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Theme "My Future Profession"

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«Theme "My Future Profession"»

The plan of the lesson


10 ___



The topic of the lesson: My Future profession.


Main competences

Subject competences

  1. Informational (MC-1)

1 Lingual (SC-1)

  1. Communicative (MC-2)

2 Social – cultural (SC – 2)

  1. Self-organization and problem solving (MC-3)

3 Verbal (SC- 3)

Lesson objectives:

Expected Results: SWBA


Understanding and generalization on the topic “My future profession”.


Develop the ability of students to compare, analyze and generalize;


Strengthening interest in the subject, fostering a respectful attitude to each profession.

Type of the lesson: The development lesson The review lesson The drill lesson

Using methods: Interactive Discussion method Communicative Pole Plays Brainstorming

Skills: Reading Sreaking Writing Listening

Resources: Pictures Text book Flipchart Markers Projector Audio disk Handouts

The procedure of the lesson


Teacher activity

Students activity



  1. Warm – up: ( min)

Consolidation of previous theme:

Presentation ( )

Lets Read the dialogue

ex 1. P 116

We are continuous our lesson choose the card and collect the puzzle.

Write 10 definition that this profession is the most necessary and important in our days. Why we need such profession like career adviser?

Look through such expressions like in ex 2.p118. How do you think which of them is right?

Consolidation: Very good job pupils. Now I know that you like such game like khoot let play and fix your knowledge about professions.


Evaluation/Home task


Good morning, students. I am pleased to see you. I think you’ve noticed that we have guests today. Look at them and don’t worry. Today we will work with you in interesting and unusual ways.

Lets remind the theme of previous lesson definite and indefinite article A/An/the.

  1. I’d like … chicken sandwich and … glass of … mineral water. (Я бы хотел сэндвич с курицей и стакан минеральной воды.)

  2. Would you like … banana or … strawberries? (Ты хочешь банан или клубнику?)

  3. She always has … apple, … toast and … cup of … coffee for … breakfast. (Она всегда съедает яблоко, тост и пьет чашку кофе на завтрак.)

  4. The fly is on … ceiling in … kitchen. (Муха – на потолке на кухне.)

  5. My mother is … accountant and my father is … lawyer. They work in … same company in … center of … our town. (Моя мама – бухгалтер, а папа – юрист. Они работают в одной компании в центре нашего города.)

  6. How much are … her Italian lessons? – Ten dollars … hour. (Сколько стоят ее занятия по итальянскому языку? – Десять долларов в час.)

Before we will tell about the theme of the lesson look please on your tables you see a box, open it and

Tell me please what is this? Who can wear such kind of closes? (clothes of a nurse and a traffic

police officer).

After the students have opened them, the teacher asks them leading questions.

1. What do you think these clothes are…..?

2. Who can own these clothes?

3. What do the people who wear these clothes?

4. How do you think how it relates to our lesson?

Who are these people?

Where are they?

What are they talking about?

New words:

  • Long-term – долгосрочный

  • Opera singer – оперный(ая) певец(ца)

  • Garden mole – огородный крот

  • Gardener – садовник

  • Creative – творческий

  • Flexible – гибкий, уступчивый

  • Patient – терпеливый

  • Responsible – ответственный

  • Gentle – добрый, мягкий

  • Generous - благородный

Good job.

Doctor, Hair maker, Cooker.

All of you tell so many fact why this professions so important and necessary in our life.

  • A career adviser is a person who helps young people to identify their straights and weaknesses and develop their plans for education, training and work.

  • A career adviser is a person who tells young people what jobs or career they should pursue.

  • A career adviser is a person who knows the labor market and finds a job for you.

  1. The person who sings is…? (singer)

  2. The person who plays in films is an …? (actor)

  3. The person who helps people when they are ill is a… ? (doctor)

  4. The person who teaches pupils ia a …. ?(teacher)

  5. The person whose job is to manage a company…? (manager)

  6. The person who changes spoken words from one language to another….? (translator)

  7. The person who cuts peoples hair? (hair stylist)

  8. The person who designs clothes is…..? (designer)

  9. Someone whose job is to design building…? (engineer)

  10. Someone who drive a car? (driver)

  • Your homework for the next lesson will be ex 3 p.118 and a short assay about your future profession.

  • Giving marks

Thank you very much. I enjoyed your answers greatly. As usual you were very calm. I wish you every success. See you next time.

- Well our lesson is over. And now I want to share your opinion. Is this lesson informative for you? What new information have you learned? What state would you like to visit? Thank you for your good work today.

Good morning teacher. We are fine, thank you. Glad to see you too.

M/C 1

M/C 2

M/C 3

S/C 1


S/C 3

Motivation like “Good job” Well don”

A nice try”

All of you so active.

Who else can add own opinions

You are so clever pupils.

Teacher evaluates according to the abilities.


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