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Урок в 5 классе "Лучшие достопримечательности Лондона"

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«Урок в 5 классе "Лучшие достопримечательности Лондона"»


(Урок по английскому языку в 5 классе)

Сафина Г.М.

В условиях интенсивного взаимопроникновения культур, когда английский язык становится все более и более востребованным в общении с людьми других культур, важно чтобы учащиеся легко ориентировались в условиях нового времени, и именно билингвизм в системе образования способствует формированию человека новой культуры. Владение иными языками облегчает восприятие уникальной специфичности другой культуры. Этому способствуют и уроки английского языка, основной целью которых является межкультурная компетенция. Уроки должны быть яркими и живыми, обучаемый материал доступным и аутентичным, чтобы дети имели желание и возможность перенести свои знания в реальную жизнь, могли читать художественные произведения в оригинале, смотреть передачи и фильмы, слушать аудиокниги и песни на английском языке. Результатом обучения становится не столько коммуникативная, сколько социальная компетенция, а сам процесс обучения языку становится обучением диалогу культур.


  1. Расширить представление учащихся о знаменитых  достопримечательностях  Лондона средствами  английского языка.
    Изучить лексику по теме «Достопримечательности Лондона», узнать факты из истории Великобритании.

  2. Развивать лексические и коммуникативные навыки на основе информации о Лондоне, умение получать и воспроизводить информацию из прослушанного и прочитанного текста.

  3. Воспитывать нормы вежливого поведения, формировать чувства общности интересов людей, говорящих на разных языках, формировать познавательный интерес к стране изучаемого языка

Оснащение:   карта «Виды Лондона», запись на доске названий достопримечательностей в транскрипции, 2 презентации по теме «Достопримечательности Лондона», карточки с заданиями на столах.

 Ход урока.

I. Организационный момент.

  Good morning, girls and boys! Nice to meet you! How are you? I’m fine too.
Are you ready for the lesson? Today we  will have a tour to London. There are different pictures on the blackboard. Can you guess what we are going to talk about?

(Учащиеся смотрят на рисунки и предлагают разные варианты названия урока).

 Звучит бой часов Биг Бэн. Учащиеся должны угадать бой часов Биг Бен.

 - So, what are we going to talk about?

Учащиеся отвечают: We are going to talk about the sights of London.     


II.Основная часть.

1.Фонетическая отработка слов. Учитель читает названия достопримечательностей по транскрипции  с доски. Учащиеся повторяют хором.

Trafalgar Square (Nelson's Column),Buckingham Palace,The Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, The Tower of London (Bloody Tower, White Tower), Westminster Abbey, Tower Bridge, British Museum, National Gallery, London Eye, The river Thames, Piccadilly Circus, Hamleys, Hyde Park, The Queen

- Let's read these names.

 Учащиеся читают вслух.                                                    

 2.  Warming up.  Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя.

 -What is the capital of Great Britain? –( London is the capital of Great Britain)

-Where is London situated? – (It is situated on the river Thames.)

-Is it one of the biggest cities in the world? Is it beautiful? – (Yes, it is.)

- How many people live in London? - (There are over 7 mln. People in London)

-Have you ever been to  London? – (No, I have not.)

-Would you like to go to London? – (Yes, I would.)

 -What sights  of London do you already know? –( I know…)

3. Проверка домашнего задания.

Let’s check your homework. What did you do at home?

Ответы учащихся:We prepared some information about the sights of London.


Buckingham Palace  is the London  home of the Queen. When the flag is flying on the top she is at home. There  are 600 rooms in Buckingham Palace . It has an indoor swimming pool and a cinema. Changing of the Guards happens every day at 11 a.m.
Trafalgar Square is the  popular place for people to meet. In the middle of the square there is Nelson's Column, which is 51 m high To the left you can see the National Gallery. It has  a fine collection of European paintings.
Hamleys is the biggest toy shop in London. There are six floors with millions of toys.
London is situated on the river Thames. It is very deep and   beautiful. You can see the Tower of London from the river Thames.
Tower Bridge is one of the oldest bridges in   London. It is over a hundred years old.
Hyde Park is the  famous park in London.  Londoners can walk and jog in the park, eat their sandwiches, talk, sunbathe, read books and enjoy music. There are no signs like "Do not walk on the grass".In the park people can stand up and  say what they want. It is a very  democratic park.
The Tower of London is a very big castle. It is a very old place in London. It was a fortress, a royal palace, later a prison.   It is a museum now. There are a lot of interesting collections in the Tower of London. The ravens are another famous sight. The legend says that without them the Tower will fall.                              


