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Устная тема "International cooperation"

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«Устная тема "International cooperation"»

International cooperation.

Since Belarus gained its independence, it has established relationships with many countries. The value of peaceful and cooperative relationships between nations is increasingly important.

Historically, one of the oldest expressions of international relations was the establishment of treaties and agreements between nations. Maintenance of these treaties ensured that ordinary people could go about their everyday tasks of earning a living and raising their families rather than dedicating themselves to armed conflict with neighbours.

Nations often face global issues that are larger than any specific country or even continent, such as concerns over the environment, pandemics and terrorism. Sound international relations are required for nations to cooperate effectively to meet these challenges.

Positive international relations also promote effective trade policies between nations in terms of importing natural resources and finished products not available in the country.

Cultural ties are one of the most effective tools that create conditions for peaceful dialogue between many countries. The Code of the Republic of Belarus on Сulture states the main directions of cultural cooperation of the country. Enriching the cultural life of Belarusians with the world cultural heritage is one of them. Others are acquainting the international community with Belarusian national culture and integrating it into world culture and global information space.

The main organisers of such international cultural events are the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Belarus participates in cultural programs of many international and regional organisations. UNESCO is an important partner that helps Belarus integrate into the world community.

The diversity of world cultures can be promoted through enlightened international relations policies, allowing programs such as student exchanges and cultural exhibitions to enhance our understanding of the variety of human expression worldwide. A student exchange programme is a programme in which students from a secondary school or university study abroad at one of their partner institutions. Students broaden their outlook and learn more about other cultures.

The annual International Theatre Festival Belaya Vezha in Brest is one of the oldest international forums in Belarus where theatre groups from all over the world can gather together to showcase their national theatrical traditions and innovations. The Minsk International Book Fair is a fine showcase for the national book publishing industry and fosters better relations between book publishers from the neighbouring countries and distant foreign countries. The Minsk International Film Festival Listapad is an international festival that brings together famous filmmakers, actors and cinema fans. It was created to foster intercultural dialogue between post-Soviet states. The Yuri Bashmet International Music Festival is one of the largest cultural forums. The message of the festival is promotion of classical art and fostering international cultural cooperation. The annual International Festival of Arts Slavyansky Bazaar in Vitebsk is the largest cultural forum in Belarus. It has been fostering the dialogue of cultures between different peoples and countries.

The growth of cultural cooperation with other countries has strengthened the position of Belarus.


1. independence - независимость

2. establish - устанавливать

3. relationships - отношения

4. cooperative relationships – отношения сотрудничества

5. treaty - договор

6. agreement - соглашение

7. promote - продвигать

8. peaceful - мирный

9. the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Сulture Кодекс РБ о культуре

10. cultural heritage культурное наследие

11. participate – принимать участие

12. exchange - обмен

13. cultural exhibition – культурная выставка

14. enhance – усилить, повышать

15. showcase - демонстрировать

16. foster – содействовать, способствовать

17. strengthen – укреплять

Answer the questions:

1. Has Belarus established relationships with many countries?

2. What was one of the oldest expressions of international relations?

3. What global challenges do nations meet?

4. What the main directions of cultural cooperation of the country does the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Сulture state?

5. What are the main organisers of such international cultural events?

6. What is an important partner that helps Belarus integrate into the world community?

7. What is a student exchange programme?

8. What Belarussian cultural festivals do you know?

9. What cultural festival would you like to visit?

10. Is Belarussian cultural cooperation with other countries very important?


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