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Упражненя к тексту о старце Павле.

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Данные упражнения направлены на ознакомление, отработку и использавание лексико-грамматического материала в дискуссии на тему о важности или неважности присутствия духовности в жизни русского человека.

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«Упражненя к тексту о старце Павле.»

Pavel of Taganrog

«the pillar from earth to sky»

Калюжная Марина Викторовна

учитель английского языка


г. Таганрог

Прочитайте текст:

plain – простой, обыкновенный; layman –мирянин; conciliate – снискать любовь, доверие; worship – культ, почитание; flow – течь, идти потоком; spiritual – духовный, религиозный; holy places – святые места; pilgrimage – паломничество; dispense – раздавать; inheritance – наследство; in Crist’s name – Христа ради; wander – бродить, странствовать; devote – посвятить; to keep a fast – держать пост; prayer – молитва; rusk – сухарь; bare - голый; righteous – праведный; endow – наделять; Shrine - рака

  • The Blessed starets Saint Paul of Taganrog (Russian: Павел Таганрогский - Pavel Taganrogskiy, born Pavel Pavlovich Stoykov). A plain layman, who lived in Taganrog in the 19th century, he conciliated love and worship of Russian Orthodox Christians, who flowed to him for a piece of advice and a spiritual support.

  • Pavel Pavlovich Stoykov was born on November 21 (November 8 OS), 1792 in Malorossia guberniya of the Russian Empire (now Ukraine) in a rich noble family. Since his youth Pavel had felt a flaming love for holy places and pilgrimage. The 16-year-old young man followed the voice of his heart, secretly left the home of his parents and went on pilgrimages to monasteries for a year and finallrey ceived a severe punishment from his father.

  • When Pavel was 25 years old, his father divided his property between Pavel and his elder brother, Ivan. The young ascetic dispensed his inheritance in Christ's name. Then, with his father's blessing, young Pavel left home forever

  • He wandered to many of the holy places of Russia, including several times to the Kiev Pechersk Lavra and Pochaev Lavra. He often went to the north of Russia, visiting monasteries at Solovetsky, and many others. After 10 years of traveling, the blessed Pavel settled in Taganrog between the years of 1825 and 1830. Taganrog became his second home city. Here he lived a simple life without regard for his noble birth.  His house still exists and is known among people as the "keliya of starets Pavel."

  • Pavel devoted his life to serving God, he led an ascetic monastic life in the bustling town. He kept a severe fast and gave himself to incessant prayer.  As he aged he ate very little and drank only one cup of kvass with a soaked rusk each day. He slept little, commonly on a bare bench without a pillow. 

  • The blessed Pavel was full of love. All of his life, he received everyone in his keliya, presented gifts to people who came, gave them counsel on how to live, and instructed them on how to rescue their own souls. Living this righteous life, God endowed Pavel with gifts of astuteness and prevision as well as with gifts to work miracles and to heal people. Pavel was very famous during his lifetime. He died at the age of 78, on March 23, 1879, during the time of the Great Fast.

  • On June 20, 1999, the Russian Orthodox Church glorified Pavel. Many people saw and remember a unique aureole in the sky over the St. Nicholas Church in Taganrog on the day of his glorification.

  • Numerous miracles and healings occur from his holy relics, resting in the Saint Nicholas Church in Taganrog. Today many people come from all corners of Russia to the shrine with his holy relics, which are kept at the Saint Nicholas Church (1778) in Taganrog.

The chapel at the old cemetery is never empty; the lamps in front of holy icons in his keliya are never dying down. Thanks to Saint Pavel`s prayers, believers receive from God healing, consolation and divine help.

Задания к тексту:

1 Подтвердите или опровергните следующие утверждения:

  1. The Blessed starets Saint Paul of Taganrog was a plain layman.

  2. He didn’t conciliate love and worship of Russian Orthodox Christians.

  3. People flowed to him for a piece of advice and spiritual support.

  4. The 16-year-old young man secretly left the home of his parents and went on pilgrimages to monasteries for many years.

  5. He didn’t receive a severe punishment from his father.

  6. The young ascetic dispensed his inheritance in Christ's name.

  7. He wandered to many of the holy places of different countries.

  8. Kiev became his second home city.

  9. His house doesn’t exist and isn’t known among people.

  10. Pavel devoted his life to serving God, he led an ascetic monastic life. He kept a severe fast and gave himself to incessant prayer.  

