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Урок-смотр знаний,7 класс

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Обобщающий урок английского языка в 7 классе "What interesting things have you known this year?"  Содержит вопросы викторины по страноведению. ( материал составлен на основе учебника английскогоязыка для 7 класса, автор В.П.Кузовлев)

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«Урок-смотр знаний,7 класс»

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Подготовила Александрова Н.Н., учитель английского языка МОУ Куркинская СОШ № 1

Обобщающий урок английского языка в 7 классе (урок составлен по материалам учебника английского языка для 7 класса, автор В.П. Кузовлев).

Do you know English – speaking countries?

  1. An American jazz musician, singer and bandleader known especially for the rough sound of his voice.

  2. You can see Beefeaters and Ravens in this museum.

  3. The London residence of the British Queen.

  4. The Tower of London was founded by….

  5. What is the main church in London?

  6. A US holiday when people plant trees.

  7. The bell that strikes the hours inside the great clock of the Houses of Parliament in London or the clock itself.

  8. An indoor game of American origin in which a large heavy ball is rolled along a wooden track to knock down as many as possible of a set of 10 bottle –shaped wooden objects.

  9. The first great English actor. He worked with Shakespeare and was the first to play such roles as Hamlet and Othello.

  10. A city in England famous for its university.

  11. What countries does the Channel Tunnel link?

  12. A type of toothpaste made by the British company.

  13. A game in which darts are thrown at a circular board.

  14. A bus with two passengers decks. It is a common sight in Britain.

  15. A British writer who created the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes.

  16. The 22nd of April is the day when people demonstrate their concern for environment.

  17. An international environmental group started in the 1960s in Canada.

  18. A group of buildings in London where The House of Lords and the House of Commons sit.

  19. An American company, the best known maker of breakfast cereals, esp. cornflakes.

  20. A part of Scottish national costume that is worn by men and looks like a skirt.

  21. This holiday in the USA and Canada, the first Monday in September. It was originally meant to honour workers but now many people celebrate it like the end of summer. A lot of people have picnics and enjoy the extra day off work.

  22. A man or a woman who is to help children across a busy street on the way to or from school.

  23. How is called the London Underground?

  24. This is a holiday in Britain ( the fourth Sunday in Lent) and in the USA ( the second Sunday in May) on which people give cards and presents to their mothers.

  25. The Gallery in London in Trafalgar Square.

  26. An English admiral, a national hero. He became most famous after the battle of Trafalgar.

  27. A British organization that helps people in poor countries.

  28. An American actress who was very popular in the 1910s.

  29. An international organization that protects and helps people suffering from wars and natural disasters. It was started by Clara Barton in 1881.

  30. A well - known film devoted to the catastrophe of a British passenger liner.

  31. A place in London with a large stadium where important sports events are held.

  32. In what country is the Statue of Liberty situated in?

  33. What is the name of a famous museum in New York City.

  34. A person in Britain who prefers staying at home and watching TV.

  35. An American television company whose programmes are shown around the world. It broadcasts popular music and pictures of singers and groups performing it 24 hours a day.

  36. You’ll watch this competition between Cambridge and Oxford with pleasure if you are interested in water sports.

  37. An activity usually done on Saturdays in most British families.

  38. A musical instrument like a whistle with 8 holes for the fingers. British children are fond of playing it.

  39. An English painter who is known for his sets of paintings. They tell a moral story.

  40. Famous British ice-dancers who won the European and world championships in 1982-1984.

  41. She was a nurse in the army. She reformed and changed the whole system of the army hospital. She treated and saved many people after battles.

  42. She was the people’s princess. She married Charles, the Prince of Wales. The British respected her.

  43. A lake in Scotland in which a mysterious monster lives.

  44. Cadbury is famous for this product.

  45. A city in England that is famous for its illuminations.

  46. One of the four great world tennis tournaments played on grass.

  47. This is one of the pieces of street furniture which is red in color and which history goes back to 1853. If you want to send a letter from Britain there are 100,000 of them for you.

  48. The largest national park in the northwest of England.

  49. How old are the boys and girls in the UK when they start going to secondary school? How old are they in the second form?

  50. What marks do schools in England and America use?


  1. Louis Armstrong. 2. The Tower of London 3. The Buckingham Palace

4. William Conqueror 5. St’Paul’s Cathedral. 6. Arbor Day. 7. Big Ben

8. bowling 9. Richard Burbage 10. Cambridge 11. Britain and France

12. Colgate 13. Darts 14. A double-decker 15. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

16. Earth Day 17. Greenpeace 18. The Houses of Parliament 19. Kelogg’s 20. kilt 21. Labour Day 22. Lollipop lady/ man 23. The Tube

24. Mother’s Day 25. The National Gallery 26. Horatio Nelson

27. Oxfam – Oxford Committee for Family Relief 28. Mary Pickford

29. The Red Cross 30. Titanic 31. Wembley 32. The USA 33. The Metropolitan Museum 34. A couch potato 35. MTV 36. Boat Race

37. shopping 38. Recorder 39. William Hogarth 40. Jane Torvill and Christopher Dean. 41. Florence Nightingale 42. Princess Diana 43. Loch Ness 44. Chocolate 45. Blackpool 46. Wimbledon 47. Pillar boxes

48. The Lake District 49. Eleven; twelve 50. A -90-100-отлично; В- 80-89 –хорошо; С – 70-79 удовлетворительно; D- 60-69 – плохо; Е- 0-59 очень плохо


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