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The dishes and drinks of Tatar Cuisine

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The presentation about drinks and dishes of Tatar Cuisine.

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«The dishes and drinks of Tatar Cuisine»

National Tatar cuisine The presentation was  made by Ekaterina Vagner,  group 21 T-S

National Tatar cuisine

The presentation was made by Ekaterina Vagner, group 21 T-S

Content History Features of Tatar cuisine Hot dishes Second courses Bakery products Delicacy The drinks Questions about Tatar cuisine Sources of literature


  • History
  • Features of Tatar cuisine
  • Hot dishes
  • Second courses
  • Bakery products
  • Delicacy
  • The drinks
  • Questions about Tatar cuisine
  • Sources of literature
 Prehistory Background The culinary art of the Tatar people is rich in its national and cultural traditions dating back centuries. In the course of the centuries-old history, an original national cuisine has been formed, which has retained its distinctive features to this day.  Its originality is closely related to the socio-economic and natural conditions of the life of the people, the peculiarities of its ethnic history.  The Tatar national cuisine developed on the basis of its ethnic traditions and under the influence of the cuisines of the neighboring nations - Russians, Mari, Udmurts, etc., as well as the peoples of Central Asia. Such dishes as pilaf, halva, sherbet entered the Tatar cuisine quite early.


  • Background The culinary art of the Tatar people is rich in its national and cultural traditions dating back centuries. In the course of the centuries-old history, an original national cuisine has been formed, which has retained its distinctive features to this day. Its originality is closely related to the socio-economic and natural conditions of the life of the people, the peculiarities of its ethnic history. The Tatar national cuisine developed on the basis of its ethnic traditions and under the influence of the cuisines of the neighboring nations - Russians, Mari, Udmurts, etc., as well as the peoples of Central Asia. Such dishes as pilaf, halva, sherbet entered the Tatar cuisine quite early.
Features of Tatar cuisine For traditional Tatar Cuisine is characterized by the use of a large amount of fat. From animal fats they use: butter and ghee, lard, from vegetable fats - sunflower, less often olive, mustard and hemp oil. Of the sweeties most widely used honey. From it is prepared delicacy, served with tea.

Features of Tatar cuisine

  • For traditional Tatar Cuisine is characterized by the use of a large amount of fat. From animal fats they use: butter and ghee, lard, from vegetable fats - sunflower, less often olive, mustard and hemp oil. Of the sweeties most widely used honey. From it is prepared delicacy, served with tea.
 Hot dishes Noodle soup. In Tatar cuisine cooking homemade noodles has always been considered a great art. When making dough for noodles and dumplings in any case, you can not use milk. From this broth becomes cloudy, and noodles or dumplings are quickly boiled.

Hot dishes

  • Noodle soup. In Tatar cuisine cooking homemade noodles has always been considered a great art. When making dough for noodles and dumplings in any case, you can not use milk. From this broth becomes cloudy, and noodles or dumplings are quickly boiled.
Dumplings - a unique dish. Almost every nation has its own variant of ravioli. In Tatars, dumplings are a festive and to some extent ritual dish. The dumplings are always served with broth. They were treated to a young son-in-law and his cronies.
  • Dumplings - a unique dish. Almost every nation has its own variant of ravioli. In Tatars, dumplings are a festive and to some extent ritual dish. The dumplings are always served with broth. They were treated to a young son-in-law and his cronies.
Second courses As a second dish in the traditional Tatar cuisine appear meat, bread dishes and potatoes. Secondly, the meat cooked in broth is cut into small flat pieces, stewed in oil with onions, carrots and pepper. If the soup is cooked in chicken broth, the second is served boiled chicken, sliced. Boiled potatoes are used for garnish, and horseradish is served in a separate bowl. On holidays, they cook chicken stuffed with eggs and milk (tutyrgan tavyk). The most ancient meat dish is Belgium, baked in a pot. It is made from pieces of fatty meat and cereals (millet, rice). This group of dishes should include tutirmu, which is an intestine stuffed with chopped or finely chopped liver and millet.

