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«The USA. New-York.»

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««The USA. New-York.»»

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Джуссоевой Валентины Андреевны, учителя английского языка

6 «а» класс

Тема урока: «The USA. New-York, sightseeing.»

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Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you. Today, you see, there are some guests from our school at our lesson. And I hope you’ll do the best to show your knowledge in English.

1.Прослушивание музыкального отрывка http://yandex.ru/video/search?p=1&filmId=wuYLryYTUXI&text=frank%20sinatra%20new%20york%20new%20york&path=wizard

You’ve just watched the video. And how do you think what is the topic of our today’s lesson? What are we going to discuss today?

You’re right. We’ll speak about New York, one of the greatest and most beautiful and attractive cities in the world. We’ll learn more about its sights and attractions.

But maybe you’ve already learned something about this magnificent city. Let’s check out.

  • 2.I want you to answer my questions:

  1. Where is the USA situated?

  2. Who discovered America?

  3. When did Columbus discover America?

  4. What oceans is America washed by?

  5. What countries does it border on?

  6. How many states are there in the USA?

  7. What is the largest state?

  8. What is the smallest state?

  9. What‘s the difference between Washington and Washington D.C.?

  10. On what river is Washington D.C. situated?

  11. Is Washington DC the biggest city in the USA?

3. By the way, what is the biggest city in the USA? You had to prepare some information on places of interest in New York. (Ex.4 p.34)

4. Now let’s read a short text and learn some new facts about NY.

Before reading, please repeat after me: borough, Manhattan, The Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn and Staten Island, jogging, entrance, commemorate, alliance

New York

New York is situated in New York State at the mouth of the Hudson River.

New York is one the largest cities in the world with almost 8 million inhabitants.

It is divided into five boroughs: Manhattan, The Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn and Staten Island.

The centre of New York is called Manhattan. Manhattan is the economic and cultural centre. In Manhattan there is Central Park, a huge green area with lakes, gardens and woods. People go cycling, horseback riding, swimming and jogging in it.

New York has got a lot of skyscrapers. The most famous one is The Empire State Building, with 102 floors. The World Trade Centre, or the Twin towers, destroyed on 11 September 2001, had 110 floors.

The Statue of Liberty is at the entrance to New York harbour. It was a gift from France and commemorates the French-American alliance during the American Revolution.

Answer the questions.

  1. Where is New York?

  2. How many people live in New York?

  3. How many boroughs are there in New York?

  4. What is Manhattan?

  5. Where is Central Park?

  6. Can people go in Central Park?

  7. What are the most important skyscrapers?

  8. How many floors do the Empire State Building?

  9. What happened in 2001?

  10. What does The Statue of Liberty commemorate?

5. And now let’s watch a short video about the most famous interesting places in NY. Before watching the video I’d like to know your opinion which of them is the top tourist attraction and why?

  1. The Empire State Building

  2. the Statue of Liberty

  3. the Central Park

6. Some new words from the video you may not know:

Ferry –a boat for transporting passengers and/or goods short distances

Harbor- a sheltered stretch of water close to land

Suspension bridge-a bridge supported by cables

Stroll- a leisurely walk

Terminal-a place where lots of transport routes connect

In awe-to be very impressed by something

Landmark-a distinctive building or structure which can be seen from a distance

7. http://www.esolcourses.com/content/topics/the-usa/new-york/new-york-tourist-attractions-video-listening.html

8. And now let’s have a short competition Michel and Veronika should do the test and we’ll see who is more intelligent.

1. Which famous New York building and American icon was built during the Great Depression?

A. The Statue of Liberty

B. The Rockefeller Centre

C. The Empire State Building

D. the video doesn’t say

2. Grand Central is…

A. a park

B. the video doesn’t say

C. a ferry

D. a train station

3. Which tourist attraction is described as “the ultimate symbol of New York City?”

A. the video doesn’t say

B. The Statue of Liberty

C. The Empire State Building

D. Times Square

4. Which New York tourist attraction is best experienced at night?

A. The Statue of Liberty

2. the video doesn’t say

3. Wall Street

4. Times Square

5. Which New York tourist attraction is famous for its Christmas tree lighting ceremony?

A. The Rockefeller Centre

B.Wall Street

3. Central Park

4. the video doesn’t say

6. Which animal is said make everyone in Wall Street happy?

A. a bull

B. a hare

C. the video doesn’t say

D. a bear

7. Which New York Park is situated in Greenwich Village?

A. Central Park

B. Washington Square Park

C. the video doesn’t say

D. Mac Arthur Park

8. Which famous New York Bridge is one of the topten attractions?

A. Brooklyn Bridge

B. Madison Avenue Bridge

C. the video doesn’t say

D. Manhattan Bridge

9. Which tourist attraction gives you spectacular views of New York Harbour?

A. Staten Island

B. Wall Street

C. the video doesn’t say

D. Staten Island Ferry

9. Fill in the gaps with the words: metro, Hudson, Solomon R. Guggenheim, Broadway, Big Apple, Bronx, skyscraper, Manhattan, , Queens, The Guggenheim Museum, Staten Island, a Metro Card, September 11, 2001, Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn, Manhattan, places of interest.

