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Варианты контрольных работ по специальности «Коммерция»

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Варианты контрольных работ

по предмету «Английский язык»

по специальности 100701


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«Варианты контрольных работ по специальности «Коммерция»»

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Варианты контрольных работ

по предмету «Английский язык»

по специальности 100701


Составил: С. В. Масюченко

преподаватель ВКЭ

Рассмотрено на заседании ПЦК

Протокол №_____от_____2013г.


_______________ С.К.Томаева



4 курс

1 вариант

1.Прочитайте и переведите текст. Найдите эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:


Accounting shows a financial picture of the firm. An accounting department records and measures the activity of a business. It reports on the effects of the transactions on the firm’s financial condition. Accounting records give a very important data. It is used by management, stockholders, creditors, independent analysts, banks and government.

Most businesses prepare regularly the two types of records. That is the income statement and balance sheet. These statements show how money was reseived and spend by the company.

One major tool for the analysis of accounting records is ratio analysis. A ratio analysis is the relationship of two figuges. In finance we operate with three main categories of ratios. One ratio deals with profitability.

It is used as a measure of a firms operating efficiency.

The second set of ratios with assets and liabilities. It helps a company to evaluate its current financial position. The third set of ratios deals with the overall financial structure of the company. It analyses the value of the ownership of the firm.


Firm’s financial condition

Income statement

Balance sheet


2.Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

a) What is the purpose of accounting?

b) Who uses the data provided by accouting firms?

c) What are the two types of records?

3.Выберите слово и вставьте в предложение:

a) An accounting helps ... the activity of a business.

b) Do you know the effect of your last ... on financial condition of the firm?

c) Accounting records provide ... for stockholders, independent analysts.

d) The second type of ratio helps the company ... its current financial position.

e) ... is one of the two main records which most of the businesses prepare regularly.

data, income statement, to measure, to evaluate, transaction

4. Задайте четыре типа вопросов к предложению.

The accounting department regularly prepares the income statement and balance sheet.

5. Переведите с русского языка на английский.

а) Мы определяем эффективность производства с помощью анализа коэффициентов.

б) Недвижимость является собственностью корпораций.

в) Мы проверим актив и пассив и определим стоимость имущества за вычетом обязательств.

6. Представьте, что вы являетесь бухгалтером в большой компании. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

a) What are the usual activities at the end of the fiscal year?

b) Why should you have more assets than liabilities?

c) What is the difference between gross salary and net salary?

4 курс

2 вариант

1.Прочитайте и переведите текст. Найдите эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:


Accounting shows a financial picture of the firm. An accounting department records and measures the activity of a business. It reports on the effects of the transactions on the firm’s financial condition. Accounting records give a very important data. It is used by management, stockholders, creditors, independent analysts, banks and government.

Most businesses prepare regularly the two types of records. That is the income statement and balance sheet. These statements show how money was reseived and spend by the company.

One major tool for the analysis of accounting records is ratio analysis. A ratio analysis is the relationship of two figuges. In finance we operate with three main categories of ratios. One ratio deals with profitability.

It is used as a measure of a firms operating efficiency.

The second set of ratios with assets and liabilities. It helps a company to evaluate its current financial position. The third set of ratios deals with the overall financial structure of the company. It analyses the value of the ownership of the firm.

income statement

ratio analysis

overall financial structure

to provide data

to evaluate

balance sheet

2.Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

a) What do you know analysing the income statement and balance sheet of the company?

b) What is the purpose of ratio analysis?

c) What categories of ratio in finance do you know?

3.Выберите слово и вставьте в предложение:

  1. The ... of the company includes real estate in California.

  2. I am sure of the ... of this transaction.

  3. Our company’s current ... is high.

  4. They ... from the assosiation with that corporation.

  5. Do you know the effect of your last ... on financial condition of the firm?


efficiancy,ownership, transaction, to profit, profit

4. Задайте четыре типа вопросов к предложению.

Some govenmental corporations issued stock sertificate.

5. Переведите с русского языка на английский.

а) Бухгалтерский учет представляет данные для кредиторов и вкладчиков.

б) Мы платим большие налоги.

в) Сколько ты получаешь без вычетов?


6. Представьте, что вы являетесь бухгалтером в большой компании. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

a) Do you total the accounts at the end of the fiscal year?

b)Does the accounting department work on taxes?

c)What does the difference between gross salary and net salary depend on?

4 курс

3 вариант

1.Прочитайте и переведите текст. Найдите эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

Line and staff positions

In business, organisation structure means the relationship between positions and people who hold the positions. Organization structure is very important because it provides an efficient work system as well as a system of communication.

Histirically, line structure is the oldest type of organization structure. The main idea of it is direct vertical relationships between the positions and tasks of each level, and the positions and tasks above and below each level. For example, a sales manager may be in a line position between a vice-president of marketing and a salesman. Thus a vece-president of marketing has direct authority over a sales manager. A sales manager in his turn has direct authority over a salesman. This chain of command implifies the problems of giving and taking orders.

When a business grows in size and becomes more complex, there is a need for specialists. In such case administrators may organize staff departments and add staff specialists to do specific work. These people are usually busy with services, they are not tied in with the company product. The activities of the staff departments include an accounting, personel, credit and advertising. Generally they do not give orders to other departments.

to hold a position

to have direct authority over somebody

a line department

to be tied in with the company

2.Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

What is the difference between line and staff department?

What does the organization structure provide?

Why is an advertising department cosidered staff structure rather than line structure?

3.Выберите слово и вставьте в предложение:

When the business gets more ... there is a need for staff department.

My friend ... of sales manager.

As a rule a ... usually does not give orders to other departments.

