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Учебный проект "Красная книга Калининградской области"

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Данная работа была подготовлена на Конкурс проектов на английском и немецком языках "Земля - наш общий дом", приуроченный к празднику "Международный день Земли". Работа выполнена в виде презентации, в которой рассказывается о Красной книге Калининградской области.

Просмотр содержимого документа

Российская Федерация

Калининградская область

Управление образования и охраны детства муниципального образования

"Черняховский муниципальный район"

Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение

"Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 5 г. Черняховска

Калининградской области"

ОКПО 48754441 ОГРН 10239021449215 ИНН/КПП 3914011177/ 391401001

238150 . Россия. Калининградская область г .Черняховск, ул. М.Горького, дом 2. тел./факс (401-41) 2-35-91


на участие в муниципальном дистанционном конкурсе проектов на английском и немецком языках «Земля – наш общий дом», приуроченному к празднику «Международный день Земли»

Наименование образовательного учреждения (адрес и телефон)

Должность, Ф. И.О. (полностью) руководителя, контактный телефон и адрес электронной почты.

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Название работы и название номинации, в которой участвуете

Муниципальное образование

МАОУ «СОШ №5 г. Черняховска, Калининградский области»

Литвинко Алла Александровна, учитель английского языка,

т. +79005630296,


Литвинко Полина, 3 класс

Федотова Ксения, 3 класс

Паннюшкина Виктория, 6 класс

Конкурс презентаций по теме " Красная книга", работа «The Red Data Book of the Kaliningrad Region»

Просмотр содержимого презентации
«проект красная книга»

The Red Data Book of the Kaliningrad region    The project is done by Litvinko Polina Fedotova Kseniya Panushkina Victoria

The Red Data Book of the Kaliningrad region

The project is done by Litvinko Polina

Fedotova Kseniya

Panushkina Victoria

The main aim of our project – to introduce and describe the Red Data Book of the Kaliningrad region to the schoolchildren, give more information about endangered and rare species, show the importance of the protection of wildlife and the preservation of environmental stability in the region.

The main aim of our project – to introduce and describe the Red Data Book of the Kaliningrad region to the schoolchildren, give more information about endangered and rare species, show the importance of the protection of wildlife and the preservation of environmental stability in the region.

The Red Data Book of the Kaliningrad region contains information about local rare and endangered forms of animal and vegetable life. It was prepared in accordance with the regional Law on the Red Data Book of the Kaliningrad Region adopted by the fourth Kaliningrad regional Duma on April 22, 2010. Under article 1, paragraph 2 of the Law, the Red Data Book of the Kaliningrad region is established in order to protect biological diversity, maintain and restore the numbers of rare and endangered species (subspecies, populations) of animals, plants, fungi, and lichens, maintain and restore their habitats in the Kaliningrad region, and to spread environmental awareness and culture.

The Red Data Book of the Kaliningrad region contains information about local rare and endangered forms of animal and vegetable life. It was prepared in accordance with the regional Law on the Red Data Book of the Kaliningrad Region adopted by the fourth Kaliningrad regional Duma on April 22, 2010. Under article 1, paragraph 2 of the Law, the Red Data Book of the Kaliningrad region is established in order to protect biological diversity, maintain and restore the numbers of rare and endangered species (subspecies, populations) of animals, plants, fungi, and lichens, maintain and restore their habitats in the Kaliningrad region, and to spread environmental awareness and culture.

The map-schema of the Kaliningrad region

The map-schema of the Kaliningrad region

There are 5 categories of the taxa (species, subspecies) 0 – apparently  deleted species 1 – endangered species 2 – population decline 3 – rare species 4 – status indeterminate Legends on the maps of the texts   – places of local spreading – places of last spreading – spreading territory of species

There are 5 categories of the taxa (species, subspecies)

0 – apparently deleted species

1 – endangered species

2 – population decline

3 – rare species

4 – status indeterminate

Legends on the maps of the texts

 – places of local spreading

– places of last spreading

– spreading territory of species

Common seal

Common seal

Common seal  Statue. Category 1 – endangered species. Spreading. Water area of the Baltic Sea. Current status. Can be met along-shore of Vistula peninsula, Curonian Spit and Vistula Spit. Biology and ecology. Resident animals . They eat fish, octopuses, shrimps and squids. Limited factors. Pollutions of the Baltic Sea lead to reduction of common seal. Conservation measures. Fishery of common seal is forbidden in Russian territorial waters of the Baltic Sea. Species include in The Red Data Book Necessary measures for environmental protection. We should follow the recommendations of Helsinki Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area (1992)

Common seal

Statue. Category 1 – endangered species.

Spreading. Water area of the Baltic Sea.

Current status. Can be met along-shore of Vistula peninsula, Curonian Spit and Vistula Spit.

Biology and ecology. Resident animals . They eat fish, octopuses, shrimps and squids.

