Special character traits of Belarusians.
Belarusian traditions and features of the national character were formed in the course of complex history. There were enough wars, epidemics and natural disasters in the history of our country. Optimism and humor are the qualities that allowed the generations of our compatriots to hope for the better. So our extraordinary history cultivated special character traits of our people, the main of them are tolerance and diligence.
In all historical epochs, the Belarusians were characterized with such a peculiar feature as sincere love and respect towards the land and the native corner. Deep respect towards elder family members is also a peculiar feature of the Belarusian national character. Patriotic feelings and readiness for protection of the native land manifest in the Belarusian national character in all times.
Belarusians are able to adapt to any circumstances — not to change the circumstances but to change themselves, to accept these circumstances, to live them naturally, in harmony and even with pleasure.
Belarusians are extremely sociable. They are the most welcoming and hospitable people. Belarusians are less materialistic. Not many people think of shopping as a leisure activity. The Belarusians have the strong sense of community. There is a high respect for education and culture. The countryside holds a special place in the hearts of Belarusians. At the weekends during the spring, summer and early autumn most city dwellers go to their dachas.
It's easy to note that the majority of people who have ever come to Belarus underlined that the Belarusians are sincere and hospitable people. The Belarusian people were ready to share everything with the neighbors. However, the Belarusian got accustomed with the necessity to gain everything due to his own hard work. During centuries, practically unstopped hard work saved people from poverty and starvation.
The Belarusian music, songs and folklore may say a lot about the national character. Belarusians are kind, soft and soulful people.
Belarusians are known to be hardworking people but at the same time very homely. That’s why life of a typical Belarusian is basically centered on work and family. They don`t lose their temper and patience. Belarusian people are tolerant; but at the same time they are reserved, not very jolly and rather pessimistic. The Belarusians are open, friendly and very hospitable. Belarusians are true potato eaters and the potato is even called “the second bread”. New Belarusians are rather inclined to intellectual jobs. They earn their living by using brains rather than by digging the soil. New Belarusians express more interest in their roots and history. Many Belarusians, both young and old, are fond of gardening very much.
Belarusians are characterized by humanity, compassion, kindness, sympathy for someone else's grief, and thirst for justice. Probably this is the reason why different religions and ethnic groups traditionally coexist peacefully on our land.
As for me I can say that in some traits of my character I’m a typical Belarusian, because I think I’m rather friendly and sympathetic person.
1. compatriot – соотечественник, земляк
2. diligence – усердие, прилежание
3. tolerance - толерантность, терпимость
4. manifest – проявлять
5. sociable - общительный
6. hospitable - гостеприимный
7. сommunity – общество, общность
8. countryside – сельская местность
9. sincere - искренний
10. starvation - голод
11. soulful - душевный
12. hardworking - трудолюбивый
13. temper – темперамент
14. patience - терпение
15. reserved - сдержанный
16. inclined – склонный
17. humanity – человечность, гуманность
18. compassion – сострадание, сопереживание
19. sympathy – сочувствие
20. justice – справедливость
Answer the questions.
1. What qualities allowed the generations of our compatriots to hope for the better?
2. What are the main character traits of our people?
3. Do the Belarusians show respect towards the land and respect towards elder family members?
4. What do they usually do at the weekends?
5. What character traits typical of Belarusian national character do you know?
6. What character traits typical of Belarusian national character do you possess?