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Видео разработка по теме "Food"

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«Видео разработка по теме "Food"»

Cookie Recipe

Hello, and welcome to Kim’s Kitchen.

Today, I’m going to show you a simple recipe for 1 ___________.

Let’s start with the 2___________. You will need three cups of 3_________, one and a half teaspoons of 4 _________, eight ounces of 5________, one and a half cups of 6 __________, and one 7____________.

First, mix the 8__________and baking 9________ in a bowl.

Then, in another bowl, mix the10_________ and 11________. Next, add the 12________and blend in the 13_________ from the fist bowl.

Finally, use a 14___________ spoon to put balls of the cookie 15________ onto a baking tray, and bake in the oven for 16______ minutes.

Allow the cookies to 17________ for a few minutes – but don’t eat them all at once!

Everyday English for ESL 5 — Cookie Recipe - YouTube

Pizza Recipe

We need 800g of 1_________and 200 g of semolina (манная крупа), some dry yeast ( дрожжи) and we need 650 ml of luke-warm 2________. We’ll need 4 tbsp of 3_______ and a tablespoon of 4_____ and a tablespoon of sea 5______. Sieve (сито, просеивать). Ben is sieving the flour onto the bench. Make a well (углубление) in the middle. In a jug, mix the 6_______, yeast, 7________ and 8_______. Pour the liquid into the well. Use a 9______ to gradually bring the flour into the well. Keep mixing. Bring more flour in each time. Dust your hand with flour. Use your hands to combine the rest of the mixture. Knead (месить) until the 10_______ is smooth and springy. Place the 11_____ inside a large flour – dusted bowl. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth and leave it in a warm 12______ for an hour. Check the dough. It should have 13________in size. Dust the bench with 14__________. Take the dough out of the 15________ and place it on the bench. Gently knead the dough again, to push the air out of it. Take a small amount of dough and 16______ it out with a rolling pin. Put the 17______ base on a tray. Put your favourite 18_________ on the pizza base. Put your pizza in the 19______. Share your delicious pizza with 20____

Learn English | Follow Instructions | We Make Pizza! - YouTube


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