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Тест 2 по английскому языку

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Тест преднзначен для оценки знаний учащихся с учетом программы по английскому языку и направлен на контроль правил чтения, грамматических и лексических навыков.

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«Тест 2 по английскому языку»

Test 2

I.Прочитайте и ответьте на вопросы.

A rich old businessman decided to make his will. He told his lawyer he would give 5 thousand pounds to each of his employees who had been working with him for 20 years or more. The lawyer was surprised at such generosity of the businessman. But the businessman said that he wasn`t going to be generous at all because none of his employees had worked for him longer than a year. He only wanted to produce a favorable impression on the public for he was sure it would look nice in the newspapers.


  1. The old businessman wasn`t generous, was he?

  2. Why did the businessman make such a will?

II. Поставьте вопрос к подчеркнутому члену предложения.

He promised to give five thousand pounds to each of his employees.

III. Выберите правильный вариант.

  1. He said they … to buy flowers for her.

  1. forgot b) forget c) have forgotten d) had forgotten

  1. The gunman … the pilot of the plane to change direction.

  1. demanded b) made c) controlled d) forced.

  1. This bag … for all occasions.

  1. is used b) used c) is using d) has used

  1. She could … open her eyes.

  1. hard b) hardly c) badly d) well.

  1. Don`t worry. All your expenses … .

  1. will pay b) will be paid c) had been paid d) are paying

  1. The noise of the broken glass made me … .

a) woke up b) have woken up c) to wake up d) wake up

7. The … document worried me.

a) lost b) losing c) being lost d) having lost


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