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Тест по теме «Celebrations», модуль 1, УМК “Spotlight 9”

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Тест направлен на выявление уровня знаний по теме "Celebrations" (модуль 1), УМК "Spotlight" 9 класс под ред. В.Эванс, ДЖ.Дули.

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«Тест по теме «Celebrations», модуль 1, УМК “Spotlight 9”»

spotlight (9 class)

TEST Module 1.

1.Fill in: opportunity, take place, invite, receive, depend, patiently, spectacular, treats, stall, raise

  1. He decided to move to London at the first _______.

  2. The festival usually _______.in May.

  3. We have _______.your letter of the 15th May.

  4. His decision will _______.on how soon he meets the committee.

  5. We were waiting _______.for the storm to finish.

  6. I was really impressed with that _______.concert!

  7. On Halloween children ask for _______.such as candies or sometimes money.

  8. You can find everything on Oxford street. There are lots and lots of _______.!

  9. They tried to _______.money for charity.

2.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms (Present Simple / Present Continuous/ Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous)

  1. Den _________________ (look) for his report, but he _______________(not find) it yet.

  2. My chief usually (work) _______on Saturdays.

  3. She (speak) for an hour on the phone.

  4. He (wait) _______for you at this moment.

  5. I (think) _______ about moving to St. Petersburg.

  6. What _______ your brother (do) _______? – He (be) _______a sportsman.

  7. Ann is in the library. She (make) _______a report.

3.fill in:which,who,where,whose,when

  1. That's the boy _______ father is a pilot.

  2. Cate Blanchett, _______ stars in "The Lord of the Rings", is a great actress.

  3. The book _______ you borrowed is mine.

  4. 31st October, _______ Halloween takes place, is my favourite day.

  5. Minsk, _______ my brother was born, is the capital of Belarus.

  6. October 31st, ………Halloween takes place, is my friend’s birthday.

4.Form participles (-ed, -ing) from the following words and fill the gaps

  1. He was so _______! (AMAZE)

  2. The book wasn't so _______ I expected. (INTEREST)

  3. I find April Fool's Day quite _______. (tire)

  4. Imagine how _______ it would be for the school-leaver to pass the state exam! (exhaust)

5.Fill in the prepositions:

  1. The reason _______ Earth Day is to create environmental awareness.

  2. My sister is interested _______ Russian history.

  3. The motorway was crowded _______ cars.

  4. Do you afraid _______ spiders?

  5. Are you interested ….going to a fancy dress party tonight?

  6. My little brother still believes ….. Santa Claus.

6.Fill in: down, up, into, off, back

  1. Turn _______ the volume on the radio. It's driving me crazy!

  2. I hope she turns _______ soon!

  3. Let's turn a region _______ a nuclear-free zone.

  4. The refugees (беженцы) were turned _______ because the war was stopped.

  5. Turn the radio …….. ! The baby is sleeping!

  6. Once Jane leaves her house, she never turns ……. . She believes it’s very bad luck.

7.Translate into english

  1. Утром в День Победы мы смотрим парад на Красной площади по телевизору.

  2. Дети украшают елки, надевают маски и маскарадные костюмы.

  3. Взрослые тоже любят этот праздник; фотографируются, обмениваются подарками.

  4. Если вы идете к друзьям для празднования Нового Года, не забудьте взять небольшой подарок.

  5. Если вы хотите смотреть фейерверки и спектакли под открытым небо, то Масленица - это праздник для Вас!


Fill in: opportunity, take place, invite, receive, depend, patiently, spectacular, treats, stall, raise

  1. He' decided to move to London at the first opportunity.

  2. The festival usually takes place in May.

  3. Don't keep your aunt standing on the doorstep, invite her in!

  4. We have received your letter of the 15th May.

  5. His decision will depend on how soon he meets the committee.

  6. We were waiting patiently for the storm to finish.

  7. I was really impressed with that spectacular concert!

  8. On Halloween children ask for treats such as candies or sometimes money.

  9. You can find everything on Oxford street. There are lots and lots of stalls!

  10. They tried to raise money for charity.

Fill in: down, up, into, off, back

  1. Turn down the volume on the radio. It's driving me crazy!

  2. I hope she turns up soon!

  3. Let's turn a region into a nuclear-free zone.

  4. The refugees (беженцы) were turned back because the war was stopped.


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