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Тема урока: «Learning Idioms is Fun».

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В данном уроке я использую разнообразные методы и формы обучения идиоматической речи. Я считаю, что лучший способ изучать идиоматические единства− делать это с удовольствием. Главным эвристическим методом данного урока является изучение фразеологизмов в форме игры «Call my Buff»- игровой метод. Дети максимально задействованы в процессе обучения, используются формы фронтальной и групповой работы.

Просмотр содержимого документа
«Тема урока: «Learning Idioms is Fun».»


ТИП УРОКА: урок первичного представления новых знаний

ФОРМА УРОКА: урок – игра


(Входя в класс учащиеся берут карточки разных цветов , для формирования групп «Red», «Yellow», «Green» и занимают места, согласно выбранному цвету).

  1. Стадия вызова:

T: Good morning! Are you ready? Let’s start working!

Look at the screen (Просмотр отрывка видео «Essential Idioms Every English Student Must Learn»−выход в Интернет (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArjJMfUFR2c)

Текст видео: I love idioms and I know you do to. For this reason, I bring you more English idioms than you can shake a stick at, so knock yourself out.

Учитель останавливает просмотр видео.

T: What are idioms?

Продолжение просмотра видео.

Idioms are expressions that are natural to native English speakers. They are very confusing because idioms don`t mean what the word say.

You cannot literally translate English idioms into another language. The origin of many English idioms is a grey area.

T: So, who has guessed what the topic of our lesson is?

P: Probably, idioms.

T: You are right! And this lesson I`m going to give you the green light to understand them. Give the green light is an idiom. Have you guessed its meaning?

P: It may mean to give permission for something.

T: You are absolutely right. Today we are dealing with idioms. So, as you have understood from the video, idioms are…

P1: Sets of words.

P2: Expressions

T: Sets of words or expressions that cannot be literally translated word by word. That`s why they are confusing.

  1. Стадия осмысления:

T: You want to understand native speakers and don`t feel blue, upset because idioms have left you browned off. So, let`s start learning them.

Most idioms have a very surprising origin. Look at the screen. (слайд 1)

A frog in the throat

The teacher presents in context.

T: Rachel had a frog in the throat all day yesterday. Her mother called the doctor.

T: Who has guessed the meaning?

T: To have a frog in the throat means to have a sore throat.

The origin of the idiom is very interesting. 'A frog in the throat' is an American phrase that entered the language towards the end of the 19th century. The expression comes directly from the fact that a hoarse person sounds croaky - like a frog.

It is easy to find websites that claim 'a frog in your throat' derives from the belief that in medieval times physicians thought that the secretions of a frog could help heal a sore throat. Holding a live frog in a child's mouth until the frog died was thought, in the 17th century, to be a cure for thrush (a viral infection of the mouth).

Просмотр видео трейлера к Международному фестивалю анимационных фильмов 2008 года, который хорошо иллюстрирует сегодняшнюю идиому- выход в Интернет https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiWTJEi7v1I

  1. Основная часть.

Групповая работа.

T: Let`s play «Call my Bluff » game. We`ve got three teams: «Red», «Yellow» and «Green». The teams are competing. Every team will be given a card with three idioms and their definitions. Your task is to read the definition of every idiom and think of two wrong ones in order to baffle the other teams. For example, to be in red might be defined as

  1. To be wearing a red dress

  2. To become red-faced because you are angry

  3. To be in debt

(У каждой группы по три карточки (A,B,C) для демонстрации варианта ответа )

T: So, think one, two, three! Show me your card!

The right answer is C, the first two definitions are bluffs.

Are you ready? You have 6 minutes to prepare false definitions on your own to play tricks on us. Use your imagination and be creative!

Каждая группа получает карточки с заданием (приложение 1)

(Учитель готовит доску для регистрации баллов)

Yellow team

Red team

Green team

Idiom №1

Idiom №2

Idiom №3


T: Time is over. Let`s play. The Yellow team, please present your idiom. (слайд 2)

P: Feel under the weather

  1. The weather forecast is nasty

  2. To be ill or to feel ill

  3. To be happy

T: Please, repeat it again!