4. Let us answer the question. What place would you like to visit?

 - I would like to visit … because it is … 
 - I would like to see … because it is …

 Use the words on the blackboard: popular, famous, beautiful, interesting, wonderful, old, big.     


Up and down, up and down,(поднять руки и опустить)
Which is the way to London town?
Where? Where? -Up in the air,(поднять глаза в потолок)
Close your eyes –(закрыть глаза) - And you are there!

6. Presentation.

Учащимся показывают презентацию о Лондоне для релаксации. 


7. Развитие навыков чтения.

а) -Have you ever heard about the London Eye? - Ответы учащихся: No, we have not.

- What do you think the London Eye is?

б)- Let`s learn some new words:

Wheel – колесо  the biggest – самый большой

Windsor Castle - Виндзорский замок Passengers - пассажиры

to lift – поднимать Millennium. – тысячелетие

Average – средний Southbank – южный берег

Fireworks – фейерверк Former – бывший

Involve – включать Ride - поездка

Waterloo Tube Stations – станция метро Ватерло

Westminster Tube Stations – станция метро Вестминстер


в) You have got the cards on your tables. Let`s take them and read the text about the London Eye.

 Учащиеся читают текст о достопримечательности Лондона (колесе обозрения).


The London Eye is the largest Ferris wheel in Europe, and has become the most popular tourist attraction in the United Kingdom, visited by over three million people in one year. At the time it was erected, in 1999, it was the tallest Ferris wheel in the world. It's 135 metres (443 ft) high, and on a clear day you can see all the way to Windsor Castle, which is over 40 km (25 miles) away. It has 32 sections (cabins) and each one holds up to 25 people. A ride  takes 30 minutes, and as the Eye only travels at just under 1 km  per hour, passengers get on and off while it is still moving.

The London Eye is located at the western end of Jubilee Gardens, on the South Bank of the River Thames in the London Borough of Lambeth in England, between Westminster Bridge and Hungerford Bridge.
    The London Eye was formally opened by the former Prime Minister, Tony Blair, on 31 December 1999, although it was not opened to the public until March 2000 because of technical problems. Since its opening, the Eye, operated by Merlin Entertainments, has become a major landmark and tourist attraction.
     Since 1 January 2005, the Eye has been the focal point of London's New Year celebrations, with 10-minute fireworks displays taking place involving fireworks fired from the wheel itself.


 8. The presentation about the London Eye. Учащиеся смотрят презентацию о колесе обозрения Лондона.

Закрепление прочитанной информации.

1. - What is the London Eye? (It’s a big ferries wheel)

2. - Where is it situated? (It’s on the river Thames.)

3. - How high is the London Eye? (It`s 135 m high.)

4. - How many people can it hold? (It can hold up to 25 people)

5. - What can you see on a clear day? (The view of London.)

6. - Where is  the most beautiful view of the city? (The most beautiful view is on the top of  the London Eye)

7. - How many  sections does  it have? (32 cabins )

8. - When was it opened? (It was opened in 1999.)


III. Заключительная часть урока.

1.  Answer the questions.

- Are there many places of interest in London? (Yes, there are)

- What places of interest in London do you know? (I know…)

- What is your favorite sight? (My favorite sight is…)

- What would you like to visit most of all? (Most of all I would like to…)

- Which is the most beautiful bridge in London? (It is the Tower Bridge.)

- Which is the deepest river in Britain? (The Thames is the deepest river.)

- Would you like to take a ride on the London Eye? (Yes, I would…)

 2. The mini-quiz.

Let`s answer a few questions about London sights. Follow your cards and decide if the sentence is true or false.

 Do you agree or disagree? 

1.London is the capital of Spain.
2. Big Ben is a famous street.
3. Buckingham Palace is the home for the Queen.
4. The Thames is the main river in London.
5. London Eye is the monument in London.
6. Queen Elizabeth 2 lives in Westminster Abbey.
7. Trafalgar Square is a popular place for tourists.

8. Piccadilly circus is a square.

3. Homework

Do a crossword about the sights of London


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