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Тренировочный тест

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«Тренировочный тест»

    1. Определите правильный перевод модального глагола:

      1. The doctor has to treat people.

        1. должен; b) следует; c) умеет; d) позволено.

      2. The nurse is able to make laboratory analyses.

        1. должна; b) может; c) вынуждена; d) позволено.

      3. My friend may become a good therapeutist.

        1. должен; b) возможно; c) может, (умеет); d) вынужден.

  1. Выберите подходящий глагол: a) can; b) must; c) may.

      1. I am sorry. I am late. ... I come in?

      2. Student:... I read or translate the text? Teacher: Read it, please.

      3. My sister studies Anatomy. She ... already differentiated all types of muscles.

      4. It is late. I ... go home.

  2. Определите правильный вариант:

      1. Where ... their friends live?

        1. do; b) are; c) does; d) have.

      2. I ... understand that doctor, because I don’t know Anatomy well.

        1. don’t; b) not; c) doesn’t; d) am not.

      3. I’m tired, I ... go to the hostel to rest a little.

        1. do; b) have; c) shall; d) am.

      4. My sister always goes to work by car, but last week she ... to the University on foot.

        1. gone; b) went; c) has gone; d) did go.

      5. ... you a student of Medical Faculty? a) do; b) is; c) are; d) does.

      6. ... there a student’s hostel near the University?

        1. is; b) are; c) were; d) does.

      7. The students ... at the laboratory under the supervision of their teacher yesterday.

        1. don’t worked; b) didn’t work; c) didn’t worked; d) won’t work.

  3. Подберите нужный глагол:

      1. Where ... you from?

        1. do; b) are; c) will; d) does.

      2. How old ... your brother?

        1. does; b) are; c) were; d) is.

      3. ... your father a pharmacist? - No, he ... .

        1. does - doesn’t; b) is -is n ’t; c) are-aren’t; d) w ill-w on’t.

      4. Tom’s parents ... family doctors some years ago.

        1. were; b) have; c) was; d) will be.

      5. I ... hot (Мне жарко). Open the window, please!

        1. have; b) am; c) do; 5 d) were.

      6. I ... (not) interested in football at all. a) do; b) does; c) has; d) am.

      7. There ... two classes of higher animals: vertebrate and invertebrate animals.

        1. is; b) exist; c) are; d) has.


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