –

3. Ringstone –

4. Voicemail –

5. 3G network -


Write down the abbreviation in words and give Russian equivalents of the following:

1. CCD –

2.MP3 –

3. ID –

4. PDA –

5. EPC –


Change from Direct speech into Indirect and translate the sentences into Russian. See the example.

  1. Nick said, “We can meet here on Wednesday.”

  2. She said, “I am going to read this story.”

  3. He said, “I translated this text yesterday.”

Task 4.

Open the brackets using the 1-st type of conditional sentences putting the verbs in the right form. Translate the sentences. See the example.

For example: If it … (rain), we … (stay) at home. (Если пойдет дождь, мы останемся дома.) – If itrains, we shall stay at home.

  1. If he … (practice) every day, he … (become) a champion.

  2. She … (help) us if we … (ask).

  3. If they … (have) enough money, they … (open) a restaurant next year.

  4. I … (not talk) to you anymore if you … (insult) me.

  5. If Bob … (not keep) his word, Anna … (be angry) with him.


Время на подготовку и выполнение:

подготовка 2 мин.;

выполнение 0 часов 40 мин.;

оформление и сдача 3 мин.;

всего 0 часов 45 мин.

По каждому показателю оценки результата выставляется 1 балл (соответствие эталону) или 0 баллов (несоответствие эталону).

Шкала оценки образовательных достижений

Процент результативности (правильных ответов)

Оценка уровня подготовки

балл (отметка)

вербальный аналог

90 ÷ 100



80 ÷ 89



70 ÷ 79



менее 70



3.3. Перечень материалов, оборудования и информационных источников, используемых в аттестации


Virginia Evance, Genny Dooley, Stanley Wright “Information Technology”: Express Publishing, 2011

А.П.Голубев, Н.В.Балюк, И.Б.Смирнова. Английский язык. Учебное пособие для средн. проф.учеб. заведений. – М.: издательский центр «Академия», 2008.

Л.В.Хведченя. Английский язык для поступающих в вузы. Мн.: Высшая школа. 2002.

Ю.Б.Голицынский. Английский язык. Грамматика: сборник упражнений. СПб.: КАРО, 2009.

Лексико-грамматическая контрольная работа № 7

Test 1.


Write down the abbreviation in words and give Russian equivalents of the following:


2. GPS –

3. RAM –

4. CPU –

5. MHz–


Give the definition to the following:

1.Virtual world –

2. Avatar –

3. Forum –

4. Profile –

5. Feed -


Imagine that a reporter from the local newspaper came to your college yesterday. Report his questions.

Еxample: How long have you studied at this college? — He asked me how long I had studied at that college.

1. What year are you in?

2. When do your classes begin?

3. Where is the teachers’ room?

4. How many breaks do you have?

Tell your partner what instructions you have got from different teachers today. Use the sentences below.

Don’t be late for the lesson.— She told us not to be late for the lesson

  1. Don’t stay outside after the bell comes.

  2. Don’t run along the corridor.

  3. Don’t make noise.

  4. Don’t look into your neighbor’s exercise-book.

Test 2


Write down the abbreviation in words and give Russian equivalents of the following:

1. https:// –

2. GPS –

3. PIN –

4. SSL –

5. VPN–


Give the definition to the following:

1.Remote access –

2. Boolean operator -

3. Ejournal –

4. Index –

5. Media –


Imagine that a reporter from the local newspaper came to your college yesterday. Report his questions.

Еxample: How long have you studied at this college? — He asked me how long I had studied at that college.

  1. What do you like about your college?

  2. What college activity did you have last?

  3. What good habits have you formed at college?

  4. What is your favorite subject?


Tell your partner what instructions you have got from different teachers today.

Don’t be late for the lesson. — She told us not to be late for the lesson

1. Don’t lie on your desk.

2. Don’t ask me silly questions.

3. Don’t waste time at the lesson.

4. Listen to me attentively.

Test 3


Write down the abbreviation in words and give Russian equivalents of the following:

1. PIN –

2. GPS –

3. PDA –

4. CPU –

5. EPC–


Give the definition to the following:

1.Barcode –

2. Instant message –

3. Spam –

4. Social networking –

5. Role-playing games –

Task 3.

