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Урок в 5 классе по УМК Верещагиной. Тема: "Health and body care"

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по учебнику И.Н. Верещагиной, О.В. Афанасьевой за 5 класс

Тема: Health and Body Care

Цели: Образовательные:

- формирование нового грамматического понятия – косвенная речь;

- продолжение знакомства учащихся с ИЯ как средством общения;


- развитие умения преодолевать трудности, связанные с использованием нового грамматического материала;

- развитие иноязычных речевых механизмов зрительного восприятия, выбора и комбинирования;

- развитие логического мышления, памяти, догадки;

- развитие умения правильно подбирать материал для решения коммуникативной задачи;


- формирование понимания важности изучения ИЯ и потребности пользоваться им как средством общения;

- поддержание интереса к общению и формирование познавательной активности;

- воспитание организованности, усидчивости, активности и внимания;

-воспитание культуры общения.

Практические задачи

  1. автоматизировать пройденные лексические единицы;

  2. ввести новое грамматическое понятие – косвенная речь;

  3. научить передавать слова других людей;

  4. автоматизировать навык употребления Reported Speech;

  5. учить читать неподготовленный текст (диалог);

  6. повторить формы речевого этикета.

Языковой материал:

а) новый: конструкции в косвенной речи: Не said that…; Не told me…

б)для повторения/закрепления: лексические единицы: chest, lungs, pulse, temperature; формы речевого этикета.

Учебные пособия: учебник, наглядность

Ход урока

I Подготовка учащихся к иноязычной речевой деятельности.

  1. Ориентирующее замечание учителя

T.: Good morning, children! I’m very glad to see you. Sit down, please. Today we are going to continue our talk with Dr Health, we’ll read an interesting dialogue between Dr Health and his patient and we’ll also learn how to say what another person told you.

2) Речевая зарядка T-P1P2

T.: Children, you know, yesterday I went to the café with my friend. She was late. I wait for her for 15 minutes. It turned out that her bus was late. She apologized but I didn’t know what to say. Imagine that your friend is late, he comes and says: Sorry my being late. What will you say?

P1P2: that’s all right, no problem….etc.

T.: And what will you say if you are late?

P1P2: I’m terribly sorry,….etc

T.: It was nice. I see that you are very polite people. You are ready to meet our friend Dr Health. Here he is.

II Автоматизация лексических единиц T-P1P2

  • Упр.1 – имитационное УРУ

T.: Children, you know Dr Health is very busy. He has many duties. I know some of them. Say if it is right.

- Dr Health often takes his patient’s pulse.

- Dr Health duty is to listen to his patient’s chest.

- Dr Health takes his patient’s temperature.

- Sometimes Dr Health listens to his patient lungs.

  • Упр. 2 – подстановочное УРУ

T.: Dr Health wants to tell you about his job. To make it more clear he brought his photos. Look at the pictures, listen to the doctor attentively and be ready to complete his sentences.

- When a patient coughs I ….. ( listen to his lungs)

- When a patient shivers I …… (take his temperature)

- Usually I listen to my patient’s lungs and…. (chest)

- At first I take my patient temperature and …. (pulse)

  • Упр. 3 – трансформационное УРУ

T.: Dr Health has too many duties. Sometimes I forget them. Ask him if it is really his duty. Begin your questions with Do you really…. Express your surprise.

- Dr Health takes pulse.

- Dr Health listens to his patient’s chest.

- Dr Health takes temperature.

- Dr Health listens to lungs

  • Упр. 4 – репродуктивное УРУ

T.: Tell us what you have learnt about Dr Health’s job.

He works….

He takes….

His duty is….

T.: I know Dr Health for a long time. He is very strict. He often reproaches his patients. Every his reproach he begins with It’s silly of you….. Let’s play Dr Health. Open your books at page 207, find exercise 18. Make your own reproaches, try to be as strict as Dr Health is.

III Работа над диалогом (ex. 21, p.208) T-Cl, T-P1P2

T.: Dr Health likes his job. Sometimes curious and funny situations happen with him. He wants to share one of them with us.

  • Предтекстовый этап

T.: But before we read the dialogue let’s play predictors. Open your books at page 209 and look at the picture. How do you think what happened? Remember what you said and then we’ll see who is the best predictor.

- снятие трудностей

T.: Fine. Now look at the blackboard. There are some words here which will help you to understand the dialogue better.

(breathe in, central heating, after meals)

- коммуникативная задача

T.: Let’s read the dialogue and try to understand what Dr Health laughs at.

  • Текстовый этап

Упр 1. – Children, I also read this dialogue but I am afraid that I didn’t understand it perfectly well. Correct me, say whether I’m right or wrong.

- the patient had cough for about 6 weeks;

- Dr Health took the patient’s blood pressure;

- the patient didn’t smoke;

- the patient had high temperature;

- the patient came to the doctor about his cough.

Упр. 2 - Now I begin to understand it. But unfortunately the sentences got mixed up in my head. I need your help to do the text. Let’s arrange the sentences in the logical order.

(предложения в беспорядке)

  • Послетекстовый этап

T.: Dr Health laughed at this situation very much. Do you find it to be funny? What can you say about this situation?

T.: Have you ever been in such a situation?

IV Введение нового грамматического понятия – Reported Speech T-Cl, T-P1P2

T.: Thank you a lot. It was really funny stories. Now you know what you can tell your friends to make them smile. To say what another person told you you need to use Reported Speech.

T.: Итак, ребята сейчас мы с вами научимся передавать слова других людей, научимся говорить, что сказал другой человек. Для этого мы познакомимся с таким новым грамматическим понятием как косвенная речь.

T.: Для передачи косвенной речи мы используем 2 глагола said и told. После said сразу же идет косвенная речь. После told идет дополнение в форме личного местоимения в косвенном падеже.

T.: Open your books at page 203 and look at the examples on the top of the page.

T.: Важно помнить, что предложения в косвенной речи как правило используются во временной форме Past. Look at the table at page 203. Let’s study the examples.

T.: Итак, по-другому эту схему можно представить следующим образом.



Present Simple

Past Simple

Present Progressive

Past Progressive

Present Perfect

Past Perfect

T.: Давайте еще раз повторим , когда мы используем косвенную речь.


T.: Когда мы используем said, а когда told ?


T.: Let’s try Reported Speech in practice.

  • Упр.1 – имитативное упражнение

T.: Yesterday my friend Bill told me a secret. I’ll share it with Ann. Ann can tell it one of you. The last one will say what Bill told me.

  • Упр. 2 – подстановочное упражнение

T.: It was good. Children, I know that somebody said something. But unfortunately I didn’t hear what exactly. Could you help me. Look at ex. 13 at page 204 and tell me what these people said.

  • Упр. 3 – трансформационное упражнение

T.: Let’s do ex 12 at page 204.

V Заключительный этап урока

  1. Домашнее задание

T.: Thanks a lot. Now you know how to say what you heard from another person. You can retell the dialogue that we read today to your friends. In fact, your homework is to write half a dialogue in reported speech. Please, put it down into your record-books.

  1. Подведение итогов

T.: Well, children, I liked the way you spoke English today. Your marks for the lesson are…. What did we do at the lesson today? What did we learn?

T.: Thanks for your work. The lesson is over. You may be free.


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