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About Pushkin in English
Music. Sviridov. Metel.
V1: Hello, everybody. Today we’re going to speak about our national poet Alexander Pushkin, whose name is dear to every Russian.
V2: “A poet in Russia is more than just a poet”, another Russian poet Evtushenko once said. It’s true about A. Pushkin, whose works accompany us throughout our life. Every child knows the verses
An oak tree greening by the ocean;
A golden chain about it wound:
Whereon a learned cat, in motion
Both day and night, will walk around;
On walking right, he sings a ditty;
On walking left, he tells a lay.
A magic place: there winds his way
The wood sprite, there’s a mermaid sitting
In branches, …
V1: Ah, yes it’s from the prologue to the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”. And he also wrote awesome tales. Remember?...
Here’s a wonder, though, worth telling —
There’s a little squirrel dwelling
In a fir tree; all day long,
Cracking nuts, it sings a song.
Nuts-most wondrous to behold!
Every shell is solid gold;
Kernels — each an emerald pure!
That’s a wonder, to be sure.
V2: It’s from “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, isn’t it?
V1: You’re right. Another charming tale by Pushkin is “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Golden Fish”. Let’s have a look.
Драматизация отрывка учащимися начальной школы The Golden Fish
V2: Flower
A withered flower lies forgotten
Inside a book, before my eyes:
My soul awakes, all of the sudden,
And I begin to fantasize:
A.Pushkin is able to transfer the most delicate human feelings to the paper. His poetry is penetrated with sweet emotions. Everything around arouses his genuine interest; whether it is a forgotten flower or a frosty winter morning.
Декламация стихотворения. Winter Morning
V1: In his poem “Eugene Onegin” he writes
In days of dreams and dissipations
On balls I madly used to dote:
No surer place for declarations,
Or for the passing of a note.
You, maybe, know that in the time of Pushkin the nobility often gave balls where people not only danced but also had small talk, played music, wrote wishes to each other, and, of course, read poetry.
Драматизация сценки “At the ball”, включающей в себя декламацию стихов и исполнение романса:
“I loved you”
“Sing, lovely one, I Beg No More”
The Captive
Romance To…(A Wondrous Moment I Remember )
V2: Pushkin is almost officially said to be “untranslatable”. Yet, there have been made many attempts to translate his poetry. Many of them were a failure. But good translations still exist. The poem “Eugene Onegin” was translated more than 40 times and James Falen’s is considered the best.
Драматизация отрывка Tatyana's Letter to Onegin
V1: Pushkin was a genius. He created the Russian literary language, was the founder of modern Russian literature and made humanity the richer for his immortal works. Pushkin’s name is inseparably bound up not only with literature, but also with the whole Russian culture.
Декламация стихотворения. Monument
V2: Although Pushkin’s epoch is long past, his work lives on, as, indeed, Pushkin himself lives on – in the memory of later generations… Our meeting is over. Thank you all for coming. Good bye and read Pushkin.