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TV. A blessing or a curse?

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This article will be interesting for discussion about the role o9f TV today

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«TV. A blessing or a curse?»

TV (Blessing or a Curse)

Nowadays TV is one of the most popular leisure activities. And the role of television in the modern world has become enormous. People of different ages also watch TV. So, there are various reasons why people watch TV. However, television has its pros and cons.

It's no secret that TV is a great way to relax after a hard day. If you are sad, television is also able to cheer up. This is the main aspect of television that ensures its popularity. But in addition to entertainment, television broadens the mind. A huge number of educational programs, TV channels about nature, culture, art or historical events provide an excellent opportunity for self-education. One of the main functions of television is an introduction to the course of events and incidents, оr showing the news. Everyone understands perfectly that visual images are seen by a person much better than, for example, text, so when choosing between a book or a newspaper and a TV, most of these people will choose a TV – it is easier and more pleasant to watch.

As one of the main disadvantages of television, I can say that it makes people lazier. Moreover, TV can make a person silly if he watches everything in a row. In addition, sometimes because of TV, people can become more reserved and forget about reality. Often, while watching TV, people can get obese because they don't think about how much they eat and what they eat. Besides, people can waste a lot of time just flipping through channels. And also because of spending a long time watching TV, people's eyesight suffers greatly.

I think that television is actually very useful and helps people to be aware of various events and helps to relax and have a good time. Honestly, I watch TV a few hours a week and watch smart programs, so the TV does not negatively affect me, but on the contrary gives pleasure. So, that is why I think that it is a blessing.


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