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Видео аудирование на уроке английского языка на материале фрагментов фильма "Под солнцем Таскании"

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Представлена серия заданий ма материале художественного фильма  "Под солнцем Таскании" из авторского курса «Видео аудирование на материале фрагментов из художественных фильмов» для учеников 10-11  классов с углубленным изучением английского языка, который можно использовать как на уроках, так и на факультативных занятиях, в группе и индивидуально. Ссылки на видео  документе. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PIe5mrCQD00ZvLfKi3BzRWdPUjJcoKXT/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=109344785971960332436&rtpof=true&sd=true 

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«Видео аудирование на уроке английского языка на материале фрагментов фильма "Под солнцем Таскании"»

Talking movies. Video listening course.

Teacher V. Sinitsyna

UNIT 1 Under the Tuscan Sun (buying a house)

Ex. 1 Look at the photo below, describe it.

What do you expect to see in the film? Where is Tuscany?

Ex.2 Work on the words you may find unknown.


к сожалению



to bid














Ex.3 Watch the 1st part of the video and answer the questions.

  1. What country do the events take place in? Give the arguments.

  2. Who is the main character? Give the description.

  3. Where does she come from? What is the main point of the episode?

  4. Who/ what are other characters?

  5. What helps the Germans, the Italians and the American woman

easily understand each other?

  1. What is the main point for the countess in selling her house?

  2. Describe the house. How does it look like?

How do you personally find it? Who eventually buys this house?

Ex.4. Work on the words you may find unknown. Find matches.

  1. to plow

  1. представить

  1. buyer’s remorse

  1. выбрать

  1. common affliction

  1. издание (зд.)

  1. quirks

  1. угрызение совести покупателя

  1. to inherit

  1. скутер

  1. to introduce

  1. унаследовать

  1. issue

  1. желание плакать

  1. assorted tenants

  1. способ победить/преодолеть

  1. to pick

  1. особенности, причуды

  1. trick to overcome

  1. разные жильцы

  1. urge to weep

  2. Vespa

  1. обычное /распространённое огорченье

  2. вспахивать

Ex.5 Watch the 2nd part of the video and answer the questions.

  1. Where does the scene take place? What has she inherited?

  2. How did the house “introduce” itself to a new owner?

  3. How do you think she would live here?

  4. Is that a risk to buy a house in a foreign country?

  5. Why did Frances say she couldn’t go back to San Francisco?

  6. Would you like to buy a house abroad? Where could it be?

Ex.6 (a) Complete the sentences with the prepositions where necessary.

1. The house is _____ sale. 2. They want it. They agreed ______the price. 3. There has been a change ______the price. 4. Are you bidding ______ us? 5. Since there is so much interest _____the house, the price is now double.6. A lot of us feel really badly______ that. 7. This is what I get ______ my house ______ dollars.8. The countess’s family have lived here ___ generations. 9. We’ll take care _____ the rest later. 10. I’ll have to take their word _____that. 11. Just like that, _______I fill ______ the forms!?

(b) Use the right words and word combinations to complete the sentences.


to transfer

to inherit



to introduce х2






to pick

1. Money is not the only ____________.

2. First we open the _____________.Then you _____________the money.

3. There is the _________description.

4. Everyone knows old houses have their ____________.

5. I ___________10 000 empty wine bottles, one ________, every _______ of “La Natione” printed in 1958, a sort of previous _________.

6._____________one room and make it yours.

7. Go slowly through the house, be ____________, ______________yourself, so it can ______________itself to you.

Ex. 7 Consider the quote below, explain the ideas behind them, do you agree with the words.

  • “Let's forget the baggage of the past and make a new beginning.” Shehbaz Sharif

  • “We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” Walt Disney

  • “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” Marcel Proust

  • “With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.” Eleanor Roosevelt


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