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Видео аудирование на уроках английского языка на материале отрывков из художественного фильма 'Стажер'

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Представлена серия заданий ма материале художественного фильма  "Стажер" из авторского курса «Видео аудирование на материале фрагментов из художественных фильмов» для учеников 10-11  классов с углубленным изучением английского языка, который можно использовать как на уроках, так и на факультативных занятиях, в группе и индивидуально. Ссылки на видео размещены в документе. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xclXr1P8NgpVnO31B4tWvyNsuzI_vhwS/view?usp=sharing 

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«Видео аудирование на уроках английского языка на материале отрывков из художественного фильма 'Стажер'»

Talking movies. Video listening course.

Teacher V. Sinitsyna

The Intern.

Ex.1 Discuss the questions below.

  1. Do you know the term “third age people”? Who are these people?

  2. What is the retirement age in our country (both for men and women)?

  3. Are there any limitations that senior citizens face with age? If so, what are they?

  4. What do people usually do in retirement? What is their lifestyle about?

  5. Has the lifestyle of modern pensioners changed compared to the past generations?

  6. Is human life span steadily increasing? Explain why yes or no.

  7. What helps people live longer? What affects our longevity?

Ex.2 Read and discuss the quote from the film. What ideas are behind each of them?

What qualities do these people possess if they say so?

  • “I see retirement as just another of these reinventions, another chance to do new things and be a new version of myself.” Walt Mossberg

  • “Retirement is not in my vocabulary. They aren't going to get rid of me that way.” Betty White

Plot: Ben Whittaker is a 70 year old widower and a retired executive from the phone company. He tries to fill his days of leisure. One day he spots a flier advertising internships for senior citizens. His life can make a new twist. Is he going to take a chance and apply?

Ex.3 Watch the 1st extract, fill the gaps and get ready to discuss questions below.


to have time on your hands – иметь много времени в распоряжении

to play hooky – прогуливать, «сачковать»

to love to pieces – очень сильно любить

out of the corner of my eye – боковым зрением

roll-up-your-sleeves – «закатать рукава», горячо взяться за работу

to be eager to learn – иметь сильное желание учиться

to take a rain check – отложить на потом

Come rain or shine – чтобы ни случилось

novelty – новинка

relentless – неустанный, неослабевающий

pinochle – карточная игра

funeral – похороны

genuine – истинный, подлинный

cover letters – сопроводительное письмо

doll – красавчик

hip – продвинутый

trustworthy – надежный

  • I'm retired, and my wife is dead. As you can imagine, that's given me some time on my _______ (1). And retirement? That is an ongoing, relentless effort in _______ (2). At first, I admit I enjoyed the novelty of it. Sort of felt like I was playing ______ (3). I used all the miles I'd saved and traveled _______ (4). The problem was, no matter where I went, as soon as I got home, the nowhere-to-be thing hit me like a ton of ______ (5). I realized the key to this whole deal was to keep moving.

  • The only traveling I do these days is out to San Diego to visit my _____ (6) and his family. They're great. I love them _______ (7). I just know there's a ______ (8) in my life, and I need to fill it. Soon. I was leaving the market and caught your flyer out of the corner of ________ (9). Applicants must be over _____ (10) years of age, "have ________ (11) skills, "a genuine interest in e-commerce, and a _______ (12) attitude." They bought one of those old ______ (13) in Red Hook. My daughter says they sell _____(14) on the Internet. That could be ______ (14).

  • I could make a little salad, turn it into a ______ (15) for two, like we did that time and never did again. No, no, we gotta do that again, for sure, but okay if we take a ________ (16)?

  • I love the idea of having a place I can go every day. I want the _______ (17), the excitement.

I wanna be challenged, and I guess I might even wanna be ______ (18). Also, I want you to know I've been a ________ (19) man all my life. I'm trustworthy, and I'm good in ______ (20). I feel I may not be ______ (21) enough to live in Brooklyn. I read once, musicians don't retire. They stop when there's no more music in them. Well, I still have music in me, absolutely _______ (22) about that.

Answer the questions below.

  1. What details do we learn about Ben Whittaker?

(Describe his personal fact file: place of residence, job, family, friends etc.)

  1. What lifestyle does he have? What is the motto of his life?

  2. Is he happy and satisfied with his life?

  3. What new challenge has he accepted?

  4. Why does he want to apply?

  5. Do you know what it means to be an intern?

  6. What skills does he outline? Do they make him a successful candidate?

  7. Is Ben a typical senior citizen? Have you met seniors like him?

  8. Do you like the character of Ben Whittaker? Why yes/no?

Ex.4. Try to figure out the meaning of the «idea» idioms from the context

then match the idioms with their meanings. What is the equivalent in your native language?

  1. He hatched the idea together with Matt to sell things on the Internet.

  2. I don’t have the foggiest idea why he called me.

  3. Don't go putting ideas into his head. We can't afford a new car.

  4. Kicking a football up and down a muddy pitch isn’t my idea of fun.

  5. Where did you get hold of the idea I was leaving?

  1. to hatch your ideas or plans

  2. not have the foggiest idea

  3. to put ideas into somebody’s head

  4. not my idea of fun

  5. get hold of the idea

  1. to make someone want to do something they had not thought about before

  2. have no knowledge about something

  3. you do not enjoy an activity that someone else thinks is enjoyable

  4. to start to think that something is true

  5. to generate or develop ideas

Ex. 5 Watch the 2nd part, fill the gaps and get ready to participate in discussion.


back in action – вернуться к работе, снова быть в деле

psyched – на взводе

be assigned to – быть направленным для работы

to float – перемещаться с из отдела в отдел

Hang in there – Держись!