 Imagine that you saw your doctor yesterday because you had a bad headache. Tell your partner what questions the doctor asked.

Example: Do you sleep well? — The doctor asked me if I slept well.

  1. Do you do sports?

  2. Have you a good appetite?

  3. Do you usually go to bed late?

  4. Will you follow my advice?


Imagine that your mother gave you some instructions. Report them.

Example: Feed the cat. My mother told me to feed the cat.

  1. Start doing your homework before I come.

  2. Take the dog for a walk.

  3. Clean your room.

  4. Wait for me at home.

Test 4


Write down the abbreviation in words and give Russian equivalents of the following:

1. SATA –

2. GPS –

3. CPU –


5. RAID –


Give the definition to the following:

1. Latitude –

2. Longitude –

3. Integrity –

4. Coordinates –

5. Accuracy –

Task 3.

 Imagine that you saw your doctor yesterday because you had a bad headache. Tell your partner what questions the doctor asked.

Example: Do you sleep well? — The doctor asked me if I slept well.

1. Is anything wrong with you?

2. Do you sometimes have headaches?

3. Are you taking any medicine now?

4. Do you spend much time out- of-doors?


Imagine that your mother gave you some instructions. Report them.

Example: Feed the cat. My mother told me to feed the cat.

1. Come home straight after school.

2. Warm up your dinner.

3. Wash up the dishes after the dinner.

4. Buy bread, milk and sugar.

Время на подготовку и выполнение:

подготовка 2 мин.;

выполнение 0 часов 40 мин.;

оформление и сдача 3 мин.;

всего 0 часов 45 мин.

По каждому показателю оценки результата выставляется 1 балл (соответствие эталону) или 0 баллов (несоответствие эталону).

Шкала оценки образовательных достижений

Процент результативности (правильных ответов)

Оценка уровня подготовки

балл (отметка)

вербальный аналог

90 ÷ 100



80 ÷ 89



70 ÷ 79



менее 70



3.3. Перечень материалов, оборудования и информационных источников, используемых в аттестации


Virginia Evance, Genny Dooley, Stanley Wright “Information Technology”: Express Publishing, 2011

А.П.Голубев, Н.В.Балюк, И.Б.Смирнова. Английский язык. Учебное пособие для средн. проф.учеб. заведений. – М.: издательский центр «Академия», 2008.

Л.В.Хведченя. Английский язык для поступающих в вузы. Мн.: Высшая школа. 2002.

Ю.Б.Голицынский. Английский язык. Грамматика: сборник упражнений. СПб.: КАРО, 2009.

Лексико-грамматическая контрольная работа № 8


Task 1. Make up the words:

wrtefsoa – …

otlpap – …

fmreainma – …

srprocseo – …

dwrharae – …

Task 2. Match the words:

technical | phone

quality | assurance

data | support

power | processing

cell | supply

Task 3. Fill in the blanks with the correct words:

  1. Enter the ____ into the computer.

  2. The company uses ____ to protect information.

  3. ____ finds and fixes problems in new products.

  4. ____ keeps the computer from overheating.

  5. The ____ directs power throughout the computer.

  6. Joey purchased a ____ for his computer.

  7. Can the ____ play DVDs?

Words: data; quality assurance; encoding; case; disk drive; fan; power supply.

Task 4. Mach the words with the definitions:

  1. _ workstation

  2. _ mainframe

  3. _ cell phone

  4. _ heat sink

  5. _ RAM

  6. _ expansion card

  7. _ processor

  8. _ hard drive

  9. _ motherboard

  1. Large and powerful computer that supports many other computers working at once.

  2. Fast computer that is used by one person and has more memory than an ordinary personal computer.

  3. A device that makes and receives cells.

  4. A slotted board with circuits and ports.

  5. A short term, quick memory source.

  6. A part used to cool the processor.

  7. A part used to store large amounts of data.

  8. A part used to increase a computer’s functions.

  9. A part that completes tasks for the computer.

Variant 2.

