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Викторина по страноведению "Знаешь ли ты США?"

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«Викторина по страноведению "Знаешь ли ты США?"»

The United States of America

The United States of America

What is the capital of the USA?  New York Washington DC Los Angeles Chicago

What is the capital of the USA? 

  • New York
  • Washington DC
  • Los Angeles
  • Chicago
The Coat-of arms It represents an eagle with a bundle  of rods – the symbol of administering – in the left claw and an olive twig – the symbol of love – in the right claw. The motto is “One out of many”.

The Coat-of arms

It represents an eagle with a bundle of rods – the symbol of administering – in the left claw and an olive twig – the symbol of love – in the right claw.

The motto is “One out of many”.

What currency is used in the USA?  Euro Pound Ruble Dollar

What currency is used in the USA? 

  • Euro
  • Pound
  • Ruble
  • Dollar
What (Who) is depicted on the US currency? Cities Presidents Animals Flowers

What (Who) is depicted on the US currency?

  • Cities
  • Presidents
  • Animals
  • Flowers
Who was the first President of the USA ?   Abraham Lincoln George Washington John Kennedy Walt Disney

Who was the first President of the USA ?

  • Abraham Lincoln
  • George Washington
  • John Kennedy
  • Walt Disney
How many stars are there on the US flag?  25 37 48 50

How many stars are there on the US flag? 

  • 25
  • 37
  • 48
  • 50
How many stripes are there on the US flag?  10 11 12 13

How many stripes are there on the US flag? 

  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
The flag of the USA The flag of the USA has 13 red and white stripes representing the original 13 states and 50 stars — for each of the 50 states of the country. Each state has its national motto, bird and flower as its symbol.

The flag of the USA

The flag of the USA has 13 red and white stripes representing the original 13 states and 50 stars — for each of the 50 states of the country. Each state has its national motto, bird and flower as its symbol.


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