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Тест по чтению в формате ЕГЭ для обучающихся 6 класса.

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Тест по английскому языку направленный на проверка навыков селективного чтения в 6 классе.

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«Тест по чтению в формате ЕГЭ для обучающихся 6 класса.»

Read the text and do the task


Once there lived a boy who had a donkey. His donkey was very faithful. Though the donkey did all the work he was asked to do, the boy was not pleased with him. He thought that his donkey was very lazy.

The boy decided to get rid of his donkey.

One day an idea struck him. He decided to exchange his donkey for a motor car.

“A car is really useful and faster than this slow donkey”.

The donkey understood that the boy wanted to get rid of him. He was very sad and heart-broken. But the poor creature was helpless.

Next day the boy changed his donkey for a car and was happy. He could go anywhere. He left the town in the car with his two friends. His friends asked him to drive faster and faster. He did it.

The donkey was sad to be left. He could not stop his tears. He thought the boy was heartless.

The boy was driving the car with great enthusiasm. Suddenly the car jumped and stopped, making strange noise. Something was wrong with it. The boy got under the car to repair it. But he knew nothing about cars.

The boy went back to his faithful donkey and said.

“Dear friend, I am sorry I forgot you. I wish I had not changed you for the car”.

The boy learnt a good lesson that all that is new is not always better than all that is old.

  1. Find the best idea of the story:

The text is about…

  1. the wise lesson that the boy learnt.

  2. The donkey who was left and couldn’t stop his tears.

  3. The boy who exchanged his donkey for a motor car.

  1. Finish the sentences:

  1. The donkey was_.

  2. The boy wanted to __ of his donkey.

  3. The boy thought that the donkey was __ .

  4. The boy wanted to __ his donkey for a motor car.

  5. The donkey could not stop his ___.

  6. The car jumped and stopped, making strange ___.

  7. The boy ___ a good lesson.

  1. Find the right sentences and put “+” or “-“.

  1. The boy was very pleased with the donkey.

  2. The donkey wanted to get rid of the boy.

  3. The boy decided to exchange his donkey for a motor car.

  4. The donkey was sad and heart-broken.

  5. The boy’s friends asked him to drive slowly.

  6. The donkey was very sad to be left behind.

  7. The boy’s friend got under the car to repair it.

  8. The boy went back to his faithful donkey.


    1. a

    2. 1. faithful

2. get rid

3. lazy

4. exchange

5. tears

6. noise

7. learnt


1. -


3. +


5. -

6. +

7. -

8. +


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