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Указательные местоимения - проверочные упражнения

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Упражнения для проверки знаний по теме "Указательные местоимения в английском языке" для студентов  ГБПОУ СО "ТПК" 1 курса всех специальностей ...

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«Указательные местоимения - проверочные упражнения»


Demonstrative Pronouns

Exercise 1

Choose the correct word.

  1. This / These trousers are black.

  2. That / Those shirt is very nice.

  3. That / Those shoes are comfortable.

  4. This / These skirt is old.

  5. This / Those T-shirt is my brother's.

  6. That / Those T-shirt is very small.

Exercise 2

Insert the correct word.

This … is easy. a) questions b) homework

These … are my neighbors. a) women b) man

What are you doing … afternoon? a) that b) this

Who's … speaking? a) this b) it

These are my glasses and … are hers. a) those b) that

We are going to the seaside … summer. b) this a) that

… man over there is a famous politician. b) These a) That

Exercise 3

Fill in the gaps with this, that, these, those.

  1. … people over there are waiting for the bus

  2. The day I first came to London was wonderful. I will remember … day for ever.

  3. … summer I'm pretty busy.

  4. I'm working as a receptionist … days.

  5. … were the days!

  6. Do you remember … winter when we all went to Egypt?

  7. Hello! … is Alan. Can I speak to Harry, please?

  8. … is a new cathedral and … one over there was built 900 years ago.

  9. Will you come over at five o'clock? I'll be at home at … time.

  10. The summer of 1999 I spent in the country. I remember we had a lot of rain … year.

  11. … are my sisters. They have just arrived from London.

  12. Who was … girl I saw you with last night?

  13. Do you want to sit on … chair here or on … one over there?

  14. … sweets you gave me last night were very nice.

  15. Look at … colourful air balloons in the sky!

  16. Clyde and Nancy have decided to buy a house … year.

  17. … trees over there were planted by the pupils of our school

  18. … buildings just in front of you were erected in the 18th century.

  19. Hello, Mrs Swift. … is Mr Willis from Globe &Co speaking

  20. I wish I would have bought … woolen sweater last Sunday.

  21. You'd better take … . The others we saw don't match your dress.

  22. I couldn't forget … beautiful girl I had met in the park.

  23. Do you know … little boy? He says he has been lost in the shop

  24. Can you reach … old books on the top shelf?

Exercise 4

Write answers to the questions.

Example: Whose watch is this? (Linda) This is Linda's watch

  1. Whose books are these? (the pupils)

  2. Whose house is this? (John)

  3. Whose offices are these? (the bankers)

  4. Whose flowers are these? (my mother)

  5. Whose translation is this? (my friend)

  6. Whose shoes are these? (my sister)

  7. Whose stamps are these? (Ted)

  8. Whose fields are these? (the farmers)

  9. Whose discovery is this? (Newton)

  10. Whose duties are these? (the pupils)

  11. Whose words are those? (our teacher)

Exercise 5

Write in plurals

This is a cat. These are cats.

  1. That is a car

  2. This is a dog

  3. That is a star.

  4. This is his pencil

  5. That is his pen.

  6. This is a sheep.

  7. That is a child.

Exercise 6

Translate into English paying attention to the use of demonstrative pronouns.

  1. Это были самые красивые розы, какие я когда-либо видел.

  2. Посмотрите, кто это? — Это один из наших студентов.

  3. Я где-то видел этого человека. — Это один из наших спортсменов. — Да, теперь я узнаю, это он

  4. Кто там? — Откройте, это я.

  5. Какие это были чудесные цветы!

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