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Урок с технологией кейс-метод по теме Экология

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Использование технологии кейс метод по теме Ecology  по учебнику Афанасьевой , Михеевой .

Урок закрепления лексики по теме Экология и грамматики(пасивный залог, косвенная речь)

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«Урок с технологией кейс-метод по теме Экология»


2-The topic of lesson :

Look , what is it? (мусорный пакет ). Why do people use it? (for rubbish/litter). Let’s open it .

Oh! But what is it? Is it a litter ? ( It’s a globe/ our Earth) . Do you like it? What’s wrong? (It is polluted).

Children , how do think what we’ll speak about ?

Ecological problems

What ecological problems do you know?

Let’s revise some words .Choose right word for picture ,read and translate


And now I suggest you to watch a video and answer some questions . But before watching let’s remember some words. Take please this task : blanket, cover, instead of , switch off …

Slide 8 (просмотр видео) What is climate change?


a) What do cars, power stations and planes makе? What is the name of the gas?

b) Do we have a lot of CO2 in the air?

d) What can we do to protect from climate change plants and animals?

Well! I see you know many words on this topic! And now it’s time to check your skills to apply your knowledge in real life. Today you’ll have this opportunity. I suppose you to discuss and solve one interesting and difficult situation.

Slide 4

Reading situations:

There is a meeting near the administration. People complain that they life has changed since Power station began to work in their district. The ecological situation of the town is becoming worse : poor harvest, disease of breathing organs, water pollution )

Let’s discuss this problem in English and try to solve it.

Look at the screen how can these words be connected ? let’s build a scheme (citizens / power station / water pollution/ air pollution/ diseases of breathing organs , administration / ecologists )


diseases of breathing organs

air pollution

water pollution

power station



So, we have a model of problem. There are 4 participants in our situation and you are divided into 4 groups.

1 st group . You will be the citizens

2nd - you are administration.

3rd group represents a power station

and the 4th group will be ecologists

Each group have some information on the tables. Please look through these documents and instructions and say what is your mission. You have 2 minutes.

Cases (instructions) :


  1. to make a complaint to administration about your life (rise of canser and respiratory illnesses of people, heart disease , poor harvest )

  2. to answer the questions of the Power station representatives


  1. to listen to citizens and address to ecologists for help

Ecologists 1. listen to administration and study the influence on the environment of Power station,

2. check if power station has the filters(ask the questions to the power station)

Power station 1. to answer the ecologists’ questions

2.to study another causes of pollution

3. to address to citizens (ask them some questions)

Let’s discuss the missions of the groups and draw lines connecting each section (at the screen).



diseases of breathing organs

air pollution

water pollution

power station


You have 5 minutes to do these tasks.

Pupils work in groups, talk to each other according to their instructions.

And so we can see that each group has its own problems. Name them , please, and fill in the table. Slide 8







Well, my dear, we have only problems but not solutions !!!

I suggest you to make a collage and say what can each group do to solve this problem. But pictures for your collage are on the walls. Stand up, please and choose suitable pictures for you.

Pupils work in groups make collage explain it and put them on the board

Start Power station then citizens, administration and ecologists

So today you’ve solved this problem situation. Was it difficult for you? What helped you to do it ?

But it is not the end. Let’s remember of our globe and read one touching letter ! Slide

Home task Slide


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