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Внеклассное мероприятие для начальной школы «merry may».

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«Внеклассное мероприятие для начальной школы «merry may».»

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия для начальной школы


Проведенного учителем английского языка Снегур Е.В.


Праздник начинается с декламации стихотворения «MERRY MAY»одним из учащихся.

Ведущая приветствует гостей и передает слово самым маленьким участникам праздника:

“Good morning, dear boys and girls, parents and teachers! We are happy to see you and we hope you’ll enjoy our party “Merry may”.

Now I want to see if all the letters of the alphabet are here. Do you know English letters well? Listen, please!

Учащиеся 2-ого класса выходят с буквами в виде корон и с игрушками рассказывают стихи об алфавите. По ходу выступления на экране высвечиваются слайды, представляющие каждую букву.

Letter A: A is for Apples and Apple-trees

You can see Apples on Apple-trees.

Letter B: B is for Books and for Bookcase.

I have many books in my bookcase.

Letter C: C is for Cat. My cat is grey,

And with me it likes to play.

Letter D: D is for Dog and for Doggy.

I have a dog, not a doggy.

Letter E: E is for Eight and for Eleven.

How much is eight and eleven?

Letter F: F is for Flowers: red and blue,

White and yellow and rosy, too.

Letter G: G is for Girl, and also for Garden.

I see a girl going to the garden.

Letter H: H is for Hand. I have two hands.

This is the way I clap my hands.

Letter I: I is for I. I am a boy. I am eight.

I like to play with my sister Kate.

Letter J: J is for Jam. This is apple jam.

Jimmy likes it and so does Sam.

Letter K: K is for Kite. Kate has a kite.

It is little, and it is white.

Letter L: L is for Letter. This letter is for me.

It is from my sister, as you can see.

Letter M: M is for May and for May Day.

For March and for Mother’s Day.

Letter N: N is for Nine, Ninety and Ninety-nine.

Children, how much is ninety and nine?

Letter O: O is for One. One and two is three.

Three little cats are in a tree.

Letter P: P is for Pencils. With them I can draw.

A red pen, a green tree or a blue door.

Letter Q: Q is for Questions: How are you?

How old are you? And how do you do?

Letter R: R is for Red. Many things are red.

What can be red? Do you know Fred?

Letter S: S is for Street. This is my street.

There are a lot of trees in my street.

Letter T: T is for Tick and for Tock.

“Tick-tock”, says the clock.

Letter U: U is for Under and not for At.

“I am under the tree”, says Pat.

Letter V: V is in Five and also in Seven,

It is in Twelve and Eleven.

Letter W: W is for Winter when it is cold.

But I like winter and I like cold.

Letter Y: Y is for Yard where children play.

They play in the yard every day.

Letter Z: Z is for Zoo. Let’s go to the Zoo.

I like to go to the Zoo. And you?

Letter W: We can read,

We can write,

We can speak English, too.

We love learning English!

And what about you?

Ведущая: “Now let’s sing The ABC song!” (Исполняется песня).

Ведущая: “Well done! And do you know animals? Name as many animals as you know.

Зрители в зале называют животных.

Now please meet animals!


CHARACTERS: Fish, Dog, Cat, Bird.

All: We are pets (СЛАЙД 1)

And we’re here to say

That we must be cared for

In a special way.

Fish: I am a fish. (СЛАЙД 2)

I need a clean bowl, fresh water,

Fish food, and lots of love.

Bird: I am a bird. (СЛАЙД 3)

I need a clean cage, fresh water,

Bird food and lots of love.

Cat: I am a cat. (СЛАЙД 4)

I need a soft bed, fresh water, cat food,

Gentle petting and lots of love.

Dog: I am a dog. (СЛАЙД 5)

I need a soft bed, fresh water, dog food,

Long walks, big hugs, and lots of love.

All: So if you want a pet, (СЛАЙД 6)

Remember what we say.

We need lots of love

Each and every day!


Ученик 1: Green frog, green frog, (СЛАЙД 7)

Where do you live?

I live in the forest,

I live in the Zoo.

And what about you?

Ученик 2: A cat went to town to buy a hat. (СЛАЙД 8)

What a cat with a hat, a hat for a hat?

Who ever saw a cat with a hat?

Ученик 3: A dog went to town to buy a frog. (СЛАЙД 9)

What a dog with a frog, a frog for a dog?

Who ever saw a dog with a frog?

Ученик 4: A fox went to town to buy a box. (СЛАЙД 10)

What a fox with a box, a box for a fox?

Who ever saw a fox with a box?

Ученик 5: A pig went to town to buy a stick. (СЛАЙД 11)

What a pig with a sick, a stick for a pig?

Who ever saw a pig with a stick?

Ученик 6: Little Marry has a pig

Not very little and not very big,

Not very green and not very pink,

Not very dirty and not very clean.

