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The Earth is in Danger

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«The Earth is in Danger»

Teмa: Earth is in Danger

Цель: организовать познавательную деятельность учащихся по формированию и совершенствованию знаний.

Задачи: 1) повторение и закрепление грамматического и лексического материала;

2)формирование и развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи;

3) формирование лексических навыков говорения, умение понимать на слух с целью извлечения информации;

4) воспитание человека, борющегося за чистоту окружающей среды и в ее сохранении;

5) умение работать в группе и получать знания от других участников группы

Ожидаемый результат: владение грамматическим и лексическим материалом, умение работать в группе, умение извлекать нужную информацию из текста, умение правильно строить высказывания на заданную тему.

Дидактический материал: Текст “The Earth is in Danger”, карточки с таблицей, стихотворение “What have you done to the World “.

План урока

  1. Greeting

Good afternoon, children! Today we’ll have a very interesting work. Our theme is “The Earth is in Danger” and we’ll speak about the ecological problems of our planet, what we can do to save and help nature

  1. Realization

  1. Warm up

a) In groups of 2 or 3 write three nouns according to the theme and fill in the table. You have 2 minutes for this work.



Places on the earth

b) Now, using your nouns answer my questions: What is there on the earth? What can you see in the forests? What can you see on the land? What waters are there on the earth?

2. Vocabulary predictions

I’m going to introduce new vocabulary. Listen to me very attentively. Repeat the words after me.

Temperature – can you guess the meaning?

Drinkable , (adj.) means safe for drinking. E. g. Is this water drinkable?

Can you use oil for drinking? – No. Can you use milk for drinking? – Yes. Do you like drinkable yogurt?

Freshwater, (adj.) – means not salty.

Protect (v.) means to keep smb. or smth. safe from harm. E. g. People must protect nature.

Can you keep your sister safe? – Yes. Can you keep the animal safe in great fire? – No. Do you want to protect your family?

Problem - can you guess the meaning?

Activity means an action.

    1. Read the title of the text and try to guess the content based upon the title and the vocabulary.

    2. Now, read the text for the main idea (the 1-st and the last parts), make predictions in groups of 2 or 3. Answer the question : What is this text about?

    3. Read the text for details and then do ex.23 p. 151. Say “True” or “False” to the statements.

    4. In 5 minutes tell me about the problems we have on the earth. Work in groups of 2 or three.

  1. Reflection

What have we learnt today? Nature is in danger (animals , forests, air, etc.). But everything depends upon us, people. Because Man is a king of nature and he must take care of it, save it. Better late than never. And at the end of this lesson lets read a poem “What have you done to the World “.

A poem “What have you done to the World “.

What have you done to the seas, my friend?
What have you done to the seas?
What have you done to the rivers, my friend?
What have you done to the trees?
What have you done to our land, my friend?
This land which is ours from our birth
What have you done to our forests, my friend?
What have you done to the earth?
What have you done to the skies, my friend?
Skies those are blue and so clear.
What have you done to the skies, my friend?
What have you done to the air?

Your marks …..for the lesson.

  1. Homework

Give a short summary of the text .


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