Second courses

  • As a second dish in the traditional Tatar cuisine appear meat, bread dishes and potatoes. Secondly, the meat cooked in broth is cut into small flat pieces, stewed in oil with onions, carrots and pepper. If the soup is cooked in chicken broth, the second is served boiled chicken, sliced. Boiled potatoes are used for garnish, and horseradish is served in a separate bowl. On holidays, they cook chicken stuffed with eggs and milk (tutyrgan tavyk). The most ancient meat dish is Belgium, baked in a pot. It is made from pieces of fatty meat and cereals (millet, rice). This group of dishes should include tutirmu, which is an intestine stuffed with chopped or finely chopped liver and millet.
Fish Tebe (Country Style)
  • Fish Tebe (Country Style)
Boiled meat. Meat products for second courses should be cooked so as to preserve their taste. Chunks of meat should be poured with boiling water so that water only covers them. Cold water is poured only on corned beef and salted tongues, which must first be soaked for 5-8 hours; water during this time must be changed three or four times.
  • Boiled meat. Meat products for second courses should be cooked so as to preserve their taste. Chunks of meat should be poured with boiling water so that water only covers them. Cold water is poured only on corned beef and salted tongues, which must first be soaked for 5-8 hours; water during this time must be changed three or four times.
During dinner parties is served
  • During dinner parties is served "Kazan" pilaf from boiled meat. The variety of meat main dishes should also include boiled meat-test-dishes, such as kulama (or bishbarmak). Meat preparation for the future (for spring and summer) is made by salting (in brines) and drying. Horse meat is made from sausage (kazylyk), dried goose and duck are considered a delicacy. In winter, the meat is stored frozen.
Chicken in Tatar style. Chicken, potatoes, salt. For the sauce: onions and carrots, chicken broth, melted butter, salt, bay leaf, pepper to taste. Wash the carcass and cook whole with salt. Peel potatoes, cut in half, cook. Put the potatoes in a frying pan, put the boiled chicken and pour all the vegetable sauce in Tatar style. Simmer for 30 minutes.
  • Chicken in Tatar style. Chicken, potatoes, salt. For the sauce: onions and carrots, chicken broth, melted butter, salt, bay leaf, pepper to taste. Wash the carcass and cook whole with salt. Peel potatoes, cut in half, cook. Put the potatoes in a frying pan, put the boiled chicken and pour all the vegetable sauce in Tatar style. Simmer for 30 minutes.
 Bakery products The peculiarity of the traditional table is a variety of flour products. Fresh and yeast dough make two types - simple and rich. Butter, lard, eggs, sugar, vanilla, cinnamon are added for baking. Tatars are very attentive to the dough and know how to cook it well.

