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Three little pigs.

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Сценарий "Three little pigs" разработан для учащихся 4-5 классов как внеклассное мероприятие. продолжительность 8-10 минут.

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«Three little pigs.»

Three little pigs






The wolf

Author: Once upon the time there lived three little pigs in the wood.

Nif: Hello!

Nuf: Hi!

Naf: Nice to meet you!

Author: They were merry and happy. They always played together and sang a merry song.

Nif, Naf, Nuf:

We are merry little pigs,

little pigs,

little pigs,

We are merry little pigs,

Brave and quick! Oink, oink!

(поют и уходят)

Author: One autumn day an old wolf came to the wood.


Where is my pig?

I’m hungry! I’m weak!

Author: The winter is coming. The pigs are sad.

Nif: It’s so cold today!

Nuf: Yes, the weather is really awful today!

Naf: I think, we should do something!

Nif: Any ideas?

Naf: I think, we can make a house!

Nuf: MMM! It’ s a good idea! I will make a straw house!

Nif: Then I will make a nice house of sticks and leaves.

Naf: Are you seriously? Aren’t you afraid of wolves?

Nuf: Hay, man calm down!

Nif: There isn’t any wolf in our wood!

Nif , Nuf:

We are merry little pigs,

little pigs,

little pigs,

We are merry little pigs,

Brave and quick! Oink, oink!


Author: At that time the Wolf was walking in the wood.


Where is my pig?

I’m hungry! I’m weak! (воет)


Nuf was the first to mare a straw house.

Nif was the second to make a house from sticks and leaves.

Naf was the last to make a bridge house.

(поросята выстраивают домики )

(выходит волк обнюхивает домик из соломы)

Wolf: It smells like a pig.

Hay! Is anybody here? Open the door! Let me in!

Nuf: There is nobody! Go away!

Wolf: There is a pig! Get out ! Or I will break your house and eat you!

Nuf: I can’t!

Wolf: Then I will use my gun! (вынает фен и направляет на дом)

Дом падает поросенок убегает обегает домик Нифа и прячется за ним.Волк ищет поросенка под упавшим домиком.

Wolf: It smells like two pigs. Hay you, open the door! Let me in!

Nif: Go away!

Wolf: Get out! Or I will break your house and eat you!

Nif: We can’t!

Wolf: Then I will use my gun! (вынает фен и направляет на дом)

Дом падает поросята убегают обегают домик Нафа и прячется за ним. Волк ищет поросят под упавшим домиком.

Wolf: It smells like three pigs. Hay you, open the door! Let me in!

Nif: Go away!

Wolf: I will break your house and eat all of you!

Naf: Well! You may try!

Wolf: Then I will use my gun again! (вынает фен и направляет на дом. Дом не падает.)

Wolf: I will get it anyway!

Nif, Nuf, Naf: We are waiting for you!

Волк забирается в дом. Звук грохот. Поросята одевают на волка котел и выносят его из дома.

Wolf: Well, boys! Let me go!

Nif: Shall we let him go? (Спрашивают у зрителей)

Naf: Go away!

Nuf: And never come back! Запевают свою песню и уходят

Nif, Nuf, Naf:

We are merry little pigs,

little pigs,

little pigs,

We are merry little pigs,

Brave and quick! Oink, oink!

Author: So the pigs lived together in their house. And they were never disturbed by any wolf.


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