Ученик 7: This is a kitten,

This is a cat.

The kitten is fluffy,

The cat is fat.

Ученик 8: Dogs like bones,

Cats like mice.

Bones are tasty,

Mice are nice.

Ученик 9: Cocks have a clear, clear voice,

But Granny says, they make so much noise.

Ученик10: Sheep are nice and soft, and curly.

They like grass and get up early.

Ученик11: My dog can jump,

My dog can run.

We can do it together

We have lots of fun.

My dog can swim,

My dog can play.

We do it together

In a sunny, warm day.

Ученик12: Caterpillar walks and walks.

Caterpillar asks the frogs:

“Oh, shall I be a butterfly,

Shall I be pretty,

And shall I soon fly?”


CHARACTERS: author, mouse, frog, hare, wolf, fox, bear.

A: There stood a small wooden house in the open field. A mouse ran by.

M: little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?

A: nobody answered. The mouse went into the house and began to live there. A frog hopped by.

F: little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?

M: I am a mouse and who are you?

F: I am a frog. Let’s live together.

A: a hare ran by. He saw the house and asked

H: little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?

M: I am a mouse.

F: I am a frog and who are you?

H: I am a hare.

A: The hare jumped into the house and all of them began living together.

Then there came a fox. She knocked on the window/

F: Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?

M: I am a mouse.

F: I am a frog.

H: I am a hare and who are you?

F: and I am a fox.

A: the fox climbed into the house too. A wolf ran by

W: little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?

M: I am a mouse.

F: I am a frog.

H: I am a hare.

F: I am a fox and who are you?

W: I am a wolf.

A: the wolf climbed into the house and they all started living together. A bear walked by. He saw the house and roared.

B: little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?

M: I am a mouse.

F: I am a frog.

H: I am a hare.

F: I am a fox.

W: I am a wolf and who are you

B: And I am a bear.

A: The bear started climbing onto the roof and crushed the whole house!

All of the scared animals ran away in different directions.

Ведущая: “Well done! And do you know colors? Name as many colors as you know.

Now please meet colors!


Учащийся 1: Take a little bit of yellow

And a little bit of red,

Put it in the bowl

And what have you got instead?

We’ve got a color we’ve never had before.

What have we got? We’ve got orange!

Учащийся 2: We can mix lots of colors

All the colors you’ve ever seen.

We can mix lots of colors

Yellow and red make orange,

And yellow and blue make green.

Ведущая: Very well! Now please meet flowers!

Выходят учащиеся 4-ых классов с выступлением FLOWER CARNIVAL”.

(Выступление можно сопровождать показом слайдов с названием и изображением цветов)


Elf, Spring, Summer, Queen of Flowers, Months: March, April, May, June, July, August, Flowers.

На сцену выходит эльф.

Elf: Hello! Hello! Welcome to our Flower Carnival! I am Elf. I have come from a spring forest. Spring is beautiful. Look! Here she is!

Звучит музыка П.И. Чайковского «Времена года. Весна». Выходит девочка в костюме весны и три мальчика – весенние месяцы.

Spring: I am Spring. When I come, green leaves and flowers begin to grow.

This is the season when snowdrops bloom,

When nobody likes to stay in the room.

This is the season when birds make their nests,

This is the season we all like best.

Spring is dancing through the wood

In a lovely dress and hood.

I am here with my spring months.

March: I am March. In the spring, in the spring

Sweet and fresh is everything.

April: I am April.

I like the sun, I like the spring

I like the birds that twitter and sing

May: When it is May

We all happy and gay.

The trees are green,

Blue skies are seen,

Winter days are far away

The world looks new and gay.

Elf: Spring is here! Spring is here!

Flowers are coming, too.

Snowdrops, violets, daffodils

Now are coming through.

Let’s invite the Queen of Flowers!

Звучит вальс П.И.Чайковского, выходит Королева цветов.

Queen: Good morning children! I am glad to see you.

I like flowers that are bright,

I like flowers that are white.

I like flowers with a smell,

I treat flowers very well.

Уходят Эльф и весенние месяцы, на сцену выходят девочки в костюмах весенних цветов.

Queen: My dear flowers! Who is coming first?

Snowdrop: I am first. My name is Snowdrop. I come when the snow is on the ground.

I am white. I am pretty.

Pretty little snowdrops,

Growing through the snow.

We are the first to come.

Don’t you know?

Crocus: My name is Crocus. I come next. I am yellow.

Spring is coming.

So you are told

By a crocus,

Dressed in gold.

Primrose: I am Primrose. We are pink, white, blue and yellow.

Spring is here.

So you can guess

By the primroses

Beautiful dress.

Mimosa: I am Mimosa. My little yellow and orange flower are like soft fluffy chickens.

Mimosa is the symbol

Of the eighth of March.

All girls and women

Like it very much.

Violets: I am Violet. I don’t like snow. I like warm days. My dress is violet-colored.

