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The educational system in the Russian Federation

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«The educational system in the Russian Federation»

The education system in the Russian Federation Учитель английского языка «Опольевской ООШ» Болт Светлана Владимировна

The education system in the Russian Federation

Учитель английского языка «Опольевской ООШ» Болт Светлана Владимировна

Citizens of Russia have the right for education which is guaranteed by the Constitution. The public educational system in our country incorporates pre-school, general school, specialized secondary and higher education.

Citizens of Russia have the right for education which is guaranteed by the Constitution. The public educational system in our country incorporates pre-school, general school, specialized secondary and higher education.

Education in the Russian Federation — a single purposeful process of education and training, being socially significant boon and implemented in the interests of the person, the family, society and state, as well as the totality of acquired knowledge, abilities, skills, values, experience and competence of certain size and complexity in order of intellectual, spiritually-moral, creative, physical and (or) professional development rights, meet their educational needs and interests.

Education in the Russian Federation — a single purposeful process of education and training, being socially significant boon and implemented in the interests of the person, the family, society and state, as well as the totality of acquired knowledge, abilities, skills, values, experience and competence of certain size and complexity in order of intellectual, spiritually-moral, creative, physical and (or) professional development rights, meet their educational needs and interests.

Every boy or girl must get secondary education. They go to school at the age of six or seven and must stay there until they are 14-17 years old. At school pupils study academic subjects.

Every boy or girl must get secondary education. They go to school at the age of six or seven and must stay there until they are 14-17 years old. At school pupils study academic subjects.

Pre-school consists of kindergartens and creches. Children there learn reading, writing and arithmetic. But pre-school education isn't compulsory - children can get it at home.

Pre-school consists of kindergartens and creches. Children there learn reading, writing and arithmetic. But pre-school education isn't compulsory - children can get it at home.

The main link in the system of education is the general school which prepares the younger generation for life and work in modern production. There are various types of schools: general secondary schools, schools specializing in a certain subject, high schools, lyceums and so on. Tuition in most of them is free of charge, but some new types of schools are fee-paying.

The main link in the system of education is the general school which prepares the younger generation for life and work in modern production. There are various types of schools: general secondary schools, schools specializing in a certain subject, high schools, lyceums and so on. Tuition in most of them is free of charge, but some new types of schools are fee-paying.

In Russia there are three main forms of education: full-time (day); part-time (evening); correspondence. The new law on education there are new forms of organization of education: the network training. The network form of realization of educational programs - implementation of educational programs using the resources of several organizations engaged in educational activities, including foreign, and also, if necessary, using the resources of other organizations; -electronic and distance learning.

In Russia there are three main forms of education: full-time (day); part-time (evening); correspondence. The new law on education there are new forms of organization of education: the network training. The network form of realization of educational programs - implementation of educational programs using the resources of several organizations engaged in educational activities, including foreign, and also, if necessary, using the resources of other organizations; -electronic and distance learning.

After the 9th form pupils have to sit for examinations. Also they have a choice between entering the 10th grade of a general secondary school and enrolling in a specialized secondary or vocational school. Persons who finish the general secondary school, receive a secondary education certificate, giving them the right to enter any higher educational establishment. Entrance examinations are held in July and August. Institutions are headed by rectors; the faculties are headed by the deans. One has to study in the institute for 5 years.

After the 9th form pupils have to sit for examinations. Also they have a choice between entering the 10th grade of a general secondary school and enrolling in a specialized secondary or vocational school.

Persons who finish the general secondary school, receive a secondary education certificate, giving them the right to enter any higher educational establishment. Entrance examinations are held in July and August. Institutions are headed by rectors; the faculties are headed by the deans. One has to study in the institute for 5 years.


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