  11. He slept all the days, commonly on a bare bed with a pillow.

  12. He didn’t present gifts to people who came, but only gave them counsels.

  13. He could work miracles and heal people.

  14. Pavel wasn’t very famous during his lifetime.

  15. He died at the age of 108.

  16. Numerous miracles and healings don’t occur from his holy relics, resting in the Saint Nicholas Church in Taganrog.

  17. The lamps in front of holy icons in his keliya are never dying down.

  18. Thanks to Saint Pavel`s prayers, believers don’t receive from God healing, consolation and divine help.

  1. Вставьте пропущенные слова

plain; layman; conciliate; worship; flow; spiritual; holy places; pilgrimage; inheritance; in Crist’s name; wander; devote; to keep a fast; prayer ; rusk; bare; righteous; endow ; Shrine; feel a flaming love; the voice of his heart; to work miracles; glorification; holy relics; receive

  • The Blessed starets Saint Paul of Taganrog (Russian: Павел Таганрогский - Pavel Taganrogskiy, born Pavel Pavlovich Stoykov). A plain layman, who lived in Taganrog in the 19th century, he …………. love and ………… of Russian Orthodox Christians, who …………to him for a piece of advice and spiritual support.

  • Pavel Pavlovich Stoykov was born on November 21 (November 8 OS), 1792 in Malorossia gubernia of the Russian Empire (now Ukraine) in a rich noble family. Since his youth Pavel had ……………….. for holy places and pilgrimage. The 16-year-old young man followed …………….., secretly left the home of his parents and went on pilgrimages to monasteries for a year and finally received a severe punishment from his father.

  • When Pavel was 25 years old, his father divided his property between Pavel and his elder brother, Ivan. The young ascetic dispensed his …………… in …………….. Then, with his father's blessing, young Pavel left home forever

  • He wandered to many of the ………………….. of Russia, including several times to the Kiev Pechersk Lavrа and Pochaev Lavra. He often went to the north of Russia, visiting monasteries at Solovetsky, and many others. After 10 years of traveling, the blessed Pavel settled in Taganrog between the years of 1825 and 1830. Taganrog became his second home city. Here he lived a simple life without regard for his noble birth.  His house still exists and is known among people as the "keliya of starets Pavel."

  • Pavel ……….his life to serving God, he led an ascetic monastic  life in the bustling town. He……… a severe fast  and gave himself to incessant ……...  As he aged he ate very little and drank only one cup of kvass with a soaked ………each day. He slept little, commonly on a ………..bench without a pillow. 

  • The blessed Pavel was full of love. All of his life, he received everyone in his keliya, presented gifts to people who came, gave them counsel on how to live, and instructed them on how to rescue their own souls. Living this ……….life, God ……..Pavel with gifts of astuteness and prevision as well as with gifts …………………and to heal people. Pavel was very famous during his lifetime. He died at the age of 78, on March 23, 1879, during the time of the Great Fast.

  • On June 20, 1999, the Russian Orthodox Church glorified Pavel. Many people saw and remember a unique aureole in the sky over the St. Nicholas Church in Taganrog on the day of his…………..

  • Numerous miracles and healings occur from his holy relics, resting in the Saint Nicholas Church in Taganrog. Today many people come from all corners of Russia to the shrine with his…………………, which are kept at the……..

The chapel at the old cemetery is never empty; the lamps in front of holy icons in his keliya are never dying down. Thanks to Saint Pavel`s prayers, believers ……………….from God healing, consolation and divine help.

3. Найдите в тексте те фразы, в которых говорится о том, чем жизнь блаженного старца отличалась от жизни обычного человека. Скажите, что вам лично кажется необычным, особенным в его жизни, и насколько это, по вашему мнению, возможно для современного человека.

4. Выпишите те фразы, в которых говорится о том, как проявлялись духовные дарования старца Павла.

5. Найдите те фразы в тексте, в которых говорится о том, зачем люди приходили к святому старцу.

6. Найдите в тексте глаголы в past simple. Выпишите 7 словосочетаний с ними.

7. Спросите у своего одноклассника, хотел бы он встретить святого человека. С каким вопросом или просьбой вы бы пришли к нему?

8.Объединившись в группы по 3-4 человека, предположите, почему современные люди хотят побывать в святых местах? Запишите 5-7 фраз.

9. Выскажите свое мнение. Думаете ли вы, что современные люди также должны заботиться о своей душе? И почему?

10. В качестве домашнего задания можно предложить по выбору сделать презентацию на тему «Мое паломничество» «My pilgrimage» о тех святых, где хотел бы побывать или был. Написать небольшое сочинение «Небо рядом» «The sky is nearby» о проявлениях человеческой доброты, необычных случаях, о святом человеке….. или принести свой текст о любимом святом, и объяснить свой выбор.


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