Task 1. Make up the words

dwrharae -

vrsere -


nloine -

otlpap -

Task 2. Match the words

Information | assurance

desktop | computer

hard | support

quality | security

technical | drive

Task 3. Fill in the blanks with the correct words

1- My _____ notifies me when I have meeting

2- I have a _____to do work on the plane

3- John has a ______________ because he only uses simple programs

4- This _______ runs programs, but doesn`t have internet access

5- A __________ is smaller than a laptop, but still has a keyboard

6- Connect to the _____ to use that printer

7- A ____________ is the most powerful machine in the world

Words: Laptop, server, computer, super computer, desktop computer, handheld PC, PDA.

Task 4. Mach the words with the definitions

1 __ software A. putting secret information into code

2__ code B. the physicals parts of a computer

3__hardware C. connected to the internet

4__ data processing D. numbers entered/held in a computer

5__ information security F. the act of using information

6__online G. program/instruction added to computers

7__technical support H. helping people use/understand technology

8__data I. Program languange

9__quality assurance J. the act of protecting information

10__ encoding E. checking products for problem

Variant 3.

Task 1. Make up the words:

wrtefsoa – …

otlpap – …

fmreainma – …

srprocseo – …

dwrharae – …

Task 2. Match the words

Information | assurance

desktop | computer

hard | support

quality | security

technical | drive

Task 3. Fill in the blanks with the correct words

1- My _____ notifies me when I have meeting

2- I have a _____to do work on the plane

3- John has a ______________ because he only uses simple programs

4- This _______ runs programs, but doesn`t have internet access

5- A __________ is smaller than a laptop, but still has a keyboard

6- Connect to the _____ to use that printer

7- A ____________ is the most powerful machine in the world

Words: Laptop, server, computer, super computer, desktop computer, handheld PC, PDA.

Task 4. Mach the words with the definitions:

  1. _ workstation

  2. _ mainframe

  3. _ cell phone

  4. _ heat sink

  5. _ RAM

  6. _ expansion card

  7. _ processor

  8. _ hard drive

  9. _ motherboard

  1. Large and powerful computer that supports many other computers working at once.

  2. Fast computer that is used by one person and has more memory than an ordinary personal computer.

  3. A device that makes and receives cells.

  4. A slotted board with circuits and ports.

  5. A short term, quick memory source.

  6. A part used to cool the processor.

  7. A part used to store large amounts of data.

  8. A part used to increase a computer’s functions.

  9. A part that completes tasks for the computer.

Variant 4.

Task 1. Make up the words

dwrharae -

vrsere -


nloine -

otlpap -

Task 2. Match the words:

technical | phone

quality | assurance

data | support

power | processing

cell | supply

Task 3. Fill in the blanks with the correct words:

  1. Enter the ____ into the computer.

  2. The company uses ____ to protect information.

  3. ____ finds and fixes problems in new products.

  4. ____ keeps the computer from overheating.

  5. The ____ directs power throughout the computer.

  6. Joey purchased a ____ for his computer.

  7. Can the ____ play DVDs?

Words: data; quality assurance; encoding; case; disk drive; fan; power supply.

Task 4. Mach the words with the definitions

1 __ software A. putting secret information into code

2__ code B. the physicals parts of a computer

3__hardware C. connected to the internet

4__ data processing D. numbers entered/held in a computer

5__ information security F. the act of using information

6__online G. program/instruction added to computers

7__technical support H. helping people use/understand technology

8__data I. Program languange

9__quality assurance J. the act of protecting information

10__ encoding E. checking products for problem

Время на подготовку и выполнение:

подготовка 2 мин.;

выполнение 0 часов 40 мин.;

оформление и сдача 3 мин.;

всего 0 часов 45 мин.

По каждому показателю оценки результата выставляется 1 балл (соответствие эталону) или 0 баллов (несоответствие эталону).

