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Великолепная Ирландия

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«Великолепная Ирландия»

Republic of Ireland

Republic of Ireland

Independence of the Republic of Ireland of the British Commonwealth was proclaimed in 1949.

Independence of the Republic of Ireland of the British Commonwealth

was proclaimed in 1949.

Ireland consists their 4 historical provinces divided into 26 counties.   Coat of arms and flag

Ireland consists their 4 historical provinces divided into 26 counties.

Coat of arms and flag

The capital of Ireland is the city of Dublin.

The capital of Ireland is the city of Dublin.

One of the important national holidays is day of Sacred Patrick, he is marked out March 17.

One of the important

national holidays is

day of Sacred Patrick,

he is marked out

March 17.

The territory of Ireland consists of plains and the woods therefore it call

The territory of Ireland consists

of plains and the woods

therefore it call "The emerald city".

In Ireland there are archaeological monuments of burials:  Newgrange, Naut and Daut.

In Ireland there are archaeological monuments of burials: Newgrange, Naut and Daut.

Ireland is most known in the world  for the peculiar Irish dance.

Ireland is most known in the world for the peculiar Irish dance.

Thanks for attention!

Thanks for attention!


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