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Тренировочные упражнения по теме "Дифференциация Past Simple и Past Continuous" для 7 класса

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«Тренировочные упражнения по теме "Дифференциация Past Simple и Past Continuous" для 7 класса»

Упражнения на дифференциацию Past Simple и Past Continuous

1. Choose the correct answer. Выберите Past Simple или Past Continuous

1 She (read / was reading) when her brother came.

2.My brother was working while I (cooked / was cooking) dinner.

3.Tom and Greg (did / were doing) yoga at this time two days ago.

4.Emma was going to the cinema when she (met / were meeting) her ftiend at the bus stop.

5.What were you doing when your mother (watched / was watching) TV?

4.Was it stormy, when you (skied / were skiing)?

7.He (stayed / was staying) at this parking from 1 till 5 o'clock yesterday.

8. The sun was going down while we (sailed / were sailing)

2. Обведите правильные варианты.

Last night I dreamed I (1) walked / was walking in the forest when I (2) saw / was seeing a bear! I was very scared, so I (3) ran / was running to the river. I (4) looked / was looking around when the bear (5) started / was starting to chase me! I was scared, but I (6) didn’t scream / was not screaming. I quickly (7) climbed / was climbing to the top of a tree. I could see the bear below. Then, luckily, I (8) woke up / was waking up!

3. Обведите правильные варианты.

Yesterday I dreamed I (1) rode / was riding my bike by the river when I (2) saw / was seeing a large dog! Some time later, I (3) looked / was looking around and the dog (4) followed / was following me! I was scared, but I (5) didn’t scream / was not screaming. I (6) stopped / was stopping my bike and quickly (7) climbed / was climbing a tree. I could see the dog below. Then, luckily, I (8) woke up / was waking up

4. Заполните пробелы. Используйте Простое Прошедшее или Прошедшее Продолжительное (Past Simple or Past Continuous).

not go / meet / not know / watch / not send / make

1. My mum _________________ how to make good tea.

2. You _________________ me a text message last morning.

3. My friend _________________ a movie on TV when his brother came home.

4. They _________________ to the party last night.

5. I _________________ my friends downtown on Tuesday.

6. We _________________ a pizza for dinner when my phone rang.

5. Заполните пробелы. Используйте Простое Прошедшее или Прошедшее Продолжительное (Past Simple or Past Continuous).

1. Childen_________________ (play) basketball when it ______________ (start) to rain.

2. My sister_________________ (watch) TV when the doorbell _________________ (ring).

3. Vlad _________________ (talk) on his phone when she _________________ (see) me.

4. I _________________ (run) in the park when I ______________ (break) my ankle.

5. Tom _________________ (climb) the mountain when it ______________ (start) to snow.

6. Заполните пробелы. Используйте Прошедшее Продолжительное (Past Continuous) или Простое Прошедшее (Past Simple) глаголов в скобках.

My first day. It was my first day at a new school. I was waiting in front of the school when I (1) ___________ (see) some students. The boys (2) ___________ (play) football, and the girls (3) ___________ (talk) in small groups. It was a lovely day. The sun (4) ___________ (shine) and the birds (5) ___________ (sing), but suddenly it (6) ___________ (start) to rain. I (7) ___________ (think) about my old school when a girl (8) ___________ (come) up to say hello. Her name was Ana. Now she is my best friend!


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