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Тестовое задание к уроку английского языка в 8 классе, блок 3, раздел 6

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Лексико-грамматический тест формата ГИА, который содержит многие разделы грамматических явлений. Составлен на основе темы "Чтение в нашей жизни".

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«Тестовое задание к уроку английского языка в 8 классе, блок 3, раздел 6»

Form 8, Unit 3, Section6.

1. Read the text and fill in the correct words.

I like ___1___ books. I should say they are read

my ------2----- friends for many years. I used to spend a lot of time good

----3------fairy tales, fantasy books, science fiction. They are read

-----4----- . Some of them ---5 ------- ages ago. But I enjoy them very wonder,

much. write

They are still -----6------ for people of my generation. That’s why I believe interest

books are the -----7----- media. ancient

2. Read the text and fill in the correct words.

I -------1---- like reading when I was a little boy. not like

It was-----2----- to sit for hours with a book in my hands bore

------3----- to learn what happened to the characters. try

I have to confess I read very -----4---- . slow

At school we -----5---- a lot of homework, so I have to read anyway. give

So much reading. Not long ago the situation changed. My father

-----6 ---- me my first CD book. It’s fantastic. It’s like a computer buy

game. ------7------ the pages over you can see what’s happening Turn

in pictures, in colours and in action. It’s really ------8------ amaze

I think CD books will be much ----------- with teenagers of my generation popular

than printed books.

3. Read the text and fill in the correct words.

Lots of my friends are friends are not keen on ------1------- books. read

They prefer -----2-------to discos, playing computer games and watching go

videos. I don’t spend much time going to ------3------ parties. But I don’t noise

feel -------4-------- thanks to the books I love. When I was a little girl, alone

I loved ------5----- the pages over and over. I started reading when I turn

-----6------- only five. I imagine myself travelling everywhere, speaking be

___7____ languages, climbing mountains and flying to other planets. differ

I believe that -------8----- all I know I learned from books. Those of my near

friends who read a lot are smart and -------9----- to talk to. As a rule they interest

are good at English. ------10------ is a special world full of adventures and Read



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