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Урок английского языка по теме "Family matters в 9 классе (углубленное изучение)

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Тема урока: Family Matters.

Цель: создание условий для саморегуляции личности через семантизацию учебного материала по теме «Семейные узы».

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«Урок английского языка по теме "Family matters в 9 классе (углубленное изучение)»


Урок английского языка для обучающихся 9«а, б» классах

(углубленное изучение)

Учитель Карпович Татьяна Васильевна

Тема урока: Family Matters.

Цель: создание условий для саморегуляции личности через семантизацию учебного материала по теме «Семейные узы».

Планируемые результаты:

Учебные задачи, направленные на достижение личностных результатов обучения:

– формирование позитивной моральной  самооценки и моральных чувств;
– уважение ценностей семьи.

Учебные задачи, направленные на достижение метапредметных результатов обучения:

– развивать коммуникативную компетенцию во взаимодействии с окружающими;
–  осуществлять самоконтроль и самооценку в процессе коммуникативной деятельности на английском языке.

- развивать креативные способности учащихся. Помогать осознавать собственное продвижение вперед.

Учебные задачи, направленные на достижение предметных результатов обучения:

– совершенствовать развитие навыков устной речи  на английском языке в рамках заданной учебной ситуации;
– овладеть речевой, социокультурной компетенциями.

Универсальные учебные действия:

Познавательные действия, направленные на овладение способностью определять, принимать и сохранять цели и задачи учебной деятельности, поиска средств её осуществления; осуществлять осознанное построение речевого высказывания на основе анализа, сравнения, установления аналогий.

Регулятивные действия, направленные на принятие решения и осуществление самостоятельного выбора в учебной и познавательной деятельности.

Коммуникативные действия, направленные на развитие навыков сотрудничества со сверстниками; определение общей цели и путей её достижения; осуществление взаимного контроля в совместной деятельности.

Оборудование урока: ПК учителя, мультимедийное оборудование, учебники, рабочие тетради, материалы из сети Интернет, презентация к уроку.

Межпредметные связи: связь с предметом «обществознание»

Технология изучения указанной темы осуществляется при помощи создания учебной ситуации; применения элементов интерактивной  деятельности в игре «Пирамида»; уровневой дифференциации, технологии сотрудничества.


I. Самоопределение  к деятельности.

Warm-up activities (Энергизирующая разминка)

Teacher: Now you’ll play ”Pyramid” game. Split into 4 groups. Your task is to comment on this quotation and give your arguments: 

A successful society consists of happy people, a happy personality is grown up in a happy family”.  

Ps: Group 1. (puts a question on the statement)  – Are you a happy personality?
Ps: Group 2. (gives answers in one sentence and puts a question to the 3rd group)
– Do you think you have a happy family?
Ps: Group 3. (answers in two sentences and puts a question to the 4th group)
– Do you think you live in a successful society? Why?
Ps: Group 4. (gives a reply in three or four sentences and asks  the 1st group)
– Do you think all people in our country happy?

II Введение в тему. Определение темы и задач урока (описание слайда 2,3)

Teacher:  What do you think we‘re going to talk about? (Pupils express their opinions).
Remind them to use communicative formulas «Giving an opinion», ”Agreeing/Disagreeing”

Discussing family matters involves a lot of other topics. What do you expect from the lesson?

Let’s build Tree of hopes. Formulate your hopes from the lesson.

Write down them on the apples. Put your “apples” on the Tree of Hopes. (You can have more than one wish). Just mind, that every dream can be materialized.

III Актуализация имеющихся знаний

  1. The Motto of our lesson is (слайд 5)

Today we are going to speak about family matters, but before we start I’d like to re­mind you the meaning of the word “family”. As you know “a family” means a group of people who are re­lated to each other by blood (e.g. a brother or a sister) or by marriage (e.g. a husband and his wife’s sister).

Should the word "matters" in the title be read as a noun, as a verb or possibly both?

Matter, n. - вопрос, дело

To matter, v. - иметь значение

  1. Leo Tolstoy, the Great Russian writer said in his famous novel “Anna Karenina”: “All happy families resemble one another; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way”. (слайд 7). What in your opinion is the biggest problem in connection with family life?