Be prompt! – Поторопись!

You bet! – Еще бы!

No offense! – без обид!

  • Welcome to ATF. We all work on this one floor, and that is because we are all about communication

and _______ (1). No one has a private office, not even our ______ (2) and CEO. That woman does not like to ______ (3).

  • They had one opening for a ______ (4) intern, no offense. I got it. I'm so psyched.

  • She started About The Fit only 18 months ago. This whole idea was ________ (5)

at Jules' kitchen table right here in Brooklyn. Jules tried everything on that she sold, described the fit herself, and apparently, it worked. She was online in _______ (6) months. She started with 25 employees. She's now up to __________ (7).

  • Hey, Ben, are you gonna wear a suit every day? Confidence. I like how you ________ (8).

  • New interns, ______ (9) a seat at one of the intern tables over there. Check your email. You may find that you've been _______ (10) to one particular person or one particular team. Or you might just be a _______ (11).

  • Hi, Ben. I have ________ (12) an appointment for you to meet with Jules Ostin today at 3:55 p.m. Please be _____ (13), as Jules has another meeting at 4:00 p.m.

Answer the questions below.

  1. How has Ben Whittaker prepared for his first working day at ATF?

  2. How many successful interns were invited to work at About The Fit? Describe them.

  3. Why aren’t all of them seniors?

  4. Who is Jules Ostin? What is his image in the company?

  5. How big is ATF? What do they sell?

  6. Describe the office environment. What is their company culture? Communication style?

  7. Would you like to work in such a team?

  8. What assignments have the new interns received?

Ex.6 (A)Watch the 3rd extract, fill the gaps.


tip – совет

dawdle – даром терять время, мешкать

blink – моргать

to weirds somebody out – выводить из себя

give the drill – просветить, рассказать о чем-то (сравни know the drill – быть в курсе дела )

to set an example – показать пример

to grasp – уловить, схватить

transfer – перевод

casual (cas) – свободный стиль одежды

  • Just talk fast. She hates ______ (1) talkers. Don't ______ (2) in any way. Just keep it moving. And don't forget to blink. Blink? Yeah, she hates when people don't _____ (3). It weirds her out.

  • I'm glad you also see the ______ (4) in this. I was gonna say what is a _____ (5) guy like you doing at a place like this? But Cameron gave me the ______(6) . You being assigned to me is kind of just for me to set an _______ (7) for the rest of the team. I think that you'd be much better off working in _______ (8) or marketing. It's a little bit slower pace, maybe a little bit easier to grasp. If you requested a ______ (9), we can make that happen.

  • That's what I gather, but I can _______ (10) with anyone, and I'm here to learn about your _____ (11), give help where I can.

  • I will email you when I have something for you to do. Or I could just ______ (12) a few times a day, check in. Also, don't feel like you have to ______ (13). Well, I'm comfortable in a suit, if it's okay. No, it's fine. Old-school. Exactly. At least I'll ______ (14). I don't think you need a suit to do that.

(B) Outline the phrasal verbs which were used in this extract. What are their meanings?

(C) Discuss the questions.

  1. What tips has the secretary/personal assistant given to Ben?

  2. Has he followed the secretary’s advice? Was it helpful?

  3. How did the meeting go? Was the meeting successful for Ben?

  4. Was Jules Ostin satisfied with the meeting? Is she happy to have the intern?

  5. What does “Old school” mean?

  6. Do you think Ben and Jules will get on well?

  7. Do you think Ben will fit in? What can Benjamin give to the team?

Ex. 7 Work on words you may find unknown.

force of habit – сила привычки

CEO (chief executive officer) – генеральный директор

VP (vice president) – вице-президент

apparently – очевидно

legit – законный

diversion – разнообразие

to brown-nose – заискивать, подхалимничать

Ex. 8 (A) Who do you think could quote Mark Twain in the film? Tick the right name.

“You are never wrong to do the right thing” Mark Twain

  1. Ben Whittaker b) Jules Ostin

Now watch the 4th extract, fill the gaps and check your guess.


  • I noticed a couple hours ago, you had a _______ (1) with another possible CEO.

I saw him arrive. How'd that go? It was going well until he called us... I believe the term he used was a "________ (2)." How is this not legit? Sexism in business?

  • What did you do for work, Ben, before you ________ (3)? I was a VP for Dex One.

I was in charge of _____ (4). Wasn't this a factory that used to make phonebooks? This is where you worked? For almost _____ (5) years. That was my office. Our _________ (6) were in that corner. Well, it feels like home. It's _______ (7), but home.

  • I'm not trying to _____ (8) you, but I've been in business a long time and I've never run across anyone quite like you. You do _____ (9), Jules. I just knew, at the end of the day, that a woman with a glass of wine and a laptop had real shopping ______ (10).

  • This was great, Jules. Yeah. It was nice to have an _____ (11) conversation with an adult man, you know what I mean?

(B) Check your memory of the 4th extract. Read the words, who do they belong to?

a) Ben Whittaker b) Jules Ostin

  1. I know everything about this building.

  2. Well, the force of habit.

  3. So you're on Facebook, huh?

  4. Apparently, selling clothes makes us a "chick site."

  5. Crazy about Harry Potter

  6. Well, you can be my friend me.

  7. I have another hour of work

  8. You know the sycamores on the other side of the building?

  9. Before that I ran sales and advertising.

  10. Big jobs

(C) Answer the questions below.

1) What new facts do we learn about Ben?

2) Why do you think Jules shared this late dinner with Ben?

3) What did Jules mean when she said “adult conversation”?

4) What effect will this adult conversation have on their relationship?

5) Do Ben and Jules have a lot in common?


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