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Урок по теме "Профессии"

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Урок по теме "Профессии" способствует закреплению лексики,развивает устную речь.

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«Урок по теме "Профессии"»

Конспект урока «Профессии» 6 класс английский язык


развивать коммуникативные компетенции учащихся на английском языке.


- активизировать лексические навыки по темам «Профессии».

- учить строить монологическое высказывание о своем

- развивать умения и навыки аудирования, чтения

- развитие умений диалогической речи (диалог-расспрос)

- повторить грамматические конструкции: формы настоящего простого времени глагола to be, оборота to be going to … в высказываниях о будущей профессии

- содействовать развитию интереса к изучению иностранного языка

- воспитывать уважение к людям разных профессий

Ход урока.

1. Приветствие:

- Hello, boys and girls! I am glad to see you.

- How are you?

- OK. Sit down, please.

- What date is it today?

- What day of the week is it today?

- Who is absent?

- What is the weather like today?

2. Речевая разминка.

- Answer my questions, please.

- Do you like going to school? Why/ Why not?

- How many lessons do you have today?

- What lessons do you have today?

- What lesson is the most difficult for you today?

- What lesson is the easiest today?

- What is your favourite subject?

Определение темы урока на основе песни “People work”.

And now look at the screen. Listen to the song and guess what is the theme of our lesson?

That’s right, boys and girls. The theme of the lesson is “The World of Professions”.

Today we’ll speak about people of different jobs. We’ll learn to tell what jobs people can have and what characteristics they need for them.

3. Фонетическая зарядка.

- And now it’s time to practice the pronunciation of the words on this topic. Put on your headphones, please. Listen to the speaker and repeat the sounds and words.

[ә:] – nurse, worker

[o:] – sportsman

[a:] – farmer

[ai] – driver, librarian

[e] – dentist

[i] – businessman, engineer

Включается аудиозапись, учащиеся прослушивают слова и затем самостоятельно читают их.

- Well done, my children. What kinds of professions do you know else? Let’s remember.

4. Активизация изученной лексики в речи учащихся.

- What is your mother by profession?

- What is your father by profession?

- Where does your mother work?

- Do you like your parents professions?

- Let’s talk about your future jobs. What are you going to be in the future? Why?

Say what characteristics are necessary for your job? (I think a teacher should be intelligent and kind. )

5. Физкультминутка.

- Well done, boys and girls. We have the time to rest. Stand up, please. Let’s sing and dance together.

6.  Работа с учебником. Письменное задание.

- We have a written task. Open your textbooks, read the task. Write what kinds of characteristics are necessary for the following jobs.

(Nurse, librarian, lawyer, engineer, businessman, taxi driver)

Example: Nurse should be kind, friendly.

7. Аудирование.

a) - Listen to Mr. Hopkins and Mrs. Clifford talking about their jobs. Guess what they do?

Прослушивание текста.

What do you think, what is Mr. Hopkins? (He is a farmer. )

Why do you think so? (They have a lot of animals and they work in the fields. )

What is Sara Clifford? (She is a librarian. )

Why do you think so? (She has a lot of books, newspapers and magazines).

8. Итог. Составление синквейна.

Домашнее задание: Нарисовать свою будущую профессию.


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