Шкала оценки образовательных достижений

Процент результативности (правильных ответов)

Оценка уровня подготовки

балл (отметка)

вербальный аналог

90 ÷ 100



80 ÷ 89



70 ÷ 79



менее 70



3.3. Перечень материалов, оборудования и информационных источников, используемых в аттестации


Virginia Evance, Genny Dooley, Stanley Wright “Information Technology”: Express Publishing, 2011

А.П.Голубев, Н.В.Балюк, И.Б.Смирнова. Английский язык. Учебное пособие для средн. проф.учеб. заведений. – М.: издательский центр «Академия», 2008.

Л.В.Хведченя. Английский язык для поступающих в вузы. Мн.: Высшая школа. 2002.

Ю.Б.Голицынский. Английский язык. Грамматика: сборник упражнений. СПб.: КАРО, 2009.

Лексико-грамматическая контрольная работа № 9



Answer the following questions:

1. What is a computer?

2. What is the basic job of a computer?

3. In what form does a computer accept information?


Give the definition to the following:

1. Apple –

2. Windows –

3. Prepress –

4. Color matching –

5. Processing speed –


Write down the abbreviation in words and give Russian equivalents of the following:

1. CPM –

2. CAM –

3. CAD –

4. FAQs –

5. DVD –


Choose the right variant:

11. The book________ next year.

(A) publishes (C) will publish

(B) is published (D) will be published

6. Mrs Black told us _________ .

(A) clear up the table (C) that we clear up the table

(B) to clear up the table (D) we must to clear up the table

2. When are you planning to leave _____ Australia?

(A) for (C)in

(B)to (D) through

7. Parents want their children _______ .

(A) to be happy (C) happy

(B) be happy (D) being happy

3. I'll be in Paris _____.

(A) the day tomorrow (C) after tomorrow

(B) the day after tomorrow (D) the day before yesterday

8. Ann is interested _______ foreign languages.

(A) for (C) in

(B) about (D) on

4. Washington was ____ in 1790.

(A) find (C) found

(B) finded (D) founded

9. Don't worry. We'll look____ your children.

(A) at (C) about

(B) into (D) after

5. For breakfast they usually have cornflakes with________ .

(A) the milk and the sugar (C) milks and sugars

(B) a milk and a sugar (D) milk and sugar

10. It's the most exciting film _______ .

(A) I've ever seen (C) I've ever saw

(B) I've never seen (D) I ever seen



Answer the following questions:

1. What is a program?

2. What are data?

3. What is memory?


Give the definition to the following:

1. Vendor –

2. Open source –

3. Interface –

4. Free software license –

5. Applet –


Write down the abbreviation in words and give Russian equivalents of the following:

1. CBT –

2. MPEG –

3. OS –

4. TCP/IP protocol –

5. IT –


Choose the right variant:

1. I've never heard_______ .

(A) her to sing (C) she sings

(B) her sing (D) she is singing

6. Tell me what ________ .

(A) do you want me to buy for you (C) do you want me buy for you

(B) you want me to buy for you (D) you want me buy for you

2. By the time we got to the theatre the first act ______ .

(A) has already begun (C) had already begun

(B) had already began (D) was already begun

7. His mother ______ the cassette player.

(A) made him switch off (C) made him to switch off

(B) made him switching off (D) made that he switched off

3. James made everybody believe that_________ .

(A) he has travelled all over the world (B) he had travelled all over the world

(C) he was travelled all over the world (D) he travels all over the world

8. Did you see John yesterday? — Yes, I saw _______ the street.

(A) his being crossed (C) his crossing

(B) him to cross (D) him crossing

4. Memorial Day Americans ________ honour the servicemen who gave their lives

in past wars.

