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Викторина "Happy New Year and Merry Christmas"

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Викторина- КВН

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«Викторина "Happy New Year and Merry Christmas"»

Тема: “Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!”

  • Выбираются один-два ведущих из числа учащихся

  • Учащиеся разбиваются на две команды, выбираются капитаны команд и придумываются названия и девизы команд

- Hello everybody! Today we are going to take part in a game of the most quick-witted and cleverest. The topic of our today’s game is “Happy New Year and Merry Christmas”. Do you know about these holidays?

- Very good, I see that you know many things about these holidays, but today you are going to learn even more about them. Are you ready to start?

- Who wants to be a host?

- Now let’s divide into two teams. Please, choose the captain of the team, its name and its motto. Don’t say it aloud until I ask for it.

Учитель делит доску на две половины для записи очков.

- Here the host/hosts will write the points of the teams. Captains, come to the blackboard and write the name of your team at the top. The team… what is your motto?

- Thank you, take a seat please. The game has 5 contests. For each contest you will get points. The team that earns more points will become the winner of the game. Let’s start our game!

  • Капитан каждой команды выбирает по одному конверту с буквами. Задача команды: составить из букв в конверте наибольшее количество слов.

1 конверт: буквы из фразы happy new year


  • Anne

  • any

  • anyway

  • anywhen

  • anywhere

  • ape

  • app

  • appear

  • arena

  • ear

  • era

  • ewe

  • eye

  • happen

  • happy

  • hare

  • new

  • year

2 конверт: merry christmas


  • actress

  • aim

  • air

  • America

  • arc

  • area

  • arm

  • army

  • cream

  • yet

  • yes

  • test

  • tea

  • came

  • mass

  • sister

Ведущий (читает с листа): - In the first contest called “Spelling bee” you should make up as many words from the given letters as you can. Your captains will choose an envelope with letters for you. Don’t show the letters you got to your competitors and don’t let them hear or see the words you made because they maybe have gotten an envelope with the same letters. If you show your letters or let your competitors hear or see your words, you will lose points, remember about it. Once you get the envelope you have 3 minutes to make up the words. For each word you get one point.

Уч.: - How many points does this team get? Write on the blackboard, please.

  • На доске прямоугольник из 24 карточек с заданиями. Учащиеся поочередно выходят к доске, выбирают карточку и выполняют задание, написанное на её обороте.

Ведущий (читает с листа): - Now we come to the 2nd contest. Do you know what a Christmas calendar or an Advent calendar is? An Advent calendar is a special calendar used to count the days before Christmas. It usually has 24 sections (because it is given 24 days before Catholic Christmas) and there is a small gift behind each section. Now have a look at our Advent calendar, it has 24 sections too. Each team will have a chance to open a few sections.

Уч: - Choose any number please and complete the task on the card. You get one point for each task. The team can help its member. Come to the blackboard please!

Задания на карточках:

Say or sing the English alphabet

Name 5 colors

Name 5 sorts of fruits

Say or sing the days of the week

Name 5 things you know about Britain

Say or sing the numbers from 1 to 10

Name 5 sorts of vegetables

Name an old man who give presents to children at Christmas

Name 5 sports

Name 5 things you can decorate the Christmas tree with

Name 5 things you like to eat

Name 5 things you can see at school

Name 5 things you can see at home

Name 5 things you like about Christmas

At what time can we usually see fireworks at Christmas?

When do Russians celebrate Christmas?

Say what time is it?

How are you going to celebrate this New Year?

Name 5 gifts you would like to get at Christmas

How did you celebrate the last New Year

Name 3 green things in the room

Name 3 round things in the room

Name 3 things in the room you could decorate a Christmas tree with

Name 3 countries you would like to visit at Christmas and why

Уч.: - How many points does this team get? Write on the blackboard, please.

  • Учащиеся должны догадаться о значениях написанных на карточках пословиц и поговорок о зиме и зимних праздниках.

Ведущий (читает с листа): - Our next contest is called “Proverbs and sayings”. Do you know that Englishmen love Christmas days no less than we do? So they make up a lot of proverbs about winter holidays. Now each team will get a list of proverbs about winter and winter holidays. You should guess what they mean. You have 3 minutes at your disposal. You will get a point for each correct guess.


  • Jack Frost nipping at your nose (Джек Фрост кусает за нос)

  • Blanket of snow (Снежное покрывало)

  • Snowed in (Завалило снегом/Сугробы по колено)

  • Brace (prepare) yourself, winter is coming! (Готовьтесь, зима приближается!)

  • Break the ice (Сделать первый шаг)

  • Cold hands, warm heart (Холодный снаружи, тёплый внутри)


  • on New Year's Eve (в канун Нового года)

  • Walking on thin ice (Ходить по тонкому льду)

  • a new start for old habits (новое начало для старых привычек)

  • Christmas comes but once a year, but when it comes it brings good cheer (Рождество раз в год бывает, но когда оно приходит — с собой веселье приносит)

  • White Christmas (Снежное Рождество)

  • The closer to Christmas, the gooder kids get (Чем ближе Рождество, тем послушнее дети)

Уч.: - How many points does this team get? Write on the blackboard, please.

  • Учащиеся слушают рождественскую песню «The twelve days of Christmas», заполняя пропуски в тексте песни.

On the (first) day of Christmas my true love sent to me

Twelve lords leaping, Eleven ladies dancing, Ten pipers piping

Nine drummers drumming, Eight maids milking, Seven swans swimming

Six geese laying, Five gold rings

Four calling birds, Three french hens, Two turtle doves

And a partridge in a pear tree

(this is Frank's version)

On the (first) day of Christmas, we gave our loving dad (my children gave to me)

Twelve dozen kisses, Eleven jars of jelly, Ten silken (linen) hankies

Nine games of scrabble, Eight pairs of cufflinks, Seven books of fiction

Six woolen nightshirts, Five ivory combs

Four meerschaum pipes, Three golf clubs, Two silken scarfs

And a most lovely lavender tie

Ведущий: - Now it’s time for a little break. Here’s a text of a song but there are some missing words. It’s a very traditional Christmas song sang by a famous American singer Frank Sinatra together with his children. You should listen attentively and fill the gaps. The team that fills in more gaps than the other gets 5 points. This song is called “The twelve days of Christmas”, let’s listen to this!

Учитель включает аудиозапись.

Уч.: - Host, don’t forget to write the points on the blackboard, please.

  • Крестики-нолики. Капитаны команд выходят к доске. Команда соперников дает капитану три слова, из которых он должен составить предложение. Тогда он может делать ход.

Ведущий: - The 4th contest is the game “Xs and Os”. I’m sure you all are familiar with this game. But we’re going to make it a little bit harder. This round a team relies on its captain. One team give the captain of the other 3 words, the captain should make up a sentence using them. If he does it, he can make a move. Remember, words should be on our topic – winter or winter holidays. A team that cannot make up words on the topic skips a move. The winning team gets 5 points.

  • Учащиеся выбирают правильный ответ из предложенных на вопрос викторины

Ведущий: - The last contest for today is the “Santa Claus Quiz”. Listen to the questions and choose a correct answer. Each answer costs a point, so be quick and clever!

  • Подведение итогов

Уч.: - Well done! Let's say thank you to our host and count the points. How many points does the team… get? How many points does the team… get? And the winner is…! Congratulations!

ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ (раздаточный материал)

* листы с заданиями ведущим

* конверты с буквами (4)

* 24 карточки с заданиями

* 2 карточки с пословицами и поговорками

* 2 листа с песней с пропусками и переводом


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