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The Present Perfect / The Present Perfect Continous

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«The Present Perfect / The Present Perfect Continous»

The Present Perfect / The Present Perfect Continous-8 class

Choose the correct variant:

  1. He … his car. That is why his hands are so dirty.
    has greased
    has been greasing

  2. The students … very hard this year.
    have worked
    have been working

  3. He … on every bed in this room and he does nоt like any of them.
    has been sleeping
    has slept

  4. She … . That is why she is wearing breeches.
    has been riding
    has ridden

  5. I … too fast. That is why I am so tired.
    have walked
    have been walking

  6. He stones at the wrong window.
    has thrown
    has been throwing

  7. She … all the horses in this stable.
    has ridden
    has been riding

  8. She … for a rise in salary for two months but she has not dared to ask for it.
    has hoped
    has been hoping

  9. I … seventeen kilometers.
    have been walking
    have walked

  10. He … his key and he has been trying to wake his flatshare by throwing stones at his window.
    has lost
    has been loosing


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