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Урок-викторина "Science and Technology"

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«Урок-викторина "Science and Technology"»

Урок-викторина по английскому языку

«Science and Technology»


Цели урока: закрепление изученного материала по теме; совершенствование коммуникативных навыков и умений, знакомство с новым грамматическим материалом.

Задачи урока: совершенствование речевых умений по теме; изучение фразового глагола break, определенного артикля, развитие творческих способностей у учащихся; совершенствование навыков аудирования с целью извлечения необходимой информации; совершенствование умения высказывать свою мысль и аргументировать ее.

Ход урока

  1. Вступительная беседа. Определение темы урока. Постановка целей урока.

- Good morning, everybody. I’m very glad to see you all. Today we’ll go on speaking about science and technology.

II.     Активизация словарного запаса

-When you hear the words, Science and Technology, what do you think about? What words come to your mind?  (invention, discovery, scientists, space, computer, Internet, mobile phone, gadget, device, fridge, etc.)

-You’ve mentioned two words: invention and discovery. Tell me, please, what the difference between these words is. Please, try to explain it in English.

- How can we name a person who invented something? Right you are, an inventor, or a scientist.

III.   Проверка знаний, полученных на прошлом уроке.

Now let’s think about famous people and their inventions and discoveries. I want you to memorize their names and discoveries. You have to match the name of a person and his discovery. Work in pairs.

Match the names with their discoveries and inventions

1. Galileo Galilei                       а) paper

2. Isaac Newton                         b) thermometer and microscope

3. Alexander Bell                      c) low of Universal gravity

4. Alexander Popov                  d) diesel engine

5. John Logie Baird                  e) telephone

6. Rudolf  Engine                      f) table of chemical elements

7. Dmitry Mendeleev                g) radio

8. Ts’ai Lun                              h) television

9. Nicolas Cugnot                    i) automobile

10. Thomas Edison                  j) light bulb

Work in groups (quiz)

Who invented the first telephone in 1876?

a) Alexander Popov b) Graham Bell c) Albert Einstein

2. Who invented the first multiple telegraph?

a) Alexander Bell b) Alexander Popov c) Albert Einstein

3. Who developed the first personal stereo – Sony Walkman?

a) Karl Benz b) Orville Wright c) Akito Morita

4. Who built the first vacuum cleaner?

a) James M. Spangler b) Akito Morita c)Alexander Bell

5. Who invented the first mechanical programmable computer?

a) Charles Babbage b) Alexander Popov c) Bill Gates

6. Who invented the first electronic programmable computer?

a) H.L.Hazen b) John William Mauchly c) Nikolai Lobachevsky

7. Who invented the first incandescent lamp?

а) Alexander Bell b) Alexander Popov с) Thomas Edison

8. Who invented the first radio?

a) Alexander Bell b) Alexander Popov с) Thomas Edison

9. Who created the world’s first car assembly line?

a) Henry Ford b) Akito Morita c) Bill Gates

10. Who made the table of chemical elements?

a) Alexander Popov b) Dmitry Mendeleev c) Ivan Pavlov 

11. Who made the vaccines against cholera?

a) Louis Pasteur b) John Logie Baird c) Marie Curie

12. Who invented the diesel engine?

a) Alexander Bell b) Rudolf Engine c) Michael Faraday

13. Who created Microsoft-DOS?

a) Thomas Edison b) John Logie Baird c) Bill Gates

14. Who invented the first paper?

a) Ivan Pavlov b) Isaac Newton c) Ts’ai Lun

15. Who discovered gravity?

a) Isaac Newton b) Mendeleev c) Ivan Pavlov 

16. Who invented electricity?

a) Michael Faraday b) Alexander Bell c) Isaac Newton

17. Who invented theory of relativity?

a) Ivan Pavlov b) Albert Einstein c) Karl Benz

18. Who produced the first petrol-driven motor car? 

a) Karl Benz b) Akito Morita c) Bill Gates

19. Who was Albert Einstein?

a) chemist b) physicist c) biologist 

20. Who invented the vaccines against cholera?

a) Louis Pasteur b) John Logie Baird c) Marie Curie

21. What country did Nicolas Copernic come from?

a) Italy b) Poland c) Greece

Read the text. Answer the questions below.

отрывок и ответь на вопросы)

Remember, not so long ago, when the telephone to be a simple receiver

connected by a wire to wall? And all you used your phone for was to make a phone

call? Today, new technology has changed the telephone and what people use it for.

Computer-based technology has given us instant connections and clearer

conversations over the telephone. Nowadays, people use telephones to their

banking, to rent videos, and to buy things. People use their telephones to connect

their home computers to computerized information centers. People also send letters

and documents through phone lines by fax. And new systems may be available

shortly for sending video pictures over the telephone.

But you don't need to be at home or at the office to use the telephone

anymore. Mobile phones (also known as cellular phones) have no wires. You can

carry one in your pocket or keep one in your car. A call from a mobile phone

travels along radio waves to stations located in different places. From there, the

radio signal is connected to the regular phone system. With a mobile phone,

anyone who can drive and talk can also drive and phone. This means less wasted

time: You don't have to look for a phone booth or use coins to make a call. So remember, next time you are at the beach or riding your bicycle, there might be a

call for you!

a) How have computers improved telephone? (Computers give us instant

connections. Computers give us clearer conversations on the telephone).

b) How can people use their telephone? (People use telephones for banking, to buy

things. People use telephones to connect their home computers to computerized

information centers)

c) Why is a mobile phone useful for you? (With a mobile phone, anyone can walk,

drive and talk. You can phone any time, from any place).

b) Say True, False or Not Stated

1. All you used in your phone is to make a phone call. (False)

2. Computer-based technology has given us instant connections and clearer

conversations over the telephone. (True)

3. People use their telephones to connect their home computers to

computerized information centers. (True)

4. People also send letters and documents through phone lines by fax. (True)

5. New systems may not be available for sending video pictures over the

telephone. (False)

6. A call from a mobile phone travels along radio waves to stations located in

different places. (True)

7. With a mobile phone, anyone can drive and talk and also learn poems and

phone. (Not Stated)

Match the pictures with the meanings


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