(A) at (C) on

(B) in (D) over

9. The English are famous______ their tea and their weather.

(A) of (C)in

(B) for (D) about

5. How many meals a day _______ ?

(A) have you (C) you have

(B) do you have (D) are you having

10. I'd like _____ .

(A) you join us (C) you joining us

(B) you to join us (D) your join to us



Answer the following questions:

1. What three kinds of basic capabilities do computers have?

2. What are the computer’s achievements limited by?

3. When did the first digital computer appear?


Give the definition to the following:

1. Media player –

2. Electronic bulletin board –

3. Multimedia –

4. Reliability –

5. Click through rate –


Write down the abbreviation in words and give Russian equivalents of the following:

1. OS X –

2. PC –

3. RAM –

4. EZproxy –

5. VPN –


Choose the right variant:

1.1 don't know__________ .

(A) where this museum (C) where this museum is

(B) where is this museum (D) this museum is where

6.1 don't like coffee with___________ .

(A) the milk (C) milk

(B) a milk (D) milks

2. When I came home late in the evening, my parents __________ ?

(A) had already had dinner (C) have been having dinner

(B) have already had dinner (D) had dinner

7. Mrs Johnson told us_________ .

(A) to not wash up (C) not to wash up

(B) to do not wash up (D) that we don't wash up

3. I want__________ at the airport.

(A) you meeting me (C) you to meet me

(B) that you meet me (D) you meet me

8. I've lost my wallet. — When__________ ?

(A) have you lost it (C) had you lost it

(B) did you lose it (D) you lost it

4. Alex was sure that he_________ the exams successfully.

(A) will pass (C) passes

(B) would pass (D) has passed

9. It's not very difficult__________ .

(A) to learn how to drive (C) learn how to drive

(B) to learn how drive (D) to learn how driving

5. The teacher asked me__________ for the lesson.

(A) was I ready (C) if was I ready

(B) if I was ready (D) that I was ready

10. This programme__________ me a lot of money.

(A) cost (C) had costed

(B) costed (D) was cost



Answer the following questions:

1. What is a transistor?

2. When was the transistor invented?

3. When were ICs, integrated circuits, discovered?


Give the definition to the following:

1. Commissions –

2. Geo targeting –

3. Frequency capping –

4. Oscilloscope –

5. Integrated circuit –


Write down the abbreviation in words and give Russian equivalents of the following:

1. Wi-Fi –

2. RAID –

3. PDF –

4. PDA –

5. PIN –


Choose the right variant:

1. I usually go to school______foot.

(A) in (C) on

(B) with (D) by

6. The police _______ the criminal yet.

(A) have caught (C) didn't caught

(B) didn't catch (D) haven't caught

2. James said that he__________ a horse before.

(A) never rode (C) had never ridden

(B) has never ridden (D) would never ride

7. Tom Sawyer________ by Mark Twain.

(A) has written (C) was written

(B) was wrote (D) is being written

3. Neither Alex nor Nick_________ German.

(A) know (C) don't know

(B) are knowing (D) knows

8. He said that he________ to Egypt.

(A) never had been (C) has never been

(B) never was (D) had never been

4. Don't be angry ______ me, please.

(A) at (C) with

(B) about (D) for

9. When we arrived in Sochi, it was very hot and the sun___.

(A) was shining (C) shined

(B) shone (D) shining

5.I want _________ me.

(A) you to help (C) that you'll help

(B) that you help (D) you helping

10. The teacher made me____ the exercise again.

(A) to do (C) doing

(B) do (D) that I'll do

Время на подготовку и выполнение:

подготовка 2 мин.;

выполнение 0 часов 40 мин.;

оформление и сдача 3 мин.;

всего 0 часов 45 мин.

По каждому показателю оценки результата выставляется 1 балл (соответствие эталону) или 0 баллов (несоответствие эталону).

Шкала оценки образовательных достижений

Процент результативности (правильных ответов)

Оценка уровня подготовки

балл (отметка)

вербальный аналог

90 ÷ 100



80 ÷ 89



70 ÷ 79



менее 70



3.3. Перечень материалов, оборудования и информационных источников, используемых в аттестации


Virginia Evance, Genny Dooley, Stanley Wright “Information Technology”: Express Publishing, 2011

А.П.Голубев, Н.В.Балюк, И.Б.Смирнова. Английский язык. Учебное пособие для средн. проф.учеб. заведений. – М.: издательский центр «Академия», 2008.