Предполагаемые варианты ответов:

-misunderstanding between parents;

-generation gap;

-divorce and its aftereffects;

-emotional tension and emotional scars after a divorce;

-the lack of finance;

-drinking alcohol and taking drugs by children or parents;

-violence and abuse in a family;

-too little time spending together

3) The popular saying says, "Blood is thicker than water". What does it mean? (слайд 8)

There are few people without kith or kin. Let`s see if you know who your kinsfolk are (слайд 9)

  • Your father's sister is your ___

  • Your sister's husband is your ___

  • Your mother's mother is your ___

  • Your sister's daughter is your ___

  • Your son's son is your ___

  • Your sister's brother is your ___

  • Your mother's brother is your ___

  • Your uncle's son is your ___

  • Your brother's son is your ___

  • Your mother's father is your ___

  1. Let’s relax and play “Words Recognition”. Обучение аудированию и тренировке в лексике по теме.

  • You stand in a circle each one holding a card of different colors with some words on the topic “Family Matters”.

  • The task is: listen to the text very carefully and walk across the circle when hearing a word about family written on your card.

  • Mind, what kinds of families are described in the text.

What exactly is meant by the word family? One might think the answer is obvious - a husband and wife or a mum, a dad and their kids- but these definitions would not cover all the different types of family which exist. There are nuclear families, extended families, one- parent families and families with adopted children.

Nuclear families are those which have a mother, a father and their children (biological or adopted). The phrase “extended family” describes a larger network of relatives- grandparents, great- grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins. One - parent families are those where one of the parents is no longer part of the family unit, possibly due to death or divorce.

The extended family set - up is perhaps the most efficient from a sociological point of view. There is safety in numbers, after all! Traditionally the males of the family would provide shelter and food for the females and young. The females would prepare the food and take care of their babies. The older members of the group also benefited from the security of the arrangement.

Nowadays, in developed countries, it is more and more common to find nuclear families living individually, sometimes great distances from other members of their family.

When the extended family is not available people often find their friends taking on a more important role in their family life, perhaps acting as “uncle” or “aunt” figures in their children`s lives.

Single (or one) - parent families are becoming more and more common these days, partly because divorcing an unsatisfactory partner has become both more acceptable socially and easier legally.

IV. Первичное закрепление с проговариванием во внешней речи

  1. Teacher: Now I’d like you to form 4 groups to match these phrases into four columns.

Работа в группах или парах . Pupils match phrases with the families.

Приложение 1 (слайд 13).

a) You learn to be tolerant and understanding;
b) You have a lot of personal time and space;
c) You’re the only one to get love of your parents;
d) You always have someone to keep your company;
e) You enjoy great family parties and family traditions;
f) You don’t have to adjust to anyone that much;
g) You have to discuss your problems with only one of the parents;
h) You learn to be flexible and communicative;
i) You don’t have to share room and things;
j) You learn to be responsible for someone;
k) You get a lot of attention and support;
l) You have no problems with privacy;
m) You learn to be independent and self –sufficient;
n)  You live with parent who abandoned you;.

– Do you think the same or different? (listens to all groups’ opinions ).

  1. Give the example of your family. One of the pupils describes his Family Tree.

VI. Физминутка. Exercises for eyes. (слайд 15-21)

V. Обучение аудированию и говорению на основе прослушанного.

Let’s speak about the closest members of the family. Listen to the texts and agree or disagree with these opinions.

Фоменко 2013. V10, P. 185

VII. Работа в группах или парах. Развитие навыков монологического высказывания учащихся, связанного с началом урока. (слайд 24)

Now we return to the beginning of the lesson to the phrase “A successful society consists of happy people, a happy personality is grown up in a happy family”.

You are divided into groups or pair and make a project as

Successful parents

Adults with not advisable methods of upbringing

Good children

Pupils represent their projects.

VIII. Рефлексия деятельности. Подведение итогов урока. Учащиеся снимают «Яблоки» с Дерева Надежды и анализируют, насколько они продвинулись вперед.

Families in different cultures are different because people are different as well as their believes, customs and lifestyle. The most important thing to remember is that no matter what your family is like, it is always a value.

Pupils expressing their opinion about values in the family.

Ps: I think the most important value in the family is …

IX. На дом: Ex. 44, P. 218

You will read the text about families in the Victorian period in Britain.

Cinquain is a short poem which appeared in the USA under the influence of Japanese poetry. (слайд 28)

It consists of 5 lines:

a noun (a family),

2 adjectives,

3 verbs,

a word-combination,

a sentence.


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