Deep in the woods a song I hear

A bird is singing, “Spring is here!”

Then at your feet a violet blue.

“I am singing and blooming for you!”

Daffodil: I come next. My name is Daffodil. I am white like snow and yellow like sun.

Once while walking in the hills

I saw some golden daffodils.

Beside the lake, beneath the trees

Dancing, dancing in the breeze.

Edelweiss: I am Edelweiss. It is very difficult to find me. I grow only high in the mountains.

Jasmine: My name is Jasmine. I am from the East. My flowers are white. They smell so sweet!

Жасмин танцует восточный танец.

Spring: Spring brings the sunshine,

Spring brings the rain.

The plants are awaken

And flowers grow again.

Spring makes the world a happy place

You see a smile on every face.

Flowers come out and birds arrive,

Oh, isn’t it great to be alive?!

Lily of the Valley: I am Lily of the Valley. My little bells are white and smell better than any


My name is Lily of the Valley.

I wave in sweet spring air,

Each of my bells is white and dainty.

I am so fresh and fair.

Tulip: I am also a spring flower. My name is Tulip.

Colorful tulips are so bright.

Red and yellow, purple and white.

Pansy: I am a pansy. My Russian name is very interesting and nice – Анютины глазки. Pansy

dresses are colorful: yellow, white, blue, purple, pink. I am beautiful.

Little pansies are so nice

They look in the daylight

Like shiny girls’ eyes.

Приходит Эльф.

Elf: Dear Spring! I am afraid it is time for you to go away. Summer is coming! Good-bye,


Spring: Good-bye! See you next year.

Весна и цветы уходят.

Elf: Dear summer! You are welcome!

Звучит вальс. На сцену выходит лето и летние месяцы.

Summer: Good morning! Glad to see you! I am Summer. The summer sun shines hot and high.

Baby birds now learn to fly.

Pretty flowers and tasty fruit

All the things that are so good.

I have come with my summer months.

June: June brings tulips, lilies, roses,

Fills the children’s hands with posies.

July: Hot July brings apples and cherries,

And a lot of other berries.

August: August brings us golden corn,

Then the harvest home is born.

June: Come, my children, come away

For the sun shines bright today.

Little children, come with me

Birds and trees and flowers to see!

July: Get your hats and come away,

For it is a pleasant day.

August: Let us make a merry ring,

Talk and laugh, and dance and sing!

Quickly, quickly come away,

For it is pleasant day!

Уходят летние месяцы и Эльф. Звучит «Вальс цветов» и выходят летние цветы.

Summer: Here are my summer flowers/

Bluebell: My name is Bluebell. My dress is like a little bell.

“Summer is coming!” bluebells are singing.

“Summer is coming!”they are ringing and ringing.

Daisy: I am a daisy. You can see me everywhere:

In the garden, in the field, in the forest.

Daisies are growing everywhere.

Daisies are here and daisies are there.

Cornflower: My name is Cornflower. I grow in the field. I am as blue as the sky.

The cornflowers in the field are so blue.

You really like them, don’t you?

Poppy: I am Poppy. I am orange and red.

High on a sunny flower bed

A scarlet poppy stood.

And up it held its pretty head,

And he was so good!

Lily: My name is Lily. We are of different colors. We can grow even in the river.

The lilies are colorful.

Aren’t they wonderful?!

Peony: My name is Peony. My smell is very sweet. I bloom only in summer.

Wonderful peonies are red, pink and white.

The garden becomes very charming and bright.

Rose: My name is Rose. Everybody knows and likes me.

A fresh half open rose

Is very beautiful everyone knows.

And what makes the rose lovely?

The sun I suppose.

Sunflower: My name is Sunflower. I am a very big flower. I always look at the sun. My black

seeds are very tasty.

Summer: The flowers are blooming everywhere

On every hill and dell

Oh! How beautiful they are!

How lovely do they smell!

Все цветы танцуют вальс.

Ведущая: Thank you very much! Let’s sing the song “If you are happy”.

Все поют песню.

If you’re happy and you know it,

Clap your hands!

If you’re happy and you know it,

And you really want to show it,

If you’re happy and you know it,

Clap your hands!

If you’re happy and you know it,

Stamp your feet!

If you’re happy and you know it,

Stamp your feet!

If you’re happy and you know it,

And you really want to show it,

If you’re happy and you know it,

Stamp your feet!

If you’re happy and you know it,

Shout hooray!

If you’re happy and you know it,

Shout hooray!

If you’re happy and you know it,

And you really want to show it!

If you’re happy and you know it,

Shout hooray!

Ведущая: Our party is over. Thank you very much!

Мероприятие составлено по материалам журнала «Английский язык» издательского дома «Первое сентября», 2009г.а также УМК М.З. Биболетовой «Английский с удовольствием» изд. Титул-2007


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