T: One, two, three…Make a decision ! Your answer is …

(Каждая группа демонстрирует карточку с вариантом ответа (A, B, C) и учитель заносит в таблицу результатов 1 балл за правильный ответ).

P: The right answer is «В».

T: Red team, please. It`s your turn to present your idiom. (слайд 3)

(Каждая команда представляет свое идиоматическое выражение и свои варианты значений)

P: Cat got my tongue

  1. Why are you not saying anything? (often said by adults to children)

T: Please, repeat it again!

T: One, two, three…Show me your card. Your answer is …

P: The right answer is «В».

T: Green team, please. It`s your turn to present your idiom. (слайд 4)

P: As cool as cucumber

  1. Very calm

T: Please, repeat it again!

T: One, two, three…Show me your card. Your answer is …

P: The right answer is «A».

Таким образом, каждая группа участников представляет по три идиоматических выражения.

T: Now, let’s count your points. «The Yellow Team» gets _ points. «The Red Team» gets -points. «The Green Team» gets_ points. The winner of the game is… Congratulations! Well done!

Let`s revise all idioms that we have learnt today. The children are given the cards. Your task is to match idioms with its definitions.



  1. Feel under the weather

  1. A situation when people get very angry or worried about something that is not important (буря в стакане воды)

  1. To be all ears

  1. To be ill or to feel ill

  1. When pigs fly

  1. Why are you not saying anything? (often said by adults to children)

  1. Cat got my tongue

  1. To bring home money/ to earn a salary

  1. Storm in a teacup

  1. Said when you feel there is no chance at all of something happening

  1. Heart in your mouth

  1. Very calm

  1. As cool as cucumber

  1. To be waiting eagerly to hear about something

-I`m all ears –tell us what they had to say!

  1. Wet blanket

  1. If your heart is in your mouth, then you feel nervous or scared

  1. Bring home the bacon

  1. A dull person or a depressing person (зануда)

Answers (1-B, 2-G, 3-E, 4-C, 5-A, 6-H, 7-F, 8-I, 9-D)

Практическая часть:

T: You have had fun and learnt idioms in a very exciting way. Now it`s high time to practice them. Look at the screen (слайд 11).

Read the sentences and paraphrase them using known idiom.

P1: I`m feeling a bit sick. I think I`m getting a cold.

the paraphrase

I`m feeling under the weather. I think I`m getting a cold.

P2: My friend works hard to earn money for his family.

the paraphrase

My friend works hard to bring home the bacon for his family.

P3: Stop being so dull and come and dance.

the paraphrase

Stop being a wet blanket and come and dance

P4: I was nervous when I opened a letter.

the paraphrase

My heart was in my mouth when I opened the letter.

P5: "What's the matter? You nothing to say, haven`t you ?"

the paraphrase

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?"

P6: I am eager to hear what you have to say.

the paraphrase

I`m all ears.

P7: The woman was calm when her canoe turned over in the river.

the paraphrase

The woman was as cool as a cucumber when her canoe turned over in the river.

P8: I think that my friend will never finish his university degree.

the paraphrase

I think that my friend will finish his university degree when pigs fly.

P9: My brother and sister had a big argument about the television yesterday, but it was just a big fuss.

the paraphrase

My brother and sister had a big argument about the television yesterday, but it was just a storm in a teacup.

  1. Подведение итогов

T: Wonderful! Now I see you are experienced in using idioms! Tell me what idioms you have liked.

  1. Рефлексия

T: Today we’ve done a great job. We’ve learnt a lot of new interesting things. It is a pleasure to work with you!

…. , …., … - your answers are so full and smart!

What are your feelings after the lesson? (слайд 11)

I - interested

D - dull

I - intellectual

O - obstinate

M - miserable

Stick this picture next to the word expressing your feeling.

  1. Домашнее задание

T: Be creative ! Use your imagination to present the idioms we`ve learnt in your own dialogues

Thanks for your work. The lesson is over!.

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