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Тест итоговый контроль для 8 класса

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Данная работа составлена  в соответствиями с требованиями, предъявляемыми к овладению учащимися таких разделов английской грамматики. Работа  состоит 2-х вариантов , в каждом по  5 заданий, содержащих компоненты различных видов деятельности и позволяющих оценить навыки учащихся в рамках пройденных тем, которые составлены в соответствии с языковым материалом  всех разделов . Задания направлены на проверку лексических навыков , грамматических навыков учащихся по следующим темам:1.pronouns myself, himself, yourself, themselves, herself. 2.either…or, neither…nor, both …. and.,3.Passive Voice..4.Степени сравнения прилагательных, а также коммуникативных умений учащихся в чтении. 

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«Тест итоговый контроль для 8 класса»

Класс: 8

Итоговая контрольная работа по материалу 8 класса.

Задачи :контроль уровня обученности учащихся.

Variant I

I.. Reading

. Write if the following information is true (T) or false (F):

  1. The USA was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492.

  2. Columbus was a cloth maker.

  3. Most people in Columbus’s days believed that beyond the Atlantic Ocean lay India.

  4. Columbus sailed 4,000 miles to reach a new land.

  5. All European people came to the New World to find gold and silver.

  6. The first English settlers in America called Pilgrims set up a colony.

The Discovery of America

Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. He was born in Italy. His father and both grandfathers were cloth makers. Columbus was a seaman and made many sea voyages.

Most people in Columbus ‘s days thought that the earth was flat and they did not believe that beyond the Atlantic Ocean lay India.

In 1492 the King and the Queen of Spain gave Columbus money to go to India. He decided to sail west as he was sure that our planet was round. There were 3 caravels: the Santa Maria, the Nina and the Pinta. After sailing 4,000 miles he reached some land. The crew saw something like a white cliff and cried out: “Tierra! Tierra!” Columbus thought that it must be India but it was not. It was a new land – a new continent. It was America. Columbus named the land they reached San Salvador (“Holy Savior”). People began to speak about the land as “The New World”.

European people came to the New World for many reasons. Some hoped to find gold and silver. Priests and missionaries came to bring to Christian religion to the Indians. Among those who came for freedom was a small group of English people called Pilgrims. They wanted to start a new life and to have no religious problems they had in English. In 1620 on the ship “Mayflower” they landed in the northeast of America. They set up a colony and called that part of the country “New England”.

II.Fill in the gaps with pronouns myself, himself, yourself, themselves, herself.

  1. He always thinks about _________________.

  2. Be careful! Don’t hurt ________________.

  3. I can’t go there ____________________.

  4. Some people have hunted tigers ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­___________________.

  5. She hasn’t read this book ________________________.

  6. I can give you a simple tip: Always be _____________.

III.Fill in the gaps and complete the sentences. Use either…or, neither…nor, both …. and.

  1. I didn’t like the new book. It was ________ interesting ___________useful.

  2. I invited two friends, but _________ Liz _____Jane could come to the party.

  3. Granny promised me a nice dessert. It will be _________a chocolate cake ______an apple pie.

  4. Last year I visited ________London ______ St Petersburg.

  5. Alex will phone me _________ at five o’clock ______ at six o’clock.

  6. No, thank you. I’ll have __________ tea ________ coffee.

    1. Choose the correct word in brackets and complete the sentences.

  1. The flowers smell _____________________ (wonderful / wonderfully).

  2. She looks ____________________ (well / good).

  3. Ann sings ____________________ (beautiful / beautifully).

  4. This idea sounds ____________ (interesting / interestingly).

  5. Kate isn’t feeling ____________ (happy / happily) today.

V. Rewrite the sentences in the Passive Voice.

1. Somebody found my keys.

2. Somebody broke this vase.

3. Somebody gives me flowers every day.

4. Somebody will wash my car.

5. Somebody is cleaning the window.

Variant II

I.. Reading

. Write if the following information is true (T) or false (F):

  1. The USA was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492.

  2. Columbus was a cloth maker.

  3. Most people in Columbus’s days believed that beyond the Atlantic Ocean lay India.

  4. Columbus sailed 4,000 miles to reach a new land.

  5. All European people came to the New World to find gold and silver.

  6. The first English settlers in America called Pilgrims set up a colony.

The Discovery of America

Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. He was born in Italy. His father and both grandfathers were cloth makers. Columbus was a seaman and made many sea voyages.

Most people in Columbus ‘s days thought that the earth was flat and they did not believe that beyond the Atlantic Ocean lay India.

In 1492 the King and the Queen of Spain gave Columbus money to go to India. He decided to sail west as he was sure that our planet was round. There were 3 caravels: the Santa Maria, the Nina and the Pinta. After sailing 4,000 miles he reached some land. The crew saw something like a white cliff and cried out: “Tierra! Tierra!” Columbus thought that it must be India but it was not. It was a new land – a new continent. It was America. Columbus named the land they reached San Salvador (“Holy Savior”). People began to speak about the land as “The New World”.

European people came to the New World for many reasons. Some hoped to find gold and silver. Priests and missionaries came to bring to Christian religion to the Indians. Among those who came for freedom was a small group of English people called Pilgrims. They wanted to start a new life and to have no religious problems they had in English. In 1620 on the ship “Mayflower” they landed in the northeast of America. They set up a colony and called that part of the country “New England”.

II.Fill in the gaps with pronouns myself, himself, yourself, themselves, herself.

  1. I _______________thought about it.

  2. Look at ________________.

  3. They _______________________ know what to do.

  4. I don’t like him. He always thinks about ___________________.

  5. She often talks to __________________ when she is alone.

  6. He can’t be proud of ___________________.

III. Fill in the gaps and complete the sentences. Use either…or, neither…nor, both …. and.

1. He didn’t like the new film. It was ________ interesting ___________useful.

2. She invited two friends, but _________ Ann _____Liz could come to the party.

3. Mother promised me a nice dessert. It will be ______a chocolate cake ________an apple pie.

4. Last summer I visited ________Moscow ______ St Petersburg.

  1. Robert will phone me _________ at five o’clock ______ at six o’clock.

  2. She’ll have __________ tea ________ coffee.

IV.Choose the correct word in brackets and complete the sentences.

  1. I can’t eat this salad. It tastes ____________ (awful / awfully).

  2. Liz sings ____________________ (beautiful / beautifully).

  3. Lena isn’t feeling ____________ (happy / happily) today.

  4. My sister looks ____________________ (well / good).

  5. The flowers smell _____________________(wonderful / wonderfully).

V. Rewrite the sentences in the Passive Voice.

1. Somebody borrowed my pen.

2. Somebody broke this window.

3. Somebody brings me flowers every day.

4. Somebody will wash the floor.

5. Somebody is cleaning the room.


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