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The Blue-Nosed Rudoplh and the Tired Santa. Сценарий новогоднего праздника для учащихся начальной школы.

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Сценарий новогоднего праздника для учащихся начальной школы

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«The Blue-Nosed Rudoplh and the Tired Santa. Сценарий новогоднего праздника для учащихся начальной школы.»

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Лепешкина Татьяна Геннадьевна,

учитель английского языка,


г. Дубны Московской области.

The Blue-Nosed Rudoplh and the Tired Santa

Действующие лица:

Санта Клаус, олень - Рудольф, мальчик – Элвис, девочка - Кларисса

1 действие. В доме Санта Клауса.

S anta: Hello, my name is Santa Claus. This is my house. It’s a very big house. Uhhhhh, it’s very cold here!!! Oh, the list of presents. It is a long list…And I am very tired.

Заходят дети, Элвис и Кларисса.

Santa: Hello Elves! Hello Clarice!

Elves: Hello Santa! How are you?

Clarice: Hello Santa! How are you?

Santa: Fine, thank you, can you help me?

Elves: Yes, of course!!!

Santa: Look! This is the list of presents!

Elves: Oh, there are a lot of presents!

Santa: Come on, come on! Hurry up! I am very sleepy!!!

Elves: Ok! Let’s see, a book for Mommy, a T-shirt for

Daddy, a doll for sister, a bike for brother…It’s finished….Uf. Oh, look! Santa Claus is sleeping! Santa is very tired!

Появляется олень Рудольф и обращается к девочке.

Rudolphe: Clarice, Clarice! It’s time to eat!! I’m very hungry and thirsty!

Clarice: Here you are!

Rudolph: Oh, it’s delicious! I like carrots and salt! I like cakes and sugar!

Clarice: Don’t eat so fast, Rudoplh!

Rudolph: It’s delicious!......Oh, my tummy, my tummy!

Clarice: How are you, Rudolph?

Rudolph: Not fine, my tummy

Clarice: Don’t worry! Elves, …a problem, a problem…Rudolph has got a problem!

Elves: What’s the matter?

Clarice: Come here, quickly!

Elves: How are you, Rudoplh?

Rudolph: My tummy, I’m very cold!

Elves: Oh, you’ve got a fever, it’s very hot! Let’s call Santa! Santa, Santa!! Wake up, Wake up!

Santa: Ohhhh, I am very sleepy!

Elves: Rudolph is ill! Help!

Santa: How are you, Rudolph?

Rudolph: My tummy, I am very cold

Santa: Oh no, Rudolph has got a blue nose! Blue nose! Blue nose! Oh, no!

Clarice: Let’s prepare a medicine! Come on, Rudolph, take the medicine!

R udolph: No, it smells bad, I don’t like it!

Clarice: Rudolph the medicine….

Rudolph: No, I don’t like it!

Clarice: Rudolph, the medicine!!!!!!!

Rudolph: Ok!

Santa: And now let’s go to sleep! Good Night!

2 действие. Утром в доме Санта Клауса.

Clarice: Good Morning….Oh, Rudolph is sleeping! Oh, look at his nose!!! Elves, Elves, wake up!

Elves: Good Morning! Great!!! Rudolph hasn’t got a blue nose; He’s got a red nose!!!!

Let’s call Santa! But he sleeps tight. Wait, I’ve got an idea! Santa is very sleepy. Santa, Santa, Santa! Wake up!

Santa: Good Morning!

Elves: Rudoplh has got a problem. He’s got a blue nose!!!

Santa: Oh, poor Rudoplh, poor Rudoplh…The medicine is not good… But, what’s this? Rudolph has got a red nose. Great!!!!!! Mmmmmm, I am very angry

Elves: Jajajajajaja. We are joking, Santa! Jajajajajaja.

Rudolph: What’s happening? Good morning!

Santa: Rudoplh, how are you today?

Rudolph: Fine, I am very happy. I haven’t got a blue nose today. I’ve got a red nose!!!

Santa: Let’s have a party! Let’s dance, sing and play games!

The song “Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer “

Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer 

Had A Very Shiny Nose. 
And If You Ever Saw Him, 
You Would Even Say It Glows.

All Of The Other Reindeer 
Used To Laugh And Call Him Names. 
They Never Let Poor Rudolph 
Join In Any Reindeer Games.

Then One Foggy Christmas Eve 
Santa Came To Say: 
"Rudolph With Your Nose So Bright, 
Won't You Guide My Sleigh Tonight?"

Then All The Reindeer Loved Him 
As They Shouted Out With Glee, 
Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer, 
You'll Go Down In History! 

3 действие. Появляются все олени Санта Клауса.

Santa: Rudolph, where are your friends? Let’s call them!

Rudolph: Reindeer come here!

Dasher: Hello, friends. I’m Dasher. I’m the first reindeer and the leader of the sleigh. I am very quick.

Dancer: Hello, friends. I’m Dancer. I’m very nice and talented. I like fun and dancing.

Prancer: Hello, everybody. I’m Prancer. I’m very powerful and I like jumping up and down. I’m full of energy.

Vixen: Hello, friends. I’m Vixen. I’m beautiful, powerful and full of energy like Prancer. I wash my face and hands regularly.

Comet: Hello, everybody. I’m Comet. I’m a very happy reindeer. I like to smile.

Cupid: Hello, my dear. I’m Cupid. I like to create poems and romances for reindeer all over the world. I bring happiness and good fun.

Donder: Hello, friends. I’m Donder. My duty is to make breakfast, dinner and supper for Santa and all the other reindeer. I’m funny and noisy. Are you hungry?

Blitzen: Hello, everybody. I’m Blitzen. I’m very energetic and full of energy. I like playing football.

Santa: So, my friends, let’s play with children. Can you guess my reindeer’s names?

(задание1_группа А(группа В, группа С))


Класс делится (заранее) на 3 команды. Выполняют задания 1 - 2 Санта Клауса и оленей. Задания проверяют учителя (потом отдают результаты Санта Клаусу для награждения).

Santa and his reindeer”

Dasher: This name is like running in short little bursts.
It's Dasher the reindeer, the fastest of all,
A quick tiny reindeer, but not very tall!
Dancer: There is Dancer the danciest dancer of all,
Dancing about and having a ball!
Prancer: And Prancer like Dancer prances all day,
Driving elves crazy, but what can they say?
Vixen: While Vixen plays tricks on all the reindeer,
Mix'n their sleigh bells and having no fear!
Comet: Don't forget Comet with a smile all the while,
You can see the teeth glow from even one mile.
Cupid: And Cupid the dreamer who day dreams the most,
Waiting for Christmas and Holidays roasts.
Donder: But Donder is jumping about on the snow.
Eager for Santa and the reindeer to go!
Blitzen: Finally, Blitzen with mittens of gold lace and holly,
Is happy, and zappy and oh, so jolly!
Rudolf: Oh, yes don't forget Rudolf with that nose red and bright,
Shining his nose through the thick of the night.

Santa: You are so clever and bright! (награждает детей за задания 1-2) Do you remember the song about Rudolph? Listen to the song once more and fill in the missing words.

(задание 3, презентация песни)

Santa: You are the best pupils! You have made all my tasks perfectly. I’m very satisfied! But it’s time to work. I have to give presents to the children. Reindeer, let’s go! Good bye! See you next year! Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!


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