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Тест про Англию. "Знаешь ли ты Англию?

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Тест на знание Англии. Тест расчитан на учащихся 5-7 классов

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«Тест про Англию. "Знаешь ли ты Англию?»

1.Where is the home of the British queen?

a) The Tower of London b) Westminster Abbey c) Buckingham Palace

2. Which country has the biggest population?

a) England b) Wales c) N. Ireland d) Scotland

3.Match the country and its symbol.

1) England a) a shamrock

2) Scotland b) a daffodil

3) Wales c) a rose

4) Northern Ireland d) a thistle

4. What's the name of the most famous clock in Britain?

a) Big Albert, b) Big Stephen, c) Big Wren, d) Big Ben.

5.What's the name of the London underground?

a) Metro, b) Tube, c) Subway, d) Underground

6. What is the symbol of the Speaker's authority?

a) the mace, b) the woolsack, c) the ribbon, d) the bell.

7. What's tartan?

a) a dish, b) a pattern of the kilt, c) a bird, d) a dance.

8. Where is the lake Loch Ness situated?

a) Scotland b) England c) Wales

9.What is the national musical instrument in Scotland?

a) the violin b) the bagpipes c) the guitar

10. Which of these cities is not in Britain?

  1. Oxford b) New York c) London

11. What is Humpty Dumpty?

a) a toy, b) an egg, c) an animal, d) a bird.

12.What is the emblem of Wales?

a) Rose, b) Leek, c) Thistle, d) Shamrock.

13.For Christmas dinner the English usually have ... .

a) chicken, b) roast beef, c) fish, d) turkey.

14. Who wrote "Winnie-the-Pooh"?

a) L. Carroll, b) O. Wilde, c) J.R. Tolkien, d) A. Milne.

15. The London Royal Opera House is called ... .

a) Covent Garden, b) the National Theatre, c) "Old Vic" Theatre, d) the Barbican.

16. The traditional English drink is ... .

a) coffee, b) tea, c) cocoa, d) milk.

17. The British money is ....

a) franks, b) dollars, c) crones, d) pounds.

18. A limerick is ....

a) a dish, b) a. rhyme, c) a bird, d) a game.

19.The Tower of London now is ... .

a) a prison, b) a royal residence, c) a museum, d) a burial place.

20.What is the most ancient monument in Great Britain?

a) the Lower West Gate, b) Stonehenge, c) Hadrian's Wall, d) the Tower Gate.


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