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Урок английского языка в 5 классе “LET’S SPEAK ABOUT DIFFERENT CUSTOMS... OR HOW TO BE POLITE?”

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«Урок английского языка в 5 классе “LET’S SPEAK ABOUT DIFFERENT CUSTOMS... OR HOW TO BE POLITE?”»


По английскому языку в 5 классе

В рамках педагогического марафона «Учить и учиться»

15 декабря 2011 года


Тип урока: комбинированный урок с элементами проектной деятельности в микрогруппах по принципу «учебный проект внутри социального».

Цели и задачи урока:

  1. Обучающие: активизировать знакомую лексику 2 раздела; ввести и отработать новые понятия shake hands, hold the door open, take the shoes off, kiss on one cheek; повторить грамматическую тему «разделительный вопрос»; ознакомить с обычаями и нравами других стран; совершенствовать навыки чтения вслух и развивать навыки монологической речи во время проектной работы.

  2. Развивающие: учить работать с разными источниками информации; развивать навыки анализа и синтеза при сравнивании реалий 4 стран; развивать фантазию при исполнении проекта, практиковать в работе с инструкционной картой.

  3. Воспитывающие: формировать терпимость, толерантность, уважение к обычаям и нравам других стран, умение быть вежливым; учить работать в команде, выполняя свою задачу для достижения общего результата; пробудить интерес к такому явлению, как проект социального партнерства.

Оснащение урока: слайд-презентация к уроку, мультимедийное оборудование, инструкционные карты, 4 листа для проектов, 4 конверта с рабочим материалом, карточки со словарным и грамматическим материалом, 16 карточек с адресами.


1.Оргмомент + приветствие + знакомство

(Слайд 1)

Teacher: -Good morning! Today is the 15th of December and we meet at the lesson “LET’S SPEAK ABOUT DIFFERENT CUSTOMS... OR HOW TO BE POLITE?”

(Слайд 2)

Teacher: - Let me introduce myself. I am your teacher today. My name is Abramycheva Ekaterina Evgenievna. I work as a teacher of English in a small village school in Gorbachevo, not far from Plavsk. I like my school, it has a lot of good traditions.I like my job, it is creative, interesting and responsible. I like my pupils – friendly and cheerful, funny and bright. My students are my partners. And I think today we can be active partners, too!

2.Словарная работа с понятием «партнер» по различным источникам

(Слайд 3)

Teacher: - Do you know what does the word PARTNER mean?

Pupils: (зачитывают (дают) разные определения с доски)

Teacher: - В 19 веке Владимир Даль определял слово «партнер» весьма узко – товарищ в картежной игре! Слово пришло из французского языка и…постепенно изменилось! What does the dictionary of foreign words say?

Pupil: - ПАРТНЁР (фр. Partenaire (ПАРТНЭР) – участник игры, тот, кто вместе с кем-нибудь участвует в игре на сцене, в танцах, в какой либо совместной деятельности.

Teacher: - Thank you. And what does the russian dictionary by S.I. Ozhegov say?

Pupil: - 1. Участник игры с кем-либо, на сцене, в спорте, а так же вообще участник какой-либо деятельности. 2. Страна, участник какого-либо блока, союза, соглашения.

Teacher: Thanks a lot. So, we shall be PARTNERS today. I shall be your partner. This group will be the partner of that one. All of you wll be my partners, OK?

Pupils: OK!

(Слайд 4)

Teacher: And we shall have one more social partner – the students from the 6-A Form, from my school. Children can be social partners! That’s great!

3. Аудирование с извлечением информации + активизация лексики предыдущих уроков + введение новой лексики.

Teacher: - Listen to the story! Be ready to answer my questions!

SCRIPT “We are social patners!”

(Слайд 5)

Pupil: - Good morning, dear friends!

Pupil: - Good morning! We are a class of 4 boys and 12 girls. Our class is friendly and cheerful.

Pupil: - We study in the 6-A form and we are going to be your social partners! We invite you to our school.

(Слайд 6)

Pupil: - I like to study English. It is my favourite subject. And you like English, don’t you?

(Слайд 7)

Pupil: - In our school we have no school uniform, only smart elegant clothes. We try to be polite and help each other.

(Слайд 8)

Pupil: - School is our home. It is clean and nice. We always take our boots off as soon as we enter our school. We have special shoes for it.

(Слайд 9)

Pupil: - The boys hold the door open fo the girls. Not a bad idea, isn’t it?

(Слайд 10)

Pupil:- Every morning we are glad to come to school. We shake hands and say “Hello! How are you? Any good news?”

(Слайд 11)

Pupil: - We like to arrange birthday parties. Some girls are responsible for a cultural programme.

Pupil: - Boys are responsible for the music and games.

Pupil: - We come at the time we were invited and say “Thank you!” when we leave the table after dinner.

Pupil: - The parties are great!

Pupil: - We are full of fun! Thank you!

4. Учебный разговор + повторение грамматического материала «Tag-questions».

(Слайд 12)

Teacher: - Now let us talk about our partners and about ourselves. Read the sentence and make «Tag-questions». Add the tag-endings, please!

Pupil: - The students are friendly and cheerful, are not they?

Teacher: - Yes, they are.

(Слайд 13)

Pupil: Veronika likes to study English, does not she?

Teacher: - Yes, she does.

(Слайд 14)

Pupil: The students have no school uniform, have they?

Teacher: - No, they haven’t.

(Слайд 15)

Pupil: Nastya is taking her boots off, is not she?

Teacher: - Yes, she is.

(Слайд 16)

Pupil: Sergey is holding the door open for the girls, is not he?

Teacher: - Yes, he is.

(Слайд 17)

Pupil: - Boys shake hands, saying “Hello!”, do not they?

Teacher: - Yes, they do.

(Слайд 18)

Pupil: Children will say “Thank you” when they leave the table, will not they?

Teacher: - Yes, they will. Thanks a lot! I think you have the same customs and you try to be polite. We have Russian customs. And if the country is different? How to be polite in Britain? What is normal in the USA? What are the customs in Japan?

(Слайд 19)

Teacher: - Look! Your social Partners have made a surprise for you. It is a small project “How to be polite in...?” so, take the envelopes, read the instructions, look at the photos, read texts about customs, choose 5, arrange them on the sheet of paper, stick them and be ready to present your project to your partners!

5. Работа над мини-проектом в группах.

(Слайд 20)

Teacher: Well done! Now it is time to speak about the customs in different countries. Who will be the first?

6. Защита проектов + комментарий + варианты для контроля.

(Слайд 21)

In Russia it is normal:

  • To take your shoes off as soon as you enter someone’s home;

  • To kiss your mum on both cheeks;

  • To meet guests with traditional bread and salt;

  • To drink tea with honey-cakes around the samovar;

  • To shake hands the first time you meet someone.

(Слайд 22)

In Britain it is normal:

  • To take flowers if you’re invited to visit your friend for dinner;

  • To come at the time you were invited;

  • To drink tea with milk, cakes and sandwiches;

  • To say “Thank you!”when you leave the table after dinner;

  • To hold the door open for a lady if you are a gentleman.

(Слайд 23)

In the USA it is normal:

  • To shake hands the first time you meet someone.

  • To say “Thank you!”when you leave the table after dinner;

  • To kiss your mum on one cheek;

  • To eat hamburger on the street;

  • To arrange a party at a cafe or McDonalds

(Слайд 24)

In Japan it is normal:

  • To come at the time you were invited to the tea-ceremony;

  • To say “Thank you!”when you leave the table;

  • To take your shoes off as soon as you enter someone’s home;

  • To hold the door open for a girl if you are a boy;

  • To present a picture you have made yourself.

(Слайд 25)

7. Использование полученных знаний в ситуациях + употребление Conditional-2, формат matching.

Teacher: - How nice of you! You know a lot, my dear partners! I think, you can do the right thing in different situations. You can be polite, I am sure! When you are in Russia – do as the Russians do! When you are in America– do as the Americans do! When you are in Britain – do as the British do! When you are in Japan– do as the Japaneese do!

Look at the blackboard. What would you do if...

Match the variant!

A If I met my best friend...

B If I went to the theatre with a nice girl...

C If I came to my Granny to see her...

D If I left the Tea-ceremony....

  1. I would hold the door open for her.

  2. I would kiss her on one cheek.

  3. I would say “Thank you, it was a beautiful party!”

  4. I would shake hands with him.

8. Завершающий этап урока + домашнее задание + выход на социальный проект.

(Слайд 26)

Teacher: - Thank you, partners! It was a hard work. But we have done it – together!

(Слайд 27)

Teacher: - Different countries – different customs. What is normal in Britain – is strange in Japan. We must know how to be polite in America and in Russia.

We must respect their customs.

They must respect our customs.

You must know. You must feel. You must watch and behave wisely.

(Слайд 28)

Teacher: - Now it is time to stop. Thank you, partners. I think it will be nice to be partners in January, In February... to chat, to make friends, to arrange some meetings and parties.

This is our address. You may write us a letter and post it. And that is my e-mail contact – you may use the Internet to contact with me and your new social partners.

The hometask is to write a letter to your new partners.

The lesson is over. Good-bye!


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