Л.В.Хведченя. Английский язык для поступающих в вузы. Мн.: Высшая школа. 2002.

Ю.Б.Голицынский. Английский язык. Грамматика: сборник упражнений. СПб.: КАРО, 2009.

Лексико-грамматическая контрольная работа № 10



Answer the following questions:

1. Name the most common of the program languages and give some information about them.

2. Name four categories of computer hardware.


Give the definition to the following:

1. Color coding –

2. Hacker –

3. Scanner –

4. Cyber thief –

5. Identity theft –


Write down the abbreviation in words and give Russian equivalents of the following:

1. CDN –

2. PaaS –

3. IaaS –

4. PACS –

5. EHR –


Choose the right variant:

1. When we arrived in Sochi, it was very hot and the sun________ .

(A) was shining (C) shined

(B) shone (D) shining

13. I'll be in Paris _____.

(A) the day tomorrow (C) after tomorrow

(B) the day after tomorrow (D) the day before

2. St Basil's Cathedral__________ in the mid-18th century in memory of the victory over Kazan.

(A) built (C) was builded

(B) was built (D) had been built

7. The teacher made me____ the exercise again.

(A) to do (C) doing

(B) do (D) that I'll do

3. Did you see John yesterday? — Yes, I saw _______ the street.

(A) his being crossed (C) his crossing

(B) him to cross (D) him crossing

8. I've never heard_______ .

(A) her to sing (C) she sings

(B) her sing (D) she is singing

4. James said that he__________ a horse before.

(A) never rode (C) had never ridden

(B) has never ridden (D) would never ride

9. By the time we got to the theatre the first act ____ .

(A) has already begun (C) had already begun

(B) had already began (D) was already begun

5. Neither Alex nor Nick_________ German.

(A) know (C) don't know

(B) are knowing (D) knows

10. When _______ from Moscow University?

(A) did you graduate (C) have you graduated

(B) did you graduated (D) were you graduating



Answer the following questions:

1. Name two functional units of the CPU in digital computers and give some information about them.

2. Name two types of computer memory and describe them.


Give the definition to the following:

1. Pretexting –

2. Card scanning –

3. Firewall –

4. Keylogger –

5. Patch –


Write down the abbreviation in words and give Russian equivalents of the following:

1. EMM –

2. ADM –

3. CPOE –

4. PCI –

5. GIF –


Choose the right variant:

1. The Internet__________ as harmless as it may seem.

(A) is (C) isn't

(B) has been (D) isn't being

6. She__________ at the bus-stop when a young man took her bag and ran away.

(A) was waiting (C) is waiting

(B) has been waiting (D) had waited

2. Do you mind__________ the door?

(A) I close (C) if to close

(B) close (D) my closing

7. I__________ an essay by six o'clock yesterday.

(A) have written (C) wrote

(B) had written (D) was writing

3. I'd like__________ overnight.

(A) that you stayed with us (C) you staying with us

(B) you stay with us (D) you to stay with us

8.I don't know who__________ your bike.

(A) stealed (C) did stole

(B) has stoled (D) has stolen

4.I want _________ me.

(A) you to help (C) that you'll help

(B) that you help (D) you helping

9. Tom Sawyer________ by Mark Twain.

(A) has written (C) was written

(B) was wrote (D) is being written

5. The police _______ the criminal yet.

(A) have caught (C) didn't caught

(B) didn't catch (D) haven't caught

10. He said that he________ to Egypt.

(A) never had been (C) has never been

(B) never was (D) had never been



Answer the following questions:

1. Name the most common ways of storing data and describe them.

2. Name two devices for outputting information and describe them.


Give the definition to the following:

1. Deployment –

2. Spyware –

3. Fraud –

4. Trojan horse –

5. Replicate –


Write down the abbreviation in words and give Russian equivalents of the following:

1. XML –

2. PHP –

3. HTML –

4. GUI –

5. IT –


Choose the right variant:

1.1 don't know__________ .

