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Тренировочные задания к уроку английского в 7 классе по теме "Conditional 1"

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Тренировочные задания включают три упражнения, направленные на отработку навыков употребления Conditional 1. Первое задание в виде тестам (If it is rainy/will be rainy, we will not go for a walk.). Второе несет творческий характер и позволяет учащимся самим закончить предложения (What will you do if it rains on Sunday?). Третье задание - составить предложения из основы ( (you) stay in bed / feel better.).

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«Тренировочные задания к уроку английского в 7 классе по теме "Conditional 1"»

Form 7 Unit 6 CONDITIONAL 1

  1. Choose the correct variant:

1. If it is rainy/will be rainy, we will not go for a walk.

2. If you call/will call me, I will tell you a very interesting story.

3. When you come /will come, I will show you my new dress.

4. If the weather is nice, we go/will go for a walk.

5. If Peter come/comes to my place, we go/will go to play in the yard.

6. When I finish/will finish my work, I go/will go to the cinema.

7. She will visit/visits London if she go/goes to England.

  1. Answer the questions in conditional 1. What will you do?

  1. if it rains on Sunday?

  2. if your friends don’t play with you?

  3. if your TV doesn’t work this evening?

  4. when the lessons are over?

  5. when your friend comes to see you tonight (сегодня вечером)?

  6. when you finish your homework?

  1. Make up sentences in conditional 1.

  1. (you) stay in bed / feel better.

  2. (she) work hard / get a job.

  3. (Kate) go shopping / spend much money.

  4. (you) ride a bike / get there quickly.

  5. (you) eat carrots / see well in the dark .

Form 7 Unit 6 CONDITIONAL 1

  1. Choose the correct variant:

1. If it is rainy/will be rainy, we will not go for a walk.

2. If you call/will call me, I will tell you a very interesting story.

3. When you come /will come, I will show you my new dress.

4. If the weather is nice, we go/will go for a walk.

5. If Peter come/comes to my place, we go/will go to play in the yard.

6. When I finish/will finish my work, I go/will go to the cinema.

7. She will visit/visits London if she go/goes to England.

  1. Answer the questions in conditional 1. What will you do?

  1. if it rains on Sunday?

  2. if your friends don’t play with you?

  3. if your TV doesn’t work this evening?

  4. when the lessons are over?

  5. when your friend comes to see you tonight (сегодня вечером)?

  6. when you finish your homework?

  1. Make up sentences in conditional 1.

  1. (you) stay in bed / feel better.

  2. (she) work hard / get a job.

  3. (Kate) go shopping / spend much money.

  4. (you) ride a bike / get there quickly.

  5. (you) eat carrots / see well in the dark .


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