Bakery products

  • The peculiarity of the traditional table is a variety of flour products. Fresh and yeast dough make two types - simple and rich. Butter, lard, eggs, sugar, vanilla, cinnamon are added for baking. Tatars are very attentive to the dough and know how to cook it well.
Belyash Tatarsky Peremyach is a fried pie made of unleavened or yeast dough with minced meat, round shape. Tatar peremyach made with a characteristic small hole at the top. Belyash is the name of a Tatar peremyach spread in Russia.
  • Belyash Tatarsky Peremyach is a fried pie made of unleavened or yeast dough with minced meat, round shape. Tatar peremyach made with a characteristic small hole at the top. Belyash is the name of a Tatar peremyach spread in Russia.
Kystyby - an old traditional Tatar dish of dough with a filling - fried unleavened flat bread stuffed with millet porridge or mashed potatoes. It looks like an unclosed cake or juicer - the filling is put on one half of the flat cake and closed on top of the second half.
  • Kystyby - an old traditional Tatar dish of dough with a filling - fried unleavened flat bread stuffed with millet porridge or mashed potatoes. It looks like an unclosed cake or juicer - the filling is put on one half of the flat cake and closed on top of the second half.
Tatar cuisine is very rich in products from sweet and sweet dough: chelpek, katlama, kosh telo, levash, pate, served with tea.
  • Tatar cuisine is very rich in products from sweet and sweet dough: chelpek, katlama, kosh telo, levash, pate, served with tea.
Chuck-chuck - Eastern sweetness, which is a product of dough with honey. Chuck-chuck is a must-have special honorable wedding treat. Chuck-chuck is brings to the house of her young husband, as well as her parents.
  • Chuck-chuck - Eastern sweetness, which is a product of dough with honey. Chuck-chuck is a must-have special honorable wedding treat. Chuck-chuck is brings to the house of her young husband, as well as her parents.
Talkysh Kalyave is a dish that not all Kazan citizens know. It was included in the list of national Tatar dishes about sixty years ago by the first chef of the House of Tatar cuisine culinary Yunus Akhmetzyanov.
  • Talkysh Kalyave is a dish that not all Kazan citizens know. It was included in the list of national Tatar dishes about sixty years ago by the first chef of the House of Tatar cuisine culinary Yunus Akhmetzyanov.
Drinks. The most ancient is the airan (katyk diluted with cold water). Tatars have long used kvass from rye flour and malt. During dinner parties, a compote of dried apricots is served for dessert. Early entered the life of the Tatars tea. Tea with baked goods (cabartma, pancakes) sometimes replaces breakfast. It is drank it strong, hot, often diluting with milk. Tea at Tatars is one of the attributes of hospitality.
  • Drinks. The most ancient is the airan (katyk diluted with cold water). Tatars have long used kvass from rye flour and malt. During dinner parties, a compote of dried apricots is served for dessert. Early entered the life of the Tatars tea. Tea with baked goods (cabartma, pancakes) sometimes replaces breakfast. It is drank it strong, hot, often diluting with milk. Tea at Tatars is one of the attributes of hospitality.
Questions about Tatar cuisine What meat is most often used in Tatar cuisine? What are big dumplings? What can replace rice in the pilaf? What is the name of sour Cream in Tatar cuisine? What Ritual do the Tatars? What is kaymyk in Tatar cuisine? What is the name of Flour dough stuffed with wheat porridge? What is the traditional Tatar dish in the form of a triangle filled with fatty meat and onions? What's the name of the Tartars ' sour milk soup?

Questions about Tatar cuisine

  • What meat is most often used in Tatar cuisine?
  • What are big dumplings?
  • What can replace rice in the pilaf?
  • What is the name of sour Cream in Tatar cuisine?
  • What Ritual do the Tatars?
  • What is kaymyk in Tatar cuisine?
  • What is the name of Flour dough stuffed with wheat porridge?
  • What is the traditional Tatar dish in the form of a triangle filled with fatty meat and onions?
  • What's the name of the Tartars ' sour milk soup?
Sources of literature Minigalieva A. Tatar cuisine. Briefly about delicious. Donetsk: BAO, 2002, 64 p. Minigaliev A. The best recipes of Tatar cuisine »

Sources of literature

  • Minigalieva A. Tatar cuisine. Briefly about delicious. Donetsk: BAO, 2002, 64 p.
  • Minigaliev A. The best recipes of Tatar cuisine »" BAO-Press ", 2001
  • Polivanova L.A. 500 Tatar dishes. M .: Veche, 2007. - 400 p.
  • Readerz Digest Food is our friend, food is our enemy. St. Petersburg, 2000. - 500 p.
  • Silaeva K. Tatar cuisine. M .: Izd. Eksmo-Press, 2006.- 63 p.
  • Somov I.N. Kitchens of the peoples of the world. 1300 recipes. 2005. - 448 s.
  • Tatar cuisine. Recipes for you. M .: Citadel-Trade, 2005. - 64 p.
  • Hagan A. The best recipes of Tatar cuisine. M .: Izd. Eksmo-Press, 2004.- 320 p.
  • Shabaeva L. Tatar cuisine. M.: ed. Labyrinth, 2005. - 512 p.
  • 1000 recipes Tatar cuisine. M .: Diamant, 2001. - 511 p.


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