A staff department, complex, to hold a position

4. Задайте четыре типа вопросов к предложению.

A sales manager has direct authority over a salesman.

5. Переведите с русского языка на английский.

Мои взаимоотношения с начальником очень хорошие.

Я не знаком с организационной структурой нашего предприятия.

Я предпочитаю работать в линейном отделе.

Структура нашего предприятия сложна.

Мой непосредственный начальник очень пунктуален.

6. Представьте, что вы являетесь боссом большой компании. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

How do you examine the organizational structure of your company?

Who are your immidiate subordinates?

What is your span of control?

4 курс

4 вариант

1.Прочитайте и переведите текст. Найдите эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

Line and staff positions

In business, organisation structure means the relationship between positions and people who hold the positions. Organization structure is very important because it provides an efficient work system as well as a system of communication.

Histirically, line structure is the oldest type of organization structure. The main idea of it is direct vertical relationships between the positions and tasks of each level, and the positions and tasks above and below each level. For example, a sales manager may be in a line position between a vice-president of marketing and a salesman. Thus a vece-president of marketing has direct authority over a sales manager. A sales manager in his turn has direct authority over a salesman. This chain of command implifies the problems of giving and taking orders.

When a business grows in size and becomes more complex, there is a need for specialists. In such case administrators may organize staff departments and add staff specialists to do specific work. These people are usually busy with services, they are not tied in with the company product. The activities of the staff departments include an accounting, personel, credit and advertising. Generally they do not give orders to other departments.

to be tired in with the company product

to have direct authority over smb

to hold a position

staff department

2.Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

What does organization structure mean?

Do you want to be a vice president of marketing? Give some reasons.

Have you examined the organizational structure of the company yet?

3.Выберите слово и вставьте в предложение:

A sales manager has direct ... over a salesman.

The ... of staff departments is to do different services.

My friend works in a ..., he is responsible for the company product.

staff department, task, authority

4. Задайте четыре типа вопросов к предложению.

His span of control includes three people.

5. Переведите с русского языка на английский.

Мой друг занимает должность главного финансиста.

Штабные отделы не связаны с конечным продуктом.

Он больше любит отдавать приказания, чем получать их.

Я больше подхожу к штабной должности, чем к линейной.

Я уволю моего непосредственного подчиненного. Он ленив.

6. Представьте, что вы являетесь боссом большой компании. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

Who reports to the comptroller in your company?

Who can change the organizational structure of your company?

What managers are there in your company?

4 курс

5 вариант

1.Прочитайте и переведите текст. Найдите эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

Where and how to hire an employee?

An employer has several options to concider when he wants to hire an employee. First of all, he may look within his own company. But if he cant find anybody suitable for the position we will have to look outside the company. If there is a personal office in the company, he can ask them to help him to find a qualified applicant. The employer can also use another valuable sources, for example, employment agencies, cosulting firms, placement officies and professional societies. He can also advertise in a newspaper or in a magasine and request candidates to send in resumes.

The employer has two sets of qualifications to concider if he wants to choose from among the applicants. He must concider both professional qualifications and personal characteristics. A candidate’s education, experience and skills are included in his professional qualifications. These can be listed on a resume. Personal characteristics, or personality traits must be evaluated through interviews.

to hire an employee

to look within the company

to be suitable for the position

to look outside the company

to be listed on a resume.

2.Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

Which options should an employer first consider when he wants to hire a new employee?

What is meant by “professional qualification” for a job?

What service does a personal department provide?

3.Выберите слово и вставьте в предложение:

Don’t ask him ... questions, it will be impolite.

If you are an applicant for the position, you have to write your ... .

I want to find a new secretary, so I” call an employment ... .

Resume, agency, personal

4. Задайте четыре типа вопросов к предложению.

The employer has two sets of qualification to consider.

5. Переведите с русского языка на английский.

Обратитесь в агенство по найму.

Вы найдете всю информацию в отделе кадров.

Этот руководитель с большим опытом.

Управляющий должен быть компетентным.

Администратор ставит цели, принимает на работу, увольняет.

6. Напишите свое резюме (education, experience, activities, publications, languages).

4 курс

6 вариант

1.Прочитайте и переведите текст. Найдите эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

Where and how to hire an employee?

An employer has several options to concider when he wants to hire an employee. First of all, he may look within his own company. But if he cant find anybody suitable for the position we will have to look outside the company. If there is a personal office in the company, he can ask them to help him to find a qualified applicant. The employer can also use another valuable sources, for example, employment agencies, cosulting firms, placement officies and professional societies. He can also advertise in a newspaper or in a magasine and request candidates to send in resumes.

The employer has two sets of qualifications to concider if he wants to choose from among the applicants. He must concider both professional qualifications and personal characteristics. A candidate’s education, experience and skills are included in his professional qualifications. These can be listed on a resume. Personal characteristics, or personality traits must be evaluated through interviews.

two sets of qualifications

to evaluate through the interview

to concider both

to find a qualified applicant

to advertise in a newspaper

2.Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

What qualifications does the employer consider in choosing an employee?

In what way can be a new employees be found outside one’s company?

What personal characteristics does the administrator consider when choosing an employee?

3.Выберите слово и вставьте в предложение:

Personal office will help you to find a new ... .

All the information about the staff of the firm can be found in ... .

She has a good ... for the position.

4. Задайте четыре типа вопросов к предложению.

He wants to hire a new employee.

5. Переведите с русского языка на английский.

Его должность в компании очень важна.

Нам нужно нанять нового служащего.

Поместите объявление в газету.

Кандидаты на должность должны послать резюме.

Мы должны рассмотреть два вида характеристик.

6. Напишите свое резюме (education, experience, activities, publications, languages).


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