Limited factors. Pollutions of the Baltic Sea lead to reduction of common seal.

Conservation measures. Fishery of common seal is forbidden in Russian territorial waters of the Baltic Sea. Species include in The Red Data Book

Necessary measures for environmental protection. We should follow the recommendations of Helsinki Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area (1992)

The Red Data Book of the Kaliningrad Region covers   11 mammal species  43 bird species  1 reptile species  1 amphibia species  4 fish and cyclostome species  23 insect species  6 mollusc species  83 vascular plant species  4 moss species  9 lichen species  19 fungi species.  Felix lynx Sphagnum denticulatum

The Red Data Book of the Kaliningrad Region covers

  • 11 mammal species
  • 43 bird species
  • 1 reptile species
  • 1 amphibia species
  • 4 fish and cyclostome species
  • 23 insect species
  • 6 mollusc species
  • 83 vascular plant species
  • 4 moss species
  • 9 lichen species
  • 19 fungi species.

Felix lynx

Sphagnum denticulatum

The leading specialists of the Departments of Botanic and Plant Ecology, Ecology and Zoology of the Immanuel Kant University of Russian and the Departments of Ichthyology and Ecology, Ichthyopathology and Hydrobiology of Kaliningrad State Technical University contributed to the Book the data sheets on rare species and species that require protection, which were compiled under the supervision of Prof. Viktor Dedkov. Prof. Viktor Dedkov

The leading specialists of the Departments of Botanic and Plant Ecology, Ecology and Zoology of the Immanuel Kant University of Russian and the Departments of Ichthyology and Ecology, Ichthyopathology and Hydrobiology of Kaliningrad State Technical University contributed to the Book the data sheets on rare species and species that require protection, which were compiled under the supervision of Prof. Viktor Dedkov.

Prof. Viktor Dedkov

The description of taxa given in the Red Data Book of the Kaliningrad region and the structure of data sheets generally correspond to those conventional for the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation.

The description of taxa given in the Red Data Book of the Kaliningrad region and the structure of data sheets generally correspond to those conventional for the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation.

The Book contains information on the condition, numbers, distribution, and biological features of rare and endangered forms of animal and vegetable life, as well as the steps necessary to preserve them. It includes the taxa (species, subspecies) of animals, plants, fungi, and lichens, the condition of which raises concerns and questions their future in the region. The forms of animal and vegetable life included in the Red Data Book of the Kaliningrad region were granted a high conservation status and are hence subjects of mandatory protection. Osmoderma eremita

The Book contains information on the condition, numbers, distribution, and biological features of rare and endangered forms of animal and vegetable life, as well as the steps necessary to preserve them. It includes the taxa (species, subspecies) of animals, plants, fungi, and lichens, the condition of which raises concerns and questions their future in the region. The forms of animal and vegetable life included in the Red Data

Book of the Kaliningrad region were granted a high conservation status and are hence subjects of mandatory protection.

Osmoderma eremita

Rare and endangered species that were not mentioned in the official pages of the Red Data Book of the Kaliningrad Region feature in the list of taxa in need of special attention and control, which is provided in the appendix. Macrolepiota  procera Violet rocky Eurasian bittern

Rare and endangered species that were not mentioned in the official pages of the Red Data Book of the Kaliningrad Region feature in the list of taxa in need of special attention and control, which is provided in the appendix.

Macrolepiota procera

Violet rocky

Eurasian bittern

The Red Data Book gives the detail description of regional ecosystems: their situation, square, ecological features, flora and fauna, the reasons of environmental protection. Natural complex “Beech grove” Natural complex “Gromovsky ” Natural complex “Curonian Spit”

The Red Data Book gives the detail description of regional ecosystems: their situation, square, ecological features, flora and fauna, the reasons of environmental protection.

Natural complex “Beech grove”

Natural complex “Gromovsky

Natural complex “Curonian Spit”




Internet recourses  https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki http://www.ebirds.ru/images/large/15.jpg  http://www.ecocentr39.ru/okhrana-prirody/item/136-  krasnaya-kniga-kaliningradskoj-oblasti https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a3/  Leucoagaricus_nympharum.jpg/275px-  Leucoagaricus_nympharum.jpg Literature The Red Data Book of the Kaliningrad region/  composite  authors; under the editorship of V.P.Dedkov, G.V.Grishanov. –  Kaliningrad: Publishing House of Immanuel Kant State  University of Russia, 2010. – 334p.

Internet recourses

  • https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki
  • http://www.ebirds.ru/images/large/15.jpg
  • http://www.ecocentr39.ru/okhrana-prirody/item/136-


  • https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a3/




  • The Red Data Book of the Kaliningrad region/ composite

authors; under the editorship of V.P.Dedkov, G.V.Grishanov. –

Kaliningrad: Publishing House of Immanuel Kant State

University of Russia, 2010. – 334p.


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