New York is on the ... River. Another name for New York is ... . It consists of five boroughs: .. . The heart of New York is .... It has a lot of... .
One of them is the Empire State Building. It is the tallest ... in New York but only since .... . The millions of immigrants who had come to America by sea were welcomed by the... It is one of the most famous symbols of America. One of New York's most famous museums is .... It's famous for its building, which was designed by ... . Those who are interested in theater will be able to enjoy different musicals and shows on ... . The fastest way to see New York is by ... . You need to buy a ... and it will take you all over the city.


10. Закрепление лексико-грамматического материала. Перевод предложений с русского на английский с использованием лексики по теме.

  1. США – одно из самых больших государств в мире.

  2. Население государства составляет 250 миллионов человек.

  3. Глава государства – президент.

  4. Нью-Йорк расположен на реке Гудзон.

  5. Эмпайр-стейт-билдинг – самый высокий небоскреб Нью-Йорка.

  6. На Бродвее много известных театров.

  7. Если я выучу английский, то я поеду в Нью-Йорк.

  8. Когда я поеду в Нью-Йорк, я увижу известные достопримечательности.

  9. Если я увижу достопримечательности Нью-Йорка, я расскажу об этом моим друзьям.

11. Read the sentences below, and then put the events in the correct sequence and make short dialogues.

-It will be a wonderful trip! 

-Hi! I'm fine. Thanks.

-I will go to New-york next year too.

-Where have you been?

-I have been to New York! It is a wonderful city!

-Oh! Cool! Tell me everything! What did you do there?

-Yes. I was in The Guggenheim Museum. It was very interesting!

-Cool! Did you go shopping?

-I had a boat trip from Manhattan to the Statue of Liberty - the symbol of USA. I walked in the Central Park! I saw the Empire State Building...

-Of course! There are so many shops! 

-Did you visit any museums?

-Hi! How are you!

- Good luck, bye.

-You are right, I haven`t been here for summer. Last summer I visited New York.

-Oh, I am sorry, last April I didn`t know about the trip. 

- Ok. Don`t worry. Did you enjoy your trip?

-Why do you think so? 

-Yes, of course. In my opinion New York is a wonderful city and also it is so extraordinary for us. 

- Yes, it is rather unusual. Oh, tell me please what do you like most of all?

- Because there are a lot of people and skyscrapers, but also New York has many parks and quiet streets. 

- I liked Times Square and the Central Park very much. 

-Really? Why didn`t you tell me about your trip at our last meeting?

- I am so happy for you. I want to ask you about English. Did you learn it? 

- Well, yes, I did. I went to summer courses and learn grammar there, but also I spoke with New York people, so I had a great practice.

- That`s good, I am in a hurry, so I have to go. I was so glad to meet you. Bye.

-Oh, Liza, I haven`t seen you for so long time. Where have you been?

12. What places would you like to visit there?

Выставление отметок и их комментирование. Good luck , let all your dreams come true. Thank you for the lesson, you may be free.

  1. Home task:

Name: _______________________________________

Fill in the correct words from the box.





















New York is a city that ____________ many sights a tourist can see. The Statue of Liberty is probably the most famous of them. It is situated on a ____________ on Liberty Island, which you can only ____________ by ____________. Visitors can go up to the ____________ deck in the ____________ but cannot move up to the ____________ itself. The Statue of Liberty was a ____________ that France gave to the United States over a hundred years ago.

Times Square is a place that is full of ____________. Millions of people see it on television every New Year’s Eve when a big celebration is held. It got its name because the New York Times was first ____________ there. Today you can see many ____________ billboards and signs and movie theatres surround the ____________.

The Empire State building is New York’s most famous ____________. It was built in the 1930s and was New York’s biggest building for a long time. It has been a star in many ____________, like “King Kong” or “Superman”.

Central Park lies in the ____________ of Manhattan. It is about four kilometres long and serves as the green lung of New York. The park has many lakes, playgrounds and ____________. When it was created over 150 years ago it was in the middle of a ____________ area.

Brooklyn Bridge connects ____________ with Brooklyn, New York’s most ____________ borough. It ____________ East river and one of the best known bridges in the city.

14. And at end of our lesson let’s sing a song “This land is your land”.


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