(A) where this museum (C) where this museum is

(B) where is this museum (D) this museum is where

6.1 don't like coffee with___________ .

(A) the milk (C) milk

(B) a milk (D) milks

2. When I came home late in the evening, my parents __________ ?

(A) had already had dinner (C) have been having dinner

(B) have already had dinner (D) had dinner

7. Mrs Johnson told us_________ .

(A) to not wash up (C) not to wash up

(B) to do not wash up (D) that we don't wash up

3. I want__________ at the airport.

(A) you meeting me (C) you to meet me

(B) that you meet me (D) you meet me

8. I've lost my wallet. — When__________ ?

(A) have you lost it (C) had you lost it

(B) did you lose it (D) you lost it

4. Alex was sure that he_________ the exams successfully.

(A) will pass (C) passes

(B) would pass (D) has passed

9. It's not very difficult__________ .

(A) to learn how to drive (C) learn how to drive

(B) to learn how drive (D) to learn how driving

5. The teacher asked me__________ for the lesson.

(A) was I ready (C) if was I ready

(B) if I was ready (D) that I was ready

20. I’m sure we__________ before.

(A) have never met (C) didn’t met

(B) haven’t never met (D) had met



Answer the following questions:

1. Name peripherals and describe them.

2. Name the main steps in the history of computer developing (year, name of engineer, device, technology)


Give the definition to the following:

1. Popup –

2. Audit logs –

3. Elasticity –

4. Scalability –

5. Quarantine –


Write down the abbreviation in words and give Russian equivalents of the following:

1. IDE –

2. CAM –

3. GIF –

4. CPM –

5. FAQs –


Choose the right variant:

1. By the time we arrived at the station, the train__________ .

(A) left (C) had left

(B) has left (D) was left

6. I__________ Michael for ages.

(A) didn't see (C) haven't seen

(B) don't see (D) saw not

2. What do you want__________ ?

(A) me to do (C) I do

(B) that I'll do (D) for me to do

7. I'd like to know__________ .

(A) where is my diary (C) where my diary is

(B) where it is my diary (D) my diary is where

3. ___________ operate a computer is not as difficult as many people think.

(A) To learn (C) Learning

(B) To learning (D) Learning to

8. Ann said that she__________ a new dress.

(A) had bought (C) will buy

(B) bought (D)buy

4. Where__________ you last night at the time of the burglary?

(A) were (C) did

(B) was (D) have you been

9. This time tomorrow__________ in the Black Sea.

(A) I swim (C) I'll swimming

(B) I'll swim (D) I'll be swimming

5. John_________ a new job.

(A) have offered (C) has offering

(B) has been offered (D) was been offered

10. This book__________ into 14 languages.

(A) translated (C) being translated

(B) has translated (D) has been translated

Время на подготовку и выполнение:

подготовка 2 мин.;

выполнение 0 часов 40 мин.;

оформление и сдача 3 мин.;

всего 0 часов 45 мин.

По каждому показателю оценки результата выставляется 1 балл (соответствие эталону) или 0 баллов (несоответствие эталону).

Шкала оценки образовательных достижений

Процент результативности (правильных ответов)

Оценка уровня подготовки

балл (отметка)

вербальный аналог

90 ÷ 100



80 ÷ 89



70 ÷ 79



менее 70



3.3. Перечень материалов, оборудования и информационных источников, используемых в аттестации


  1. Virginia Evance, Genny Dooley, Stanley Wright “Information Technology”: Express Publishing, 2011

  2. А.П.Голубев, Н.В.Балюк, И.Б.Смирнова. Английский язык. Учебное пособие для средн. проф.учеб. заведений. – М.: издательский центр «Академия», 2008.

  3. Л.В.Хведченя. Английский язык для поступающих в вузы. Мн.: Высшая школа. 2002.

  4. Ю.Б.Голицынский. Английский язык. Грамматика: сборник упражнений. СПб.: КАРО, 2009.


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