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Урок английского языка в 8 классе по теме «Магазины и покупки» по учебнику УМК “Spotlight”, авторы: Ю. Е. Ваулина. В. Эванс, Дж. Дули, О. Е. Подоляко

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Цели урока: повторить изученную лексику по теме; учить составлять ментальные карты по тексту для его последующего пересказа;  развивать навыки аудирования, чтения, говорения и письма.

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«Урок английского языка в 8 классе по теме «Магазины и покупки» по учебнику УМК “Spotlight”, авторы: Ю. Е. Ваулина. В. Эванс, Дж. Дули, О. Е. Подоляко»

Урок английского языка в 8 классе по теме «Магазины и покупки» по учебнику УМК “Spotlight”, авторы: Ю. Е. Ваулина. В. Эванс, Дж. Дули, О. Е. Подоляко

Цели урока: повторить изученную лексику по теме; учить составлять ментальные карты по тексту для его последующего пересказа; развивать навыки аудирования, чтения, говорения и письма.

Ход урока:


Good- morning, boys and girls. Sit down. Let’s begin our English lesson. How are you today?


Look at the blackboard and repeat after me:

department store

shopping mall


car boot sale



shoe shop

hair dresser’s

post office






clothes shop


flea market

III. Постановка целей урока.

What are these in one word? (They are shopping places)

So, what are we going to speak about today?

IV. Речевая зарядка.

Let’s give definitions of these words (слова из фонзарядки).

V. Now we’ll do ex.1, p.21 (WB)

Look at what each person is saying and decide which shopping place they will go to.

VI. Аудирование.

Open your books at p.29, find ex.6.

You’ll hear a radio advertisement for a flea market. There is missing information in the advert. You are to listen to it and to fill in the gaps.

VII. Now let’s do ex.1, p.20 (WB).

a) Read the text once quickly and answer the question: What is this text generally about? (a type of shopping place)

b) Choose an alternative title for the text (a world full of bargains).

VIII. Read the text again and answer my questions:

  1. Are the origins of the term “flea market” certain?

  2. What do people think about the origins of the term “flea market”?

  3. Why do people like flea market?

  4. What is one of the busiest markets in Europe?

  5. Is the flea market La Braderie open all year round?

  6. How is the most famous flea market in Moscow called?

  7. Have you ever been to the Vernisazh flea market? Would you like to visit it? What would you buy there?

  8. Can we buy only inexpensive things at the flea market?

  9. What is the Annex Antiques Fair and Flea Market in New York famous for?

IX. Now we’ll do ex.2, p.20 (WB)

Mark the sentences T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say).

X. Let’s be busy with ex.3, p.20.

Match the highlighted words/phrases in the text with their definitions.

looking for – in search of

very annoying – troublesome

comes from – originates

huge variety – a massive diversity

original – authentic

very many – countless

a great place to buy things – shopper’s paradise

very popular, in fashion – trendy

Make up sentences with our new words and expressions.

X. Tell us 3 things you find interesting in the text.

XI. Now it’s time to work in groups.

Make up mental cards (ментальные карты) for retelling the text.

XII. Retell the text using your mental cards.

XIII. There are many shopping places in Cheboksary. Of course, you have got your favourite shops for doing shopping. Present your favourite shopping places (учащиеся представляют подготовленные дома презентации).

XIV. Домашнее задание на следующий урок:

Ex. 3, p. 34 ( to read and to translate).

XV. Рефлексия.

Was the lesson interesting for you?

What new things have you learnt today?

What do you like best at the lesson?

XVI. Итоги урока.

You’ve worked very well today. I’ll give excellent marks to everybody.

XVII. Конец урока.

The bell has gone. You may be free. Good-bye, group.


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