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Викторина по английскому языку "Эрудит"

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Викторина "Эрудит"

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«Викторина по английскому языку "Эрудит"»

Викторина «Эрудит» (Блиц вопросы)

Викторина «Эрудит» (Блиц вопросы)

1.На какой реке стоит Лондон?
  • 1.На какой реке стоит Лондон?
2.Кто является главой государства в Великобритании?
  • 2.Кто является главой государства в Великобритании?
3.Какой город в США называют «Big Apple?» Бостон Нью-Йорк Вашингтон
  • 3.Какой город в США называют «Big Apple?»
  • Бостон
  • Нью-Йорк
  • Вашингтон
4.Денежная единица Великобритании
  • 4.Денежная единица Великобритании
5. Исключите лишний праздник: - Christmas - Independence Day - Teacher’s Day -Memorial Day - New Year’s Day
  • 5. Исключите лишний праздник:
  • - Christmas
  • - Independence Day
  • - Teacher’s Day
  • -Memorial Day
  • - New Year’s Day
6. Какое слово лишнее и почему? -Beans -Beets -Lemon -Mushroom -Peas
  • 6. Какое слово лишнее и почему?
  • -Beans
  • -Beets
  • -Lemon
  • -Mushroom
  • -Peas
7. Исключите слово: Coat Jeans Umbrella Suit Skirt
  • 7. Исключите слово:
  • Coat
  • Jeans
  • Umbrella
  • Suit
  • Skirt
8. What weather is very usual in Great Britain? a) rainy B) sunny C) snowy
  • 8. What weather is very usual in Great Britain?
  • a) rainy
  • B) sunny
  • C) snowy
9. What is the oldest British monument? A)Stonehenge B) The Tower of London C) Big Ben
  • 9. What is the oldest British monument?
  • A)Stonehenge
  • B) The Tower of London
  • C) Big Ben
10. What is a “double-decker”?
  • 10. What is a “double-decker”?
11. What is the main square in London?
  • 11. What is the main square in London?
 12. Name 6 cartoon characters  -Name 6 English writers  -Name 6 sort of fruit  -Name 6 sort of vegetables  -Name 6 animals  -Name 6 sports  - Name 6 English songs
  • 12. Name 6 cartoon characters
  • -Name 6 English writers
  • -Name 6 sort of fruit
  • -Name 6 sort of vegetables
  • -Name 6 animals
  • -Name 6 sports
  • - Name 6 English songs
 -Name 6 English-speaking countries  -Name 6 professions  - Name 6 colours  - Name 6 English names  - Name 6 London sights
  • -Name 6 English-speaking countries
  • -Name 6 professions
  • - Name 6 colours
  • - Name 6 English names
  • - Name 6 London sights
13. The English flag is … a) blue and white b) red and blue c) red and white
  • 13. The English flag is …
  • a) blue and white
  • b) red and blue
  • c) red and white
14. Quiz-leader: One more contest. It is called “Inventions and discoveries” You should answer my questions. The team which answers first and correctly wins.  1. Who discovered America?  2. Who created Donald Duck?  3. Who was the first man in space?  4. Who invented the telephone?  5.Who invented the traffic lights?  6.Who made safety razors?  7.Who opened the first McDonald’s restaurant?  8.Who made the first successful flight?
  • 14. Quiz-leader: One more contest. It is called “Inventions and discoveries” You should answer my questions. The team which answers first and correctly wins.
  • 1. Who discovered America?
  • 2. Who created Donald Duck?

3. Who was the first man in space?

  • 4. Who invented the telephone?
  • 5.Who invented the traffic lights?
  • 6.Who made safety razors?
  • 7.Who opened the first McDonald’s restaurant?
  • 8.Who made the first successful flight?
16. -What is the national emblem of England? -What is the official residence of Queen Elizabeth II?- -Where can you see wax figures of many famous people? -What is the biggest tower clock in the world?
  • 16.
  • -What is the national emblem of England?
  • -What is the official residence of Queen Elizabeth II?-
  • -Where can you see wax figures of many famous people?
  • -What is the biggest tower clock in the world?
-What is the oldest university in Great Britain? – -What is the capital of the USA? . -What is the national sport in America? -What is the longest river in the USA? -What is the official national symbol of the USA? -What is the official language of Australia?

-What is the oldest university in Great Britain? –

-What is the capital of the USA? .

-What is the national sport in America?

-What is the longest river in the USA?

-What is the official national symbol of the USA?

-What is the official language of Australia?

17.Let us see how well you know English and American literature. 1. The literary father of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn? 2. The author of “Robinson Crusoe”? 3. The author of stories about Sherlock Holmes?
  • 17.Let us see how well you know English and American literature.
  • 1. The literary father of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn?
  • 2. The author of “Robinson Crusoe”?
  • 3. The author of stories about Sherlock Holmes?
4. The creator of Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Snowhite and 7 dwarfs ? 5. A famous English playwright and poet, the author of “Romeo and Juliet”, “Hamlet”, “Othello”?
  • 4. The creator of Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Snowhite and 7 dwarfs ?
  • 5. A famous English playwright and poet, the author of “Romeo and Juliet”, “Hamlet”, “Othello”?
18.О каком празднике идёт речь? 1 On this holiday people send presents, flowers and greeting cards to their sweethearts, lovers, husbands and wives. . 2. This religious holiday marks the day when Jesus Christ rose from the dead. It is celebrated in March or in April. 3. On this national American holiday (in November) people thank God for good harvest and eat roast turkey, pumpkin and plum pudding.
  • 18.О каком празднике идёт речь?
  • 1 On this holiday people send presents, flowers and greeting cards to their sweethearts, lovers, husbands and wives. .
  • 2. This religious holiday marks the day when Jesus Christ rose from the dead. It is celebrated in March or in April.
  • 3. On this national American holiday (in November) people thank God for good harvest and eat roast turkey, pumpkin and plum pudding.
4. On this holiday children put on strange masks, dress up as ghosts and witches and cry “Trick or Treat”. 5. On this day in April people play tricks and jokes on their friends and relatives. 6. What is the most popular holiday in Great Britain and the USA?
  • 4. On this holiday children put on strange masks, dress up as ghosts and witches and cry “Trick or Treat”.
  • 5. On this day in April people play tricks and jokes on their friends and relatives.
  • 6. What is the most popular holiday in Great Britain and the USA?
19.Угадайте пословицы ! 1.A wolf in sheep’s clothing . 2.Live and learn 3.It’s never too late to learn 4.No new – is a good new
  • 19.Угадайте пословицы !

1.A wolf in sheep’s clothing .

2.Live and learn

3.It’s never too late to